Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1228: Main hall

The last voice rang in his heart.


Where can I escape?

! His absent-minded eyes regained their vibes: "Avarossa's people, never run away! Prepare your sword."

Inside the tent, the fierce fighting and screams could already be heard outside, and it was obvious that they were surrounded.

Parker took the long knife from the guard and walked out of the tent with a tall and strong body. At this moment, he seemed to be back when he was young.

One after another, the Pallins surrounded this huge tent with scimitars, some of which were **** Dorant rebels.

The leader of the team was a young woman dressed in the fur of the Ice Wolf King and lined with a tube top and soft armor.

She is Pallins' war mother, Dora.

Parker walked from the tent with the remaining guards, looking at the woman in front of him with resolute eyes.

"I, Avarosa, and your well do not violate the river, why did you destroy our tribe!"

He said it very sadly.

Dora looked at the old man playfully, admiring his courage until death, but unfortunately, he was from Avarosa.

"The weak eats the strong, have you ever heard of it?

There is no shortage of robbers like us in Freljord. "

"When our war mother found the Throne of Avarosa, she would definitely not let you go!"


Dora laughed, "Tell you a good news, she did find Avarosa's throne, and was even rumored to be Avarosa's reincarnation."

Parker was taken aback, "Then how dare you..." Dora narrowed her eyes: "One more bad news. She and her so-called throne were buried in the thunder and lightning of the Kuchar tribe."

After speaking, she watched Parker's reaction interestingly.

"How is it possible...You must be a lie."

"Father, you are already dead, how could I lie to you?"

Dora smiled, "I'm telling you this, I just hope you don't die with hope, but despair.

You Avarosa is over.

Now belongs to us, Pallins! "

Speaking of the end, Dora waved her hand, countless people rushed forward, and the long knife slashed at the last few Avarosa's tribe.

At this moment, a dragon chant suddenly sounded in the sky.

The huge shadow covered the earth, and everyone was taken aback at this moment, and at the same time looked towards the sky.

The black dragon hovering down from the sky almost made them stunned and frightened.

Dragons belong to legendary creatures, and the Freljords have not seen them for a long time.

How could there be a black dragon here! ?

The ice eroded on the ground, and the strong wind pressure scattered the surrounding tents, and countless Palins were knocked to the ground.

It lowered its wings, presenting a natural sloping staircase, and a white-haired woman walked from its back with a kingly temperament.

Behind her followed a middle-aged man and a man who was completely covered in a thick robe.

Under the shadow covered by the robe and hat, no one could see his face clearly, which made him seem mysterious for a while.

Seeing this woman, Parker and the tribe were pleasantly surprised. This is their war mother—Aish.

She is riding a black dragon to save Avarosa who is in danger! All of them were overwhelmed by her temperament for a while, and no one dared to do it rashly.

She is like a goddess in the wind and snow, carrying endless fury.

Under the wavy white hair, there were a pair of cold eyes.

Ashe raised the ice-bound bow and aimed it at War Mother Parins, the ice arrows gathered and formed, and the frosty breath of flowing water gathered from all around and wrapped around Ashe's body.

The ice-blue light bloomed before the eyes of the world.

This is the power of the Throne of Avarosa.

Everyone on the scene was almost shocked by this power.

They threw down their swords and bowed respectfully to the ground. Before the sacred throne, they looked like ants.

For a while, only Dora stood awkwardly, she looked left and right unwillingly, she didn't even see anyone willing to follow her.

In the end, she could only put down the knife dejectedly and knelt on the ground.

"I am the battle mother of Pallins, and I will lead all the people of the tribe to be loyal to you, Avarosa."

Ashe lowered her bow and walked from a distance, dragging her frizzy cloak in front of Dora.

Dora raised her head, seeing Ashe's ice-blue eyes looking down at her.

"Tie it up."

She said coldly.


The two tribesmen who were originally from Pallins did not hesitate to tie their original war mother with ropes.

This is just as Dora said, this is a world where the weak eat the strong, and the people should follow the strong.

"War mother, please spare me."

Dora pleaded.

"Then you let me off from Avarosa's people?"

It was like a death sentence was sentenced to her, causing her to bow her head completely.

Parker greeted the only few remaining members of the clan, tears of excitement: "War mother! You are finally back!"

"Well, I have worked hard for you during this time."

Ashe said, "Leave it to me next."


Parker said, "But before that, I asked to kill one person first?"



Dorant got up and ran, Parker threw out a long knife angrily and pierced his abdomen, killing him in full view.

Taking advantage of Ai Xi to deal with the affairs between the clansmen, Zhang Wanlin came to the ice eclipse on his own.

At this time, his hostility value reached 3464 points, which was about to be close to the value of irrational.

He could feel that something was about to move in the dark, and this thing scared him.

Zhang Wanlin's alienation was lifted, and the black dragon fell to the ground as if there was no shelf to support it, becoming a part of the mountains here.

At the same time, the hostility value also declined.

[Guilty 3463.] [Guilty 3462.] [Guilty 3461.]...At this time Dak came over, and he bowed and said: "Blood alliance, there are some things, you may need your own help."

"Please speak."

"The war has resulted in a large number of wounded, I am afraid you need your starlight magic."

Zhang Wanlin's current health has only recovered to 3231, and he has no doubt put himself in a more dangerous situation by treating so many people.

He said: "I'm afraid I can't help anymore. I need to recover urgently now."

"Well, I understand, you don't have to force the blood alliance, after all, you are also hurt."

Dark walked down respectfully.

Why is Duck so respectful to himself suddenly?

Zhang Wanlin was really puzzled.

This made him feel a sense of estrangement inexplicably.

War Mother Pallins was put to death. A total of 2,341 members of the tribe and fighters belonged to Avarosa, and at the same time, they also had their land.

In addition, ten of Avarosa’s traitors were executed, and the rest were dealt with lightly because they were deceived by the traitors.

Ashe finished dealing with these trivial matters, she felt very tired, and she said to the new waitress: "Go and ask the blood alliance to come over."


The waitress bent over, and soon, the blood alliance Zhang Wanlin walked into the Hall of the Children of Ice.