Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1195: Thunder and lightning

This call made the village chief almost lost his soul, and the first thought was that someone discovered it.

He is the chief of the whole village. Once someone finds out, how can he get it?

Not to mention the villagers, even his wife can choke himself to death.

He turned his head, but saw that it was a child standing in front of him, and his smiling face suddenly cracked: "Who I thought it was, it was you!"

"The last time I was found that I didn't ask you to settle the account, you dare to come this time.

Are you clearly having trouble with me? "

The village chief picked up the stone from the ground.

Widow Zhang cried and packed her clothes, and gave Zhang Wanlin a wink to show that everything was in order.

Zhang Wanlin said: "Village Chief, I didn't mean it, what do you do with the stone?"

"You didn't mean it?

Who believes in Tm?

Who TM will run to a widow's house for no reason? "

"Have you never loved your wife, village chief?"

"Love a fart, **** one!"

The village chief spit, "Not half as good as this slut."

"Since you found out today, don't blame me being the village chief for being merciless."

The village chief said, "I originally planned to write it off."

He took another step closer.

Zhang Wanlin stepped back to make sure that the village elder's wife could hear all the current conversations.

"Don't you want to make money, I will teach you."

"Don't you want to earn tens of thousands of yuan to subsidize your household?"

"Make a fart, don't you give that **** flower, if I could make so much money, I would have left.

Where would you spend a lifetime with that dominatrix. "

"Boy, you go to death today!"

The village chief was about to smash the stone. Suddenly, the door opened completely with a bump, and there stood a majestic and martial woman at the door, who was the village chief’s wife.

The village chief was stupid.

"Wife, why are you here?"

"I also want to ask why you are here, what are you doing with this stone, do you still want to smash my guests?"

"The guests?"

The village chief looked dumbfounded.

"Wife, listen to me to explain.

I didn't intend to come here, but guess what, I saw that this child was actually assaulting this widow. How could I bear it? "

"So I'm going to come over and teach him a lesson."

This is the end of the matter, and the village chief intends to let Zhang Wanlin carry all the pots on his back.

The village chief's wife was angry, "Do you think I didn't hear anything outside just now?"

"M's, if it weren't for coming here by chance today, I really don't know your true face."

"Dare to call me a dominatrix!"

The village chief’s wife rolled up her sleeves and walked over.

The village chief looked at him in horror, "My wife, listen to my explanation, listen to my explanation and post."

The village chief’s wife’s violent fist slammed out, and the village chief’s two front teeth flew off.

The chaos in Widow Zhang's room is even worse.

But anyway, Widow Zhang's everything was packed, and they had a lot of fun.

"Shall we go now?"

Asked Widow Zhang.

"There is still a good show."

Zhang Wanlin laughed.

Soon, the villagers came back and forth here, and the crowded posture blocked the whole place.

This is far more than one village, there are neighboring villages, neighboring villages.

"I heard that the government came down and sent people to distribute the money. The meeting point is here.

"But why is this wrong?

""That is, people in the government didn't see it. "

Zhang Wanlin ran out and said, "Everyone, you guys come late, and the people who came up here were beaten away by the village chief."


People from the government were beaten away by the village chief? "

"Why are you fighting?"

"That's right."

"You don't know that.

When someone from the government came just now, they happened to ran into a fight between the village chief and the village chief’s wife. "

"Ah, there is such a thing?"

"But it doesn't make sense, why did the village chief fight with his wife?"

"Aren't their tempers all good?"

Zhang Wanlin said again, "Hey, look at where this is?

The village chief is on the spot, he came to indecently assault widow Zhang.

The result was discovered by his wife. "

It turned out to be so.

Some villagers were anxious and frustrated, "M's, because of him, all the people in our village have no money to get it, let's go! Go find him!"

"Go! Be sure to let him be fair!"

The villagers rushed into the house vigorously.

In the house, the village chief was fighting hard with his wife.

Seeing so many people coming in is a bit embarrassing.

"The village chief's daughter-in-law, beat this dog to death! She's so conscientious!"

"As the head of a village, I simply lost all the faces of the village head."

"Hitly fight."

Seeing everyone cheering for her, the village elder's wife immediately fought more vigorously, picked up the brick and patted it, "cnm! I will fight for you if I save my life today!"

Seeing that the time was right, Zhang Wanlin said to Widow Zhang, "Go ahead."


Widow Zhang nodded gently.

Just happened to run into Lao Zhang who came over.

He was a little surprised that his son was going out, and even more surprised that he was a little involved with this widow Zhang.

It is said that Widow Zhang has been unfamiliar with others since she moved here. How could she be so close to her son?

Zhang Wanlin said, "Dad, Zhang's wife is going to town, so I will send her off.

In addition, I have to go to town for some things, so I won't be back in recent days. "


Good. "

Now that the son can make a lot of money, of course there is no reason to control it.

"Then you go, pay attention to safety on the way."

Zhang Wanlin and Widow Zhang hit the road.

The mountain road is long, and it would be quite monotonous if one person walked, but it would be different if two people walked.

Especially a moving woman.

Halfway down, Widow Zhang was so tired that she had to stop.


Let me rest. "


Zhang Wanlin squatted next to the widow and looked at her.

Sweat wetted her black hair, sticking together and sticking to her face, exuding the temptation of fruit.

Zhang Wanlin felt again.

This is a natural bedroom in the shade on the road.

Widow Zhang suddenly felt a hand on her waist, and she became vigilant instinctively, and relaxed again when she saw him.


"That's not okay, this person is coming and going, what if it is discovered."

"Don't worry, you won't be discovered."

Zhang Wanlin has already touched her skirt, "Aren't you tired too?"

Just relax. "

The soil has become the best bed, the smell of the soil is full of scorching heat, and the green environment is full of breath and ambiguity.

No one noticed in the thick shade.

After an old farmer drove to the bazaar, he came over carrying a pole and just rested on a small road below.

Zhang Wanlin is pressing on Widow Zhang's body, her clothes are halfway down, and things are not done yet.

The distance between them and the old farmers is no more than two meters high on the slope.

Even if he gently climbed up and took a look, he could see a little difference.