Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1677: Ghost

Zhang Wanlin lightly nodded Gu Xunshuang\'s forehead, and the seemingly random behavior contained infinite power.

Change your fate! ?

Tatsuno was almost stupid standing in the same place, but he didn\'t expect to see this defying skill.

What is changing fate?

It is to go against the will of God and change the destiny of man to make it completely different from before.

This is like a person being born again, but compared to being born again, a random destiny has already been assigned.

No one had noticed this, nor would it have thought of it, even Gu Xunshuang as the person involved.

She only felt that Zhang Wanlin was okay and flicked her head, and then nothing happened.

"Host, maybe you read it wrong, you can look at it again."

Zhang Wanlin said.

"It doesn\'t matter how many times I watch it, it\'s the same."

The host said, but still observe the face of Gu Xunshuang.

Gu Xun Shuang is still the original Gu Xun Shuang, the same eyes, the same nose, the same small mouth, but these same facial features are squeezed together, forming a different temperament, and therefore a different destiny.

The host was almost stunned, thinking that he was wrong.

In a short period of time, why Gu Xun Shuang Kegui\'s physique disappeared! ?

This is impossible! She leaned closer and looked seriously, and took out the tortoise shell that had always stayed away from her body to perform a math. The more she knew, the more shocking she was.

Since this Gu Xunshuang\'s woman was different from the previous one, she was completely different, and she was completely another person.

How could this be?

Did you read it wrong?

The host\'s heart turned overwhelming.

She should not be mistaken, so the reason for being wrong must be for some reason.

For a long time.

The host finally sighed as if he had conceded: "It seems that I really got it wrong this time. I\'m getting old and old."

The tone was extremely weak.

"I read it wrong?"

Gu Xun was puzzled.

"Child, in fact, you are not a ghost-controlling body, but a normal physique, which is even better for controlling ghosts."

Host explanation.

"But... the palace lord always said that I was the body that suppresses ghosts, how could it be other physiques?

! "

Gu Xunshuang was even more puzzled.

"That\'s all wrong."

The host said: "Maybe for some reason, we were all wrong, and now you can control this ghost completely.

If you don\'t believe me, you can try. "

Regarding the host\'s remarks, Gu Xun Shuangru was in a dream, is it really as she said, everything is because they read it wrong?

What happened to the ghost suppression that I showed before?

All kinds of questions came up in her mind, and she had to think twice.

She said: "Even so, I can\'t fight ghosts right now. It takes time to fight ghosts, and this ghost is not ordinary, I think it will definitely not succeed."

"I think it is because of the difference that you should give it a try. Maybe you succeeded?

In addition, Tatsuno, you also want to make Gu Xunshuang become your master, right? "

Zhang Wanlin asked Tatsuno.

In the face of his calm eyes, Tatsuno seemed to see endless crises. Of course he knew what would happen if he didn\'t agree.

Quickly nodded and said: "Yes, I hope you can become my master.

I am willing to watch for you. "

"Then... I\'ll try it."

Gu Xun Shang bit his index finger, and then clicked on Long Ye\'s forehead, the blood-colored light lit up, and the contract was officially started for one person and one ghost.

Generally speaking, contracts like Gu Xunshuang need to surrender a certain amount of life, and the amount of life depends on the ghost contracted.

It takes at least 10 years for a special ghost like Tatsuno.

However, after the contract was completed, Gu Xunshuang did not feel that his life was deprived.

Indeed, her life span is indeed not deprived.

The contract is a two-way choice, that is, the person who is the ghost can choose whether to take the lifespan or not.

There is Zhang Wanlin behind Gu Xunshuang, and he has also told him before that if he takes the life span, minutes will make him look good.

Therefore, I can only choose not to take it.

In this regard, Gu Xunshuang was very surprised: "Why didn\'t you take my lifespan?"

"Life is only for ghosts who need it, I don\'t need it.

And more than these, I want you to be my master. "

In front of Zhang Wanlin, Long Ye could only say these things against his will.

"Thank you very much, don\'t worry, be my ghost, I will not let you down."

Gu Xun Shuang solemnly said.

Now it seems that everything is really dreaming. The previous physique is gone. Not only that, it takes more than one minute to contract a ghost, and the ghost does not have a lifespan.

Know that if it doesn\'t want a lifespan, even if it dies, it will not be related to the master.

It\'s incredible.

The host felt that things were going too smoothly, even smoother than any ghost defender she had ever seen.

Often what she sees is that people kneel to the ground in pain, suffering the pain of deprivation of life.

Or struggling to seek the approval of ghosts, hoping to become one of their own ghosts.

But the person in front of him is different.

This may be like a person opening up the two lines of Ren and Du, everything is different.

In the end, she can only classify the results into these.

A female priest hurriedly walked in and bowed and said: "Host, it\'s not good, a ghost broke into the realm of our temple."

"What kind of ghost is it?"

Since the weird resurrection, ghosts have often broken into the temple.

The host is not used to it.

"Hungry ghost."

"How is the power?"

"I\'m afraid it\'s comparable to a normal ghost."

"go out."

Gu Xunshuang said on the side: "I will go too."

She also happened to try her current strength.

The starving ghost is chasing the old man who came to ask for directions that day. The old man\'s surname is Jiang, who is known as Jiang Lao. He is the chairman of the Marriott Group. The company under his management involves real estate, physical manufacturing, mining, and so on.

He and his subordinates hid in the temple in embarrassment, guarded by the priestess.

"I don\'t know where this ghost came from. After we got out of the car, he followed."

"He has killed a lot of people and will kill them."

"I really have no other way to get here, I hope you can help me once."

Old Jiang said like this.

A long shadow was drawn out of the courtyard, and a ghost dressed in white floated over.

His face was withered, his expression was haggard, and he looked listless as if he had lost hope in life.

The body is especially thin, the same as a dead tree with no leaves on the side.

It just floated towards Mr. Jiang, and said something in its mouth: "I want to kill you...I want to kill you."

It coincided that the host and others came out, and Mr. Jiang saw the host and saw hope.

"Host, you must save me.

I don\'t know why this ghost has been following me. "

Ghosts and people were abnormal in the past, but normal now.

A weird resurrection, many grieving ghosts resurrected for nothing, erratic in the world, if they see someone, they will follow, and will not leave until after taking their lives.

"Don\'t worry, we can solve it."

The host comforted.

Gu Xunshuang couldn\'t wait to stand up: "Leave this ghost to me."