Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1675: Doubtful

After the battle of the Baidi Temple last night, only the inner part was well preserved, and other places were in ruins.

In addition, the sorceress passed away because of this, which is heartbreaking.

As a friend of the sorceress, Nangong Ling should stay here as an elder to go to the funeral. Just after the funeral, the host and the priestess of the temple fell to the ground.

"The Lord of the Palace is here, please be respected by us.

Now that the sorceress is dead, there is no leader in the temple, especially in this weird recovery, we need a man at the helm! Please be our witch. "

The host read aloud, and then kowtowed together with the priestesses.

Zhang Wanlin and Gu Xunshuang were standing aside, but they were surprised by the intruding scene.

You must know that being a sorceress requires supreme qualifications and abilities. According to the history of the temple, since the beginning of the helm of the sacred sorceress, he has been at least about 150 years old, even if he is 100 years old.

This is why the host can\'t sit in this position.

Nangong Ling is only 24 years old this year. How can He De sit in the position of a witch?

Why can you sit?

There are three reasons for the facilitator to consider.

First, even though Nangong Ling is 24 years old, she is a female emperor, ninth-five-year-old, above 10,000, and has a memory of thousands of years. Even if she is a sorceress in terms of qualifications, she can\'t match it.

In terms of status, that is already considered a reduction in status.

Second, the sorceress had previously ordered that if he died, the position of the sorceress should be passed to the palace lord.

Third, if there are people who question the first two, then the third reason I am afraid that everyone present will not deny it, that is the strength of Nangong Ling.

Last night, everyone saw Nangong Ling personally use Ghost Slayer to kill his opponent, and the scene had to be said to be shocking.

So, who dares not accept?

Even privately, she has been regarded as an object of worship without the Maiden Sacrifice.

"If it were me, I would also let the palace lord be some kind of sorceress."

Gu Xun double said: "You haven\'t seen the power released by the palace lord controlling the ghost last night, even if the world is dark, the power is infinite.

Of course, to tell you a ghost, you will definitely not be able to appreciate it. "

Zhang Wanlin smiled: "Why don\'t you have that strength?"

"I...I am not the Palace Master, of course I don\'t have that strength anymore."

Gu Xun blushed, don\'t turn his head.

Seeing this group of people kneeling on the ground, Nangong Ling quickly said, "You must not, no matter how good I am, how can I take the role of a witch and lead you?

And I\'m still in a dangerous situation now, it\'s not appropriate to involve you.

Even the battle last night probably started because of me. "

"Palace Master, don\'t shirk it. All this is explained by the previous sorceress.

You are also most qualified to serve here.

If someone makes trouble for you, we shall live and die with you. "

The host said without questioning.

Nangong Ling thought about it, and now she, Gu Xunshuang and Zhang Wanlin are weak.

Strange recovery, evil spirits in power, chaos in the world, and power are also important reasons to ensure safe survival in the future.

She finally said: "Well, I will be your witch from now on."

The host and all the disciples were excited: "Worship Lord Sorcerer."

At this point, the youngest witch in the Baidi Temple was born.

Go back to the exclusive bedroom of the sorceress alone, where the previous sorceress died here.

Nangong Ling sat in the chair thinking about the problem in his head.

This time it is undoubtedly able to defeat that person and ghost, but also rely on that power.

But what is that power? Whenever she remembers, she always feels uncomfortable, and that memory is like being pinched out of thin air.

After all... what is that power?

The host knocked on the door and walked in, knelt down on the futon, and said, "I can see that Lord Sorcerer has always had a trouble."

Nangong Ling nodded: "Well, I do have a trouble. To tell you the truth, I don\'t know the source of my strength. I was not me last night."

"Actually, I can see that you are not the same as you are now."

"Then you can tell, what\'s the difference?"

"Last night, you were more imperial, you can be said to be a natural emperor.

Lord Sorcerer, I am not talking about the emperor of this country, but the whole world. "

"Are you sure this is not an exaggeration?"

"How do I live for more than 100 years, not to say every word is useful, but at least it is true."

"That\'s really weird."

Nangong Ling thought of something and said, "If this happens again next time, please help me carefully. I want to know what I am."

"I will do it."

The sword-wielding figure of Nangong Ling was still in Gu Xunshuang\'s mind last night, especially when the ghosts were rushing by in thousands of horses, it was really exciting.

This is strength! This is the king who has fallen from the previous peak! When can my Gu Xunshuang be able to achieve this level?

Gu Xunshuang sat in the backyard thinking.

She has practiced the knife for several hours continuously, exhausted, sweat sticking to her hair, combined with the flushing on her face due to exercise, it is particularly charming.

Zhang Wanlin didn\'t know when he sat beside her: "Do you want to become stronger?"

"Ah! It scared me to death!"

Gu Xunshuang looked at him with an aura.

"I know you want to be stronger."

Zhang Wanlin said it again.

"Well, I just want to become stronger, but I don\'t have that strength, and I will never have that strength in my entire life."

"Who said no?" Zhang Wanlin smiled, "Do you know the reason why you are so weak now?"

"what reason?"

"Others are ghost defenders, but you are not."

Hearing this, Gu Xunshuang, who had always refused to admit defeat, lowered his head. This is indeed the case. She is not a ghost defender.

Guarding against ghosts is not something everyone can do.

First of all, you need to take out your lifespan. If you don\'t do it well, you may be deprived of your lifespan.

No matter how well you do it, it will deprive you of a certain life span.

It is an indisputable fact that ghost guardians have a short lifespan.

Gu Xunshuang tried to fight ghosts many times, but they all ended in failure.

Nangong Ling once told her that your physique is not suitable for guarding against ghosts.

Her physique is a typical anti-ghost.

"I have a way, I can\'t guard against ghosts."

She said lonely.

"No, you can."

Zhang Wanlin said to Gu Xun’s Ghost Slayer in his hands: “There are thousands of ghosts in it, especially a rare human ghost. If you can control his soul and let him become your ghost, Strength has greatly increased."

"But that is impossible!"

Gu Xun double said: "If you said yes, then I would have done it a long time ago, didn\'t I?"

In short, she just didn\'t believe it, that\'s weird if she believed it.

It\'s like believing something for more than 20 years. Suddenly one day, when someone tells you it is false, how will you react? You will definitely say that it is impossible.

This is the current mentality of Gu Xunshuang.

Zhang Wanlin was not in a hurry to persuade her, but took it and said: "Trust me, ghosts know ghosts best."

The next moment, his consciousness sank into the Ghost Slashing Blade.