Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1247: Unlucky

This is a simple rental house, a room with a kitchen and a toilet.

Hexi's sunshine climbed through the window to Zhang Wanlin's naked upper body. He didn't know when he would be back last night.

He squinted his eyes, rolled over, and fell under the bed with a thump, waking up completely with pain.

Compared with the desperation of suicide yesterday, today is obviously much better, and there is a feeling of being reborn from the shell.

He took a bath comfortably, cleaned the house, and dressed vigorously.

Now that everyone has fallen into the lowest valley, no matter where he goes, he is always going up. He figured this out.

Coming downstairs, the early risers were busy at work, the children laughed and went to school, and the old ladies danced square dances to high music.

There is a steamed bun shop downstairs where I rented a house. The steam is coming out and the smell is tangy. Zhang Wanlin’s breakfast is bought here many times, so he is an acquaintance with the boss.

He walked over and was about to say hello to the boss, but when he lifted his foot, he stepped on the banana peel and fell to the ground with a "bang", knocking pain on the back of his head.

The kid on the side looked at him playfully.

He cursed unlucky secretly, got up and patted his butt.

The middle-aged boss joked: "Yo, a good start."

Zhang Wanlin said: "You don't clean up the front of the shop, but I fell down after taking care of your business. Let's see how to deal with it."

Still rubbing the back of his head.

The boss handed a bun: "This is compensation, okay?"

"Just this one bun?"

Although it was disgusting, he snatched it over.

"One more cage."

"Good Le."

Zhang Wanlin plans to go to the talent market. After all, the money in his pocket is only enough for this month's rent.

While eating steamed buns and walking, the talent market is not far away, and it will be two blocks away.

When he reached a crossroad, he was eating deliciously, thinking about how the boss's buns were getting more and more delicious, but suddenly he heard a scream, and then he saw a car slamming into him.

With his cheeks bulging and chewing on the buns, he was in heaven last moment, but he was at the scene of the car accident the next moment. He was too late to react and stayed where he was.

boom! The car slammed into a big tree next to him impartially, no more than a centimetre away from him.

The leaves fell down and landed on him, and he swallowed the bun with a grunt.

This frightened him.

The investigation revealed that it was a drunk driver.

He yelled on the road, what kind of wine was he drinking this early morning! Due to a two-hour delay due to a car accident on the road, it was already noon when I arrived at the talent market.

There was a lot of crowds, crowded into one, with mixed voices.

In recent years, the economy has been sluggish, many people have lost their jobs, and college students are all over the floor.

For a person like Zhang Wanlin who is incapable and has no diploma, it is even more difficult to find a job.

He squeezed into a few interviews with a cheek, and attracted reprimand from others. The interviewer looked at his resume and only said that it was inappropriate.

It used to be okay, I would say to go back and wait for news, but now there is no shortage of people but it is more direct.

The resume was gone, but the job was not settled. Just when he was frustrated, he saw a deserted interview place. When he saw it in the past, he couldn't help but aroused curiosity: recruiting an apprentice Taoist priest.

The table is covered with yellow cloth, and peach swords, talisman paper, etc. are placed on it.

A middle-aged Taoist priest sitting at the table with his eyes closed, seems to be meditating.

Zhang Wanlin walked over and took a closer look. He felt boring and wanted to leave, but the Taoist priest suddenly opened his eyes and said, "I think your Yintang is dark, you must be surrounded by evil spirits.

Poor..." Zhang Wanlin had already left before the words were over.

He hurriedly pulled over and said, "The poor way can keep you safe. How about only charging you 20 yuan?"

Zhang Wanlin glanced disdainfully, "You Taoist priest are too cheap."

The Taoist priest said: "I'm so cheap, I can count as half charity."

"Then are you doing business here or recruiting apprentices?"

"Do both.

You can also be my apprentice, and I will help you exorcise evil for free, how about? "

"I think you should get rid of your own evil, so you don't want to be deceived and kidnapped."

Zhang Wanlin left after speaking, for fear that the Taoist priest would drag him back again.

The Taoist priest stood behind with a horoscope and smiled: "You will be back within three days."

Zhang Wanlin said in his heart, really pretending to be a ghost! In fact, Zhang Wanlin came back the next day, and it was all because of a thrilling incident that happened that night.

In the evening, Zhang Wanlin returned tiredly, searching various talent markets but found nothing.

Thinking about what happened today, I first fell, and then there was a car accident. In the end, I couldn't even find a job, and others thought he was thin.

I also encountered a Taoist priest who was kidnapped and deceived.

It's really a leak in the house that happened to rain in the night.

Why is he so unlucky?

Can't help but think of what happened last night, that mysterious voice, could it have a connection?

He didn't dare to think about it anymore, and shuddered when he thought about it.

He was taking a shower while humming a little song, and the water from the nozzle seemed to wash away all his worries today.

But suddenly the ground shook for a while, almost causing him to fall to the ground.

He immediately thought of the earthquake, picked up a pair of white pants and rushed out.

The people upstairs screamed and rushed down, suddenly seeing a naked man rushing while wearing his pants, and was even more startled. The women were screaming and dying.

When the last person rushed out, the entire building collapsed and became a ruin. The residents watched all this in horror.

This is not an earthquake, but the collapse of the house. At this time, the onlookers have already said.

"This building must be a ruined building, so it's collapsed."

"I can't see it. This building has been standing here for more than ten years."

And so on... Zhang Wanlin was about to cry. He was already poor, and now all the belongings on his body are a pair of pants that he wears on his body.

He is not the most unlucky yet. The most unlucky is the landlord. This good house is down. She has lost all her hard work for half a lifetime. She cried so much that she cried, "God **** it! Which **** has brought my house down." !?"

I bought this building with all the hard work I spent most of my life.

Who is not sad, who is not sad?

Mb! It's maddening! She yelled at him, cursing that God is not long-eyed, and cursing everyone around him is not a good person.

Anyway, it's like crazy.

No one has seen such a big battle. Probably none of them have ever felt the feeling of being directly penetrated in a person's heart.

"M's, I have worked hard for half my life, and if you don't, you won't!"

"Who pays me, who pays me."

When the police came over, she jumped up and pulled at the other's neckline as if she saw hope, "You pay me!"

Zhang Wanlin suddenly thought of that mysterious voice, maybe it was a ghost! If this continues, I am afraid that my life will not be preserved. I still go to see the Taoist priest. The dead horse can only be a living horse doctor.