Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1231: lift

The light in Shi Ju's eyes moved strongly, Dashan's body moved forward, and a hundred members of his tribe screamed and were pulled to the sky.

At this moment, Zhang Wanlin appeared.

It jumped down from the side of the mountain, aiming at the head of the giant stone.

This was discussed long ago by Ashe and Zhang Wanlin.

While Shiju was walking down this mountain, Ashe led the tribe to delay the action of Shiju, while Zhang Wanlin attacked from above, because only here was the best attack position.

The arm that gathered the fists seemed to have doubled, and the burst of power roared.

An attack of up to 740,000 or so is enough to change the color of the world.

Zhang Wanlin's punch hit the top of Shi Ju's head.

Bang bang bang! The power was transmitted from the top of its head to its feet. In an instant, the ground moved and the mountains shook, and several huge cracks appeared on the ground's thousand-year-old ice, just like countless valleys splitting the ground.

The icy sea on the verge was also hit by force, forming a turbulent tsunami that hit the nearby coast.

This blow was enough to make Freljord land a deep mark.

Sirila looked particularly horrified, "What the **** was that force just now..." Ashe did not answer for a long time, but looked at the top of the stone giant.

The power of this man almost caused all the people of this land to suffer huge disasters.

In the last blow, countless people fell into the cracks, and countless people were swept by the tsunami. As a result, their wives were scattered, and the white-haired people sent the black-haired people.

The stone giant stood still, like a high mountain standing there, and there was still a slight flash in its eyes.


Sirila shouted.

The look quickly changed from surprise to surprise.

However, Ashe's Ice-Climbing Bow radiated an extremely strong light at this moment, and it anxiously reminded the owner to evacuate quickly.

It's not dead yet! At the same time, Zhang Wanlin also felt the magical movement on the giant stone giant, the light blue magical power of this land was surrounding it, healing it.

Look at its information again.

Its health is rapidly recovering, and it has now reached 50,000.

The resilience is so amazing.

Zhang Wanlin wanted to gather all his strength and give another fist, but he saw the land below.

The destroyed land was already devastated and looked messy, all of which was caused by his power just now.

If you use another punch, it will make this land worse.

He withdrew his fist.

Ashe looked straight at the huge stone statue enveloped by the unprecedented grand magic, the ice-bound bow seemed to remind her just now.

The sight before him was like a mother caring for her injured child tenderly and carefully.

When her mind touched the mysterious power of this land, she couldn't help but feel pain.

She knelt down in pain, and suddenly, she understood.

This mother is Freljord.

It nurtured the child in front of him.

The purpose of this child was never to destroy this loving land, but to drive away evil humans from this land.

These humans must have done something taboo.

Thinking of this, Ash was furious, and she looked at Hirella with cold eyes, like the coldest wind blowing on her.

"Tell me, why did it wake up?

! "

Hirella was horrified, her eyes dodged again and again, "I said it, it's out of control."

"Then I ask you, why is it out of control!?"

"How do I know this!?"

"You do not know!?

As the war mother here, how could you not know! ? "

Ashe said angrily, "I'm afraid it is precisely because I know that I dare not say it, right?"

She raised the Bow of Zhenbing and aimed at Cyrilla, the ice arrows gathered and formed, and they would be launched at any time.

"Aish, stop joking.

I follow you, how dare to have two hearts? "

Hirella hurriedly said.


Frozen Arrow seemed to be angry too, trembling.

"Don't get excited.

Everything I say is the truth. "

As soon as Sirila's words landed, the icy arrow whizzed out and shot at her body.

The power of mortals cannot match the power of the throne.

However, Sirella showed a smile at the moment, and the black mist rose from under her feet and reunited in front of her, forming a black vortex.

Frostbolt was swallowed mercilessly.

Sirila smiled and said, "Aish, what I'm telling you is the truth, why don't you believe me?

""What kind of power are you! ? "

Ashe was startled.

"Hey, don't you want to know the answer?

The power of darkness! "

Hirella said proudly: "The three sisters in the Esoteric Buddhism have also used this power, but it's a pity that they are too stupid and failed."

Now Ashe finally understood why this land had such a strong reaction, it turned out that there was the power of darkness.

"This is a taboo, you shouldn't touch the bottom line of this land!"

"I am the war mother of this land, who dares to restrain me!?"

Sirila laughed, "In this land, I am the master!"

The sky suddenly pulled down the dark curtain.

Countless huge tentacles protruded from the cracks in the earth and moved.

This situation looks weird and full of evil.

Several huge tentacles attacked Ashe, and Ashe dodged again and again, a strong cold glow erupted from the Bow of Ice, and an ice arrow with a cold howling wind directly shot at Hirella in the middle of the antenna.

Hirella only stretched out one hand and lightly pointed it on the Frostbolt.

Frostbolt shattered instantly.

"The power of the throne is no more than that."

She proudly said, her fingers drew a circle in the air.

A black mist surrounded Ashe's body, binding her to the ground.

Sirila walked slowly with a sneer, "Thanks to your friends, I can completely open the shackles of this land.

The power of darkness now sealed under this land will do my best.

The entire Freljord will be my world! "

She has a pair of hands, and her black tentacles fiddle with each other, responding to her call.

In fact, the reason why Shiju is here is to seal the ever-expanding dark power under his feet.

The war mother of the Dokkur tribe, Sirila, accidentally discovered this secret. She used this power and was deeply impressed by its power.

Thus, she became the master of this dark force.

For half of her life, she has devoted herself to possessing this huge power under her feet, but she has been sealed by the ancient power of Freljord, so she dare not act rashly.

Just the last time, she was unwilling to wait, listened to the dark, and used all the clansmen to create rituals, and wanted to release this power, which led to Shiju's changes.

Freljord’s magic turned into a furious stone giant, trying to drive out the pests of this land.

Cyrilla is completely powerless, and she is not Shiju's opponent without the power of complete darkness.

At this time, she heard the news from Parker, the reincarnation of Avarosa.

The power of the giant stone and the throne of Avarossa are the same, she thought, maybe it can be defeated by its power.

So he came to Avarosa and asked for help.