Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1268: cave

There is a roof in the dream, a girl in red standing on the roof looking at the stars, her eyes are also full of stars.

"Why do you like watching stars so much?"

"The stars will smile at me."

She laughed lightly, as if the night sky was illuminated.

"Don't you feel lonely alone?"

"And them, they are my friends."

The two of them looked at the stars together, as if they could see the wasteland and the old, the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten.

Zhang Wanlin woke up, coughing more than ever.

He picked up the flashlight on the ground, but luckily it could still be turned on.

The light of the flashlight hits the surroundings. Here is a cave. The cold water is submerged at the entrance of the cave and stretches forward indefinitely. The stone walls in the cave are smooth, as if they are frozen, falling in strange shapes, some like needles, some like mountain peaks, and others like The terraces, in various poses, present a typical karst cave.

The light of the flashlight saw a stone, and the stone reached the height of his waist. When he approached it, it turned out to be a sarcophagus.

Did it reach someone else's grave?

He bypassed the sarcophagus, and soon found a spiraling staircase, followed the staircase to the second floor.

The second layer has no moisture in the first layer, and it is more dry.

When the flashlight was turned on, there was a rectangular room that was manually excavated. As usual, there was nothing in the room. Only a wooden coffin was placed in the center. Behind the wooden coffin is a spiral staircase.

If this is a tomb, it would be too weird. How could there be two coffins in a tomb and they are layered on top of each other? Zhang Wanlin thought this way, unable to help curiosity, and approached the wooden coffin.

The wooden coffin was dark in color, and it seemed to have a sense of age, but there was no trace of the passage of time in the whole body, as if it had just been put in.

When Zhang Wanlin pushed the lid of the coffin, it was easier to push than expected. The moment the coffin opened, it smelled so bad, and the flashlight hit it, Zhang Wanlin almost fell to the ground in fright.

The whole body in the coffin was rotten, and the face was full of gully, and some white bugs turned over and over on the corpse. In sharp contrast, he was wearing a black Taoist robe, which was clean and shiny, showing luster.

Zhang Wanlin covered his mouth and nose and quickly closed the lid of the coffin.

Now he just wants to leave this ghost place quickly.

On the third floor, Zhang Wanlin couldn't help being taken aback. It was as gorgeous as a palace, magnificent and magnificent, with jade and ceramic gold carvings everywhere. If Zhang Wanlin hadn't just come up from below, he would definitely feel that he had entered a certain palace.

What surprised Zhang Wanlin even more was that Hu Yu was lying here, why would the beast put her here?

Zhang Wanlin went to support her and looked around her body. There was only a slight abrasion on her body.

"Hu Yu, wake up!"

Hu Yu did not move, if it weren't for breathing, Zhang Wanlin would really think she was dead.

He must take her out of this ghost place first.

Zhang Wanlin was looking for an exit with a flashlight, but there seemed to be a force in the dark that attracted him to a corner of the room.

In front of him was a luxurious bed, which was lightly covered by purple tulle.

There seemed to be something behind the tulle quietly twitching his heartstrings.

He wanted to find out, licking the tulle lightly, and what caught his eye was a beautiful girl.

The girl was about seventeen or eighteen years old, her cold beauty was lifeless, she wore a black and purple robe, with her hair scattered, just like a banging rose, so beautiful that she was so beautiful that she couldn't figure it out.

She is like a sleeping beauty, lying there quietly, perhaps she has slept for hundreds of years, or perhaps thousands of years, time has eclipsed her in front of her.

Her stunning makes Zhang Wanlin stunned for a moment. Since the red dress, he has never seen such a refined beauty in the world.

He watched and watched with such concentration, as if he could never finish watching in a lifetime.

The upper body suddenly became hot, as if lava had been burned into the body.

He woke up and found himself unknowingly kissing the girl's cold lips.

Zhang Wanlin was taken aback and hurriedly withdrew. How could he kiss a dead person?

After spitting out a few mouthfuls and cursing bad luck, he began to look for an exit, but he didn't know that something was flowing in his body.

This is a closed space, and there is no way out except to go down.

But the exit below is only the endless water, and I don’t know where it leads, not to mention the wooden coffin and the corpse in the wooden coffin... Zhang Wanlin quickly thought that this is the hollow of the mountain in the lake. Partly, because he jumped off that mountain when he saw the beast before, and obviously it went out of the mountain from here.

Since the beast can go out, there must be something in it.

Thinking about this, he banged on the wall, trying to find the mechanism.

The light of the flashlight became weaker and weaker, and finally it went dark.

He took out the lighter and barely lit the candlestick next to it.

At this time, there was a rumbling sound, and a hole was opened in front of him, and the night came in.

Zhang Wanlin was overjoyed, and he hugged Hu Yu and walked out. The mouth closed again with the rumbling sound, and the room once again entered the darkness as before.

Only in the darkness this time, a pair of red and amber eyes appeared.

Zhang Wanlin stood on the mountainside, looking around, there was a circle of lakes, and in the distance it was plunged into the darkness of night.

Looking at the exit behind him again, it was tightly closed with a rock wall, completely natural.

At this moment, Hu Yu woke up slightly, still in the panic before, and couldn't help but feel relieved when he saw Zhang Wanlin.

She asked, "Where is this?"

"I do not know either."

The two went down to the foot of the mountain and stopped by the lake.

It's almost dawn.

"Let's wait here until dawn before talking."

Zhang Wanlin proposed.

Hu Yu nodded.

The two calmed down and sat opposite each other, with a small flame burning in the middle. This was the dry wood that Zhang Wanlin finally found from nearby.

The temperature of the fire roasted the two of them, making them feel warm in the cold night.

"I'm sorry to implicate you in."

Hu Yudao.

"We are doing this kind of work, what's to be sorry for."

"Thank you, thank you even more."

The two were speechless, the firewood crackled and sparks splashed everywhere.


A roar broke the peace of night.

The two were shocked, and Zhang Wanlin guarded Hu Yu.

I saw two blood-red eyes floating in the dark under the hazy night.

Under the shining of the flame, its gradually clear figure can be seen vaguely: it is pitch black, like a giant wolf, and its eyes are illuminated with two fierce red lights. It is the previous beast.

It's back again! Its eyes were firmly locked on Zhang Wanlin's body, step by step stepping on the demeanor of the king.

Hu Yu nervously grabbed Zhang Wanlin by the corner of his clothes, a flame ignited on Zhang Wanlin's body.

Looking at the red clothes floating in the air, the beast rushed towards Zhang Wanlin with no disdain.

The red clothes fell along with a few flames, blocking Zhang Wanlin's body.

The two fought fiercely together, and the beast was quick and fierce, and its huge mouth opened and slammed in the air.

The red clothes are like the incarnation of flames, and they dance wildly like flames in a few strokes.

Zhang Wanlin's mana was rapidly consuming. Knowing that the red shirt would not last long, he pulled Hu Yu to the side.