Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1208: opportunity

Parker drove forward and said: "Since you are the son of ice, what is the ability to deceive more and less, do you have the ability to compete with me?"

Parker has been a guard since he took office as a war mother. He has participated in countless battles, and his rich combat experience is obvious to all.

He proposed to fight against one of them, in order to save the Avarossa tribe by defeating the Son of Ice with his own strength.

This is the only opportunity, but it is also the most unlikely opportunity.

Although Parker is strong, but the Child of Ice is also experienced in combat, and his talent for combat skills since childhood is called the Child of Ice.

In addition, the power of the ice he mastered is also a deadly threat. This kind of ancient magic condensed crystallization, for ordinary people, can completely kill.

As for the one-on-one proposed by Parker, the Son of Ice sneered and disdain: "Yes, any of you can fight me alone, and I promise, as long as any of you can beat me, I will let you go. How about?"

With the ice weapon, he was completely confident to say such a thing.

"That's what you said."

Parker got off his horse and came to the center of the field with a broad knife reflecting the icy light.

"of course."

The Son of Ice removed the axe from behind and held it in his hand.

The ice-blue axe with cracked thunder line has a heavy texture, and the mist on it makes every opponent frightened.

No one can fight the power of Zhenbing.

"Today, I will kill the chicken and the monkey."

With these words, the Son of Ice looked at Ashe meaningfully.

He said it to Ashe, and similarly, he did it for Ashe.

He hopes to deter the entire Avarosa through this battle to avoid the next completely meaningless war.

He wanted to protect Ashe from any harm.

After all, she is much more beautiful than her mother.

To hurt her or let her die is a violent thing.

"Then take your life!"

Parker yelled, raised his knife and slashed, the Ice Son turned slightly on his side and just flashed past.

Parker's sword light flashed, and with the momentum of a violent thunder, the domineering spirit was once again cut away.

This kind of sword power contains huge strength, and years of experience, almost every angle is derived from the life and death of thousands of tempers.

People can't help but take a breath.

"What a fierce knife."

"The average person really can't handle such a knife."

"Deserves to be the mother of war."

...The Son of Ice flashed one by one with ease, even on the surface, he didn't see the offensive of this guard at all.

"Is that all there is, War Mother Wei?"

Asked the Ice Son.

When Parker made the final blow, the Ice Son finally moved.

The big axe summoned the raging wind and snow with a heavy force, and it came suddenly, just like a frost beast came out of its cage.

Parker suddenly felt that his surroundings were frozen by the force of ice, and even the flow of his blood became slow at this moment.

Is this the power of Zhenbing?

He thought in his heart.

The big axe smashed the knife Parker had cut with unstoppable force.

With a bang, Parker was directly lifted by a huge force and fell to the ground.

At the same time, the broken blade of the broad sword was firmly inserted on the side beside him.

At the break of the big knife, a faint blue frost can be clearly seen covering it.

Parker held the remnant of the broken blade in his hand, his hands were cold and unconscious.

His hand was also covered with frost.

The Son of Ice looked at him disdainfully: "You have already lost."

The Ice Sons army cheered for this victory: "Ice Sons! The Chosen One!"

He is like standing under countless spotlights, all eyes in the world are focused on him.

He is the son of ice, he is the man of choice, such a voice, how sweet.

"Parker, you can come back!"

Ashe said, she intends to go out in person, even if she dies, she will bloodbath her mother's shame! "No! War mother, I can fight again."

Parker barely stood up, the cold of his body swallowing his strength.

"You still want to come?

I can warn you this time, I will die. "

The Son of Ice Road.

"Do you think I am over half a hundred years old, would I still be afraid of a dead word?"

Parker roared.

He exhausted his last bit of strength and rushed to end the life of the Son of Ice with that broken blade. It was like a wolf on the verge of death, doing the final struggle.

It's just that this wolf is too old.

Ice Son raised the axe in both hands, and the face of the axe mirrored Parker's rushing figure.

It, like the ruler of destiny, slowly descends and completely silences the world.

The axe almost slashed Parker's body diagonally, causing him to crash to the ground when he was tall.

Due to the power of Zhenbing, the hideous wound on his body condensed into an ice blue color, shining with a faint luster.

His breath was dying, and he was already near death.

"You are not dead yet?"

The Ice Son stepped on Parker's face and stomped hard.

"What a fate."

"Who else do you dare to challenge me?"

He raised his head and smiled.

Now that Avarossa's top-notch Parker has been defeated by him, who else is his opponent?

It's just a bunch of wine sacs and rice bags.

As soon as Ash was about to go out, Zhang Wanlin said, "Next, let me get the glory for you."

This person is thin, tall and straight, arrogant in the wind and snow.

The long hair was blown, his handsome face had a trace of loneliness, and his gleaming eyes were like those opened by ice and snow.

Zhang Wanlin stood up, but Bing did not bring weapons.

The weapon does not seem to have much effect on him now.

If he hadn't taken the initiative to stand up, the Son of Ice would not have noticed this person.

For some reason, this person gave him an instinctive sense of danger, just as a prey perceives a hunter lurking around.

Obviously this person is unremarkable and doesn't seem to have any abilities. Why does he feel that way?

But no matter how powerful he is, in front of his Ice Axe, he is just a cannon fodder.

The Son of Ice smiled and said, "Avarrosa, don't you have any stronger people? Take this thin young man to sacrifice for nothing."

"Ice Son, the fight hasn't started yet, how can you know that I can't beat you?"

Zhang Wanlin said.

This remark caused everyone present to burst into laughter, and it was so funny that such a thin person had even lied to have won the Son of Ice.

They laughed at Zhang Wanlin and at Avarosa.

Their laughter is not unreasonable. Freljord is known for its harsh living environment. In this ice and snow, only the strong born can survive. With the survival of the fittest, the stronger the fittest, the stronger the chance of survival.

With a physique like Zhang Wanlin, being able to survive is already considered a miracle in this land.

"War mother, let's go to war! The big deal is for them to fight to the death!"

The people of the clan asked Ashe for his orders.

Ashe said coldly, "No hurry."

In fact, now is their only chance to comeback, and if they can't bear it, they will make big plans.