Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1222: Physical limitations

It did not cause all the damage, probably because of the limitations of this body.

Zhang Wanlin thought.

The blue blood coveted at the corner of Bingfang's mouth. The intense pain just now made it so furious that it entered a state of rampage.

With a scream, it flew straight over and grabbed Zhang Wanlin on its paws.

After flying out of the cave, there is a high cliff of ten thousand meters high, with a dark area below it, like a big dark mouth.

Zhang Wanlin was smashed on the mountain wall and fell into the abyss like a rolling stone.

[Collision damage 3234.] [Collision damage 1252.]...... Due to the fragile effect exerted by the cold, the damage almost doubled.

[12,000 damage from impact (high altitude blessing)] Zhang Wanlin fell on the hard ice below, almost smashing the ice out of a cracked pit.

Previously, once the loss exceeded 10,000 HP, Zhang Wanlin would be unconscious, but this never happened again until he got the upgraded version of Prayer.

Zhang Wanlin felt that he was still in a coma.

Bingfang flapped his wings, fanning a violent wind and falling in front of this human.

The pure white body was covered with a gauze of darkness in the valley.

It did not expect that this human being dropped from a high altitude and did not die. It was really interesting.

However, this fall did cause him to lose all his fighting power and linger on the ground.

Now is the time to enjoy the food.

Bingfang walked towards it slowly, and there was still sticky blood remaining on the big open mouth, which was spread on its mouth like a cobweb.

Zhang Wanlin has no strength to deal with it anymore.

He closed his eyes as if admitting his fate.

It ends here.


At this time, there was a long hoarse roar from the other direction.

This voice was gloomy and dark, as if it came from the deepest part of hell, with a more terrifying aura.

The ice dragon's body was almost stiff, it immediately closed its mouth, grabbed Zhang Wanlin in its paws, and looked around vigilantly.

Surrounded by the usual sound of Xiao Xiaofeng, mixed with witch-like painful singing.

The darkness in the distance opened a pair of blood-red eyes and locked Bingfang firmly.

Its back undulates as it moves, and the rugged black armor covers every inch of the body like an armor, reflecting the faint cold light.

The limbs are particularly strong, and the black claws are enough to tear every creature here.

It is the only king in this deadly realm-ice eclipse.

[Character: Ice Eclipse Type: Legend, Dragon, Magic Life: 20000 Mana: 10000 Attack Power: 6000+1200+2300 (ice bonus, cold night bonus) Armor: 7000 Magic resistance: 400] It possesses the extraordinary ability of the Territory of the Dead-to control the dead.

Any dead body will be resurrected according to its will, and it will mutate, and its strength will be more than twice as strong as before.

The two winter bats appearing behind it are a manifestation of its abilities.

Even Bingfang in the peak period may not have been able to beat the ice erosion, not to mention there are two winter bats to help out.

It must have found it in search of the smell of blood.

The ice dragon opened its wings and was about to flee, and the two winter bats instantly rushed, biting on its strong wings.

It screamed, and the indented blades in the wings shot out on both sides of the wing membrane and cut towards the winter bat.

A bat of cold winter was too late to escape, and his head was cut off in an instant.

The ice dragon fought fiercely with the remaining winter bat, but did not notice that a behemoth was rushing over.

Its body was slammed into the iceberg behind, the mountain trembled, and large blocks of ice and rocks rolled down from above.

During the collision just now, Zhang Wanlin broke free of its claws and rolled to the ground.

He staggered to his feet, staggering forward, and had to leave this place quickly when they were fighting fiercely.

The ice tooth dragon was torn off its wings by the ice erosion, and large swaths of blood poured out fiercely along with a scream.

At the critical moment of life, another wing slapped the ice erosion on the ground, and the sharp blade on it cut through its scales, reaching its skin and flesh, making it bloody.

The ice tooth dragon wanted to take this opportunity to escape. It just flapped its wings, but its body was unbalanced and fell heavily to the ground.

This throw made it unable to stand up anymore, struggling to the ground in vain, groaning sadly.

The ice erosion slowly walked by its side, the huge mouth cut by the ice tooth dragon on its body was extremely hideous.

In order to defeat this ice tooth dragon, Ice Eclipse sacrificed two precious winter bats.

Of course, the combat power of this adult ice tooth dragon far exceeds their value. It really takes time to defeat it in its heyday, enough time for it to kill a few more winter bats.

It licked its tongue, and its eyes were red.

Bite down, biting at the throat of Cingyalong without error, gurgling blood flowed down its mouth into its esophagus.

The ice tooth dragon struggled violently, leaving violent scratches on its claws on the ground, and finally, under a long roar, its body remained motionless.

Its body quickly dries out with the icy erosion, showing a crusty crusty skin.

The icy eyes became red again, and black energy was infused into the body of the ice tooth dragon, making its body quickly full and mutated.


When the ice tooth dragon shook his neck and stood up again, his body had changed from white to black, and barbs had formed on his back.

Its eyes are red, resonating with ice erosion.

Through resonance, the ice eclipse saw everything it remembered, naturally, and also saw the human that caused the ice eclipse damage.

He was here just now, but where did he go now?

It is very interested in this human who can severely damage ice erosion.

He smelled the air and searched for his taste, but he didn't find it.

But the mutant ice tooth dragon beside him let out a long howl and flew away.

It seems that it has been found.

Zhang Wanlin fell on the road several times. He was too weak and too anxious.

Just now the scream of the ice tooth dragon came, and he knew that it was dead.

If nothing else, the next hunting target is himself.

That's why he has to leave this place as soon as possible.

His feet slipped again and he fell to the ground, but this time he rolled down the slope, all the way to the flat ground below.

Being weak, he slightly heard distant voices.

"War mother, did you hear the voice just now?

Perhaps it is the wild beasts lying around, we must be more careful. "

It's the voice of Dark.

"Scout go and have a look."

Ashe ordered.

Hearing their voices, Zhang Wanlin couldn't help but feel like he had finally found light in the long darkness.

But at the same time, a sense of crisis hits my mind, and the ice eclipse is chasing him.

Now he will bring them deadly danger at any time.

As the footsteps approached, the outline of the scout slowly unfolded before his eyes.

At the same time, the scout also saw this person buried under the ice and snow. He was so frozen that he couldn't see the human appearance, like a strange creature hiding in the snow and ice.

"War mother, the blood alliance has been found!"