Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1250: Origin

Both of them were stunned, and together it was a toad who wanted to eat swan meat.

Zhang Wanlin said: "Sad God, can we change it?"

Now he has no money, no house, no car, no savings, and a lively poor second generation. How can he find this beauty to be his "mother-in-law".

Let’s not talk about it, let’s just say how this ghost marries someone is a problem.

Bad God said: "I don't care, anyway, this is my wish."

The two were sitting on the side of the stall like frustrated balls, and the midway lady came over to ask Zhang Daoshan to eat melon seeds, but he refused.

Soon, the first business came.

An old man wearing cloth shoes and tied trousers came to the stall and asked: "Are you Taoist priests?"

Zhang Daoshan replied: "Of course it is."

The old man beamed his eyebrows and took Zhang Daoshan to leave: "Hurry up, go see my granddaughter."

"Well, old man, slow down." While following the old man, Zhang Daoshan turned around and told Zhang Wanlin: "Take the stall."

Zhang Wanlin murmured in the back, now it's time to recite the two.

The two of them left, the auntie knocked the melon seeds a little reluctantly. Someone went to the toilet halfway through and didn't notice it, until the person came out to scold him for five cents.

After the bazaar, it didn't take long to reach the densely populated area.

The tiled houses were crowded, new ones, old ones, and some run-down and abandoned ones. The small streets were lined with racks of clothes racks, and women berated the children's play.

This seems to be approaching a big family.

The old man took the roadside and explained what happened.

It turned out that their granddaughter went out to play a week ago, but did not come back very late.

The old couple were worried that there was only one granddaughter at home, and the son and daughter-in-law who went out to work gave them the baby. If something happened, how could you explain it to them.

Go out and look for it now.

I found a few good playmates for my granddaughter, and they all looked scared and couldn't say anything.

After further questioning, I realized that they had gone to the Zhang Family Courtyard.

The old couple suddenly let out a cold sweat. This is a famous haunted house, which is gloomy during the day, and sometimes you can hear a heart-wrenching cry at night.

Usually few people get close there, but these urchins are playing in it.

When the parents heard this, they took off the pants of the children and screamed.

The old couple didn't dare to neglect, so they went to the ghost house together with the villagers.

The ghost house was as eerie and horrible as ever, but this time they clearly saw an extra figure standing at the gate of the house.

The villagers did not dare to get out of the air, and some simply made an excuse to go back, and ran away like the wind.

The old man was the first to bear the brunt, holding the torch, leaning over, swallowing inadequately, and getting closer. At first glance, this figure was clearly his granddaughter.

But this granddaughter was not as energetic and lively as before, but looked at him and smiled stupidly.

Since then, my granddaughter has developed a high fever and fell asleep in bed for most of the day. Many doctors were called and shook their heads and sighed, saying that there was no cure for the disease.

This old man was born unbelievable, and thought that his granddaughter had something to do in the Zhang family compound, which might have something to do with ghosts, so he planned to invite a Taoist priest.

And not long after I left, I saw the two of them at the stall.

Zhang Daoshan listened and said, "This Dao does his best."

When he came to a small courtyard, there were a few dilapidated brick houses in the courtyard. The old man explained to the insider: "Hurry up and prepare tea."

It looked like the man was dressed in a yellow Taoist robe and dressed as a Taoist priest. The wife was happy and went into the house to prepare tea.

Zhang Daoshan said, "Take me in and have a look."

The old man led the two into the back room, which was dark and damp, relying on the little light from the windows to support the light.

The little girl was lying on the bed, her face pale and dying.

Zhang Daoshan sat in front of the bed, looked at the little girl’s pupils, took a while, and said, “Don’t worry, father, your granddaughter is still saved.”

Upon hearing this, the old man hurriedly knelt on the ground, kowtowing, "Master, the granddaughter's illness depends on you."

Zhang Wanlin hurriedly helped the old man, and Zhang Daoshan said, "But you have to take us to the ghost house first."


A few people went out again, and the freshly prepared tea could only be chilled there.

The people in the village heard that the old man had invited Taoist priests, and they all rushed to watch, just like watching monkeys on the street, not to mention Zhang Daoshan's Taoist robe refreshed them.

Speaking of this robe, Zhang Daoshan also planned to buy one for Zhang Wanlin. Zhang Wanlin refused to live or die, saying that he was wearing a different kind of robe. It would be better to wear his tattered casual clothes.

On the way, Zhang Wanlin was curious and asked, "Master, what is this disease?"

"It's not a disease, but a soul lost."

Zhang Daoshan guessed that Zhang Wanlin wanted to ask what his fate soul was, so he said: "Man has three souls and seven souls, and the three souls are heaven, earth, and fate.

Life and soul govern thinking, wisdom, action, and subjectivity, if deprived, it naturally manifests as dementia and low resistance. "

Zhang Wanlin scratched his head and asked, "Then why is the only one missing the soul?"

Zhang Daoshan replied: "She wore a talisman on her body, which protected his soul. It must be the powerful ghost who took the life and soul abruptly."

Several people finally arrived at the entrance of the Zhang Family Courtyard.

Before I went in, I saw a big ashamed tree stretched out wantonly, and its branches and leaves covered most of the yard.

Zhang Daoshan held his eight-character Hu, and said, "This shameful tree is yin in its roots, and it is growing so well."

Zhang Wanlin was puzzled and asked, "Master, what does this mean?"

Zhang Daoshan glanced at him and said, "Yin Qi is too heavy."

Pushing open the rusty gate, came to the grassy courtyard, where the big shame is growing here.

Zhang Daoshan walked around the tree, then said to Zhang Wanlin, "Dig two feet in the middle of the main entrance."

He didn't bring a shovel when he came, so Zhang Wanlin planned to use the mahogany sword to dig, but Zhang Daoshan was yelled at by him. Fortunately, the old man found two shovels.

The two dug together, and Zhang Daoshan continued to look around the tree.

After digging to two feet, Zhang Wanlin found nothing. Zhang Daoshan walked with his hands behind his back, rummaged in the soil, and quickly found a copper coin.

"Sure enough, I didn't expect it."

But he buried the copper coin back.

It is buried very deep and very particular about burying the soil. First bury three points, then four points, and finally three points until the ground is flat. If there are no excavation marks, it seems that there is no doubt on the surface.

This is mainly a lie.

In fact, ghosts can be deceived just like people.

Zhang Wanlin was puzzled and asked, "Why is it buried back again."

I muttered in my heart, if I knew so, what did I dig out again.

Zhang Daoshan said: "What do you know, this copper coin was originally used to trap the shadowy formation, I take it away, and the ghosts in the courtyard will escape."

After finishing speaking, he looked up at the shame tree and seemed to mutter to himself: "I am sleepy and use shame to nourish yin. It seems that he is really a man with sinister intentions."

After all, greet Zhang Wanlin to prepare something, and the practice will start tonight.