Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1312: Sign up

There was a violent quarrel from downstairs.

Lilia exclaimed: "What are you doing to defend him like this?"

"I said he was called by Grandma Long, and I didn't defend him!"

Randy argued.

"I know, he bought you with money, including your mother!"

There is no sound over there.

They are coming upstairs.

If they come, Lilia will drive Zhang Wanlin out of the house, but he hasn't found any answer yet.

He couldn't help feeling a little flustered, looking at the oak window, the wind was streaming in.

Flowing into his heart, flowing on that quill pen, the white hair on it quivered slightly.

As if something opened from Zhang Wanlin's heart, he walked to the table, held a pen in one hand, and wrote a paragraph on the book with the other.

Suddenly, a violent wind blows into this room frantically, the pages of the book are flying, and the scene is messy.

When Randy and the two walked up to see this scene, Zhang Wanlin disappeared! The girl picked up the book that was blown down by the wind, and on it was written an elegant line: Dislocation.

Everything around has become very hazy and fuzzy, shrouded in a mysterious color.

Zhang Wanlin could see the outlines of Randy's two people, but they couldn't see him standing in front of them.

Where is this place again?

He scanned the surroundings and saw a wooden door next to it. The wooden door opened and closed slightly, and light leaked from the gap.

According to the comparison of positions, the wooden door is at the same position as the previous oak window.

There should be leading out of the window.

Zhang Wanlin walked over, pushed the door and walked in. Along with the moment of light, a dim scene appeared in front of his eyes.

This made him feel like deja vu.

It is exactly the same as the underground library of Saint Wing College.

Here is a furnace, and on the table are heated crucibles, distillation flasks for distillation, or containers for collecting various materials, and so on.

Corresponding labels are affixed to these transparent containers: lizard blood, human bone meal, colorful flowers... some names are even unheard of by Zhang Wanlin.

There is a sense of eerie horror here.

Soon, Zhang Wanlin noticed a book with a black leather cover on the table, with patterns and unrecognized characters carved on it. This font is so familiar.

He held it in his hand, and the breath of the vicissitudes of life came to his face.

I don't know the content recorded above, but I always feel that I have seen those patterns.

Where have you seen it?

When thinking like this, the door slammed open, and the wind poured in, blowing his clothes into a hunting noise.

Zhang Wanlin couldn't open his eyes.

When the wind disappeared, he saw everything in the surrounding scenery changed to what it was before: a wooden table, a book, a quill pen, and a hand-held lens.

The oak window was open, and the breeze was slow, everything in the house was in order, without the slightest mess.

Randy's footsteps were coming up.

All this seems incredible, and time has gone back! Zhang Wanlin hurriedly took the book into his arms.

Lilia stepped up and grabbed Zhang Wanlin's clothes and pulled him downstairs, "Grandma Long here does not allow anyone to come in, let me go out!"

Lilia blasted both of them out the door, and the door slammed shut.

The little chickens greeted them happily, shouting non-stop around the two lonely people.

Randy wanted to explain something to Lilia, but he didn't knock on the door for a long time.

Finally had to turn around and leave.

When the two walked far away, Lilia's choked voice came from the window on the second floor: "Randy! I hate you!"

Randy stayed, and it took a long time before he took heavy steps.

The two walked silently on the road. Randy asked, "Have you found the answer?"

"Maybe found."

Zhang Wanlin's hand rubbed the book in his arms.

The night was quiet, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse, Randy sent Zhang Wanlin to the gate of the inner city.

The guard here is heavily guarded, and the place where the torch shines shows the blood of the place, which has dried up.

It can be seen the tragedy here during the day.

Randy sent Zhang Wanlin to the alley and said, "I can only send it here."

"Thank you."

Zhang Wanlin said, taking out some gold coins from his bag and handing it to him, "This is what you deserve."

Randy stepped back sensitively, shook his head and said, "I can't take it anymore."

Zhang Wanlin thought that it was probably because of the girl, so he simply took the money back and said, "If there is any help in the future, please let me know."

Randy's eyes were full of expectation and said: "Can you save Long Po Po?"

Seeing his longing for hope, like a candlelight swaying in the dark night, Zhang Wanlin couldn't bear to extinguish its young flame, but he could do nothing.

"Sorry, I'm just a student."

"I knew it.

Goodbye. "

Randy waved his little figure and disappeared into the darkness.

Zhang Wanlin stood for a long time, feeling deeply that the child was bearing too much weight on his shoulders that he shouldn't bear.

His young mind has become mature and stable in cruelty.

This shouldn't be what this world should have.

Zhang Wanlin sighed and walked to the gate.

In the night, the army stood solemnly under the firelight, and a silent shadow cast on the wall and twisted.

This is the batch that has only been replaced, and this batch is even more severe because of the last vicious fight.

In normal nights, few people enter the inner city, especially the "untouchables".

They saw a person wrapped in burlap and linen slowly walking over, which was a bit weird in this extraordinary period.

They all put their hands on the hilt of their swords.

"Report your name."

The captain of the guard immediately shouted at the incoming person, who raised his head, his soft face with deep wise eyes.

Such a temperament is not something ordinary untouchables can have.

This brought up the spirit of the captain of the guard.

Zhang Wanlin then remembered the question of how he should get in. He usually went in and out as a nobleman, but didn't notice his status as a pariah.

And now is this extraordinary period, where riots are everywhere, and the relationship between the untouchables and the nobles is completely incompatible.

It is difficult for him to get in.

"I am a student of Holy Wing Academy."

Zhang Wanlin said.

The captain of the guard looked at Zhang Wanlin suspiciously. This young man with ordinary clothes and even patches even claimed to be a student of the Holy Wing Academy. What a daring! Some soldiers sneered.

But on the other hand, no pariah has the courage to pretend to be a nobleman.

The captain of the guard cautiously said, "Is there any proof?"

The voucher is the pass, and only some special personnel will have it.

Zhang Wanlin untied the saber from under his robe. The sabre had the unique carving art of the Holy Wing Academy. The hilt of the sword was carved into the shape of wings, meaning "wing".

At the end of the hilt, a small text is the identity of the student.

The captain of the guard looked there and saw the words "Zhang Wanlin".