Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1170: see a doctor

The doctor is sprinkling water in the yard. The flowers here are blooming more beautifully than other places.

This all stems from the water used by the physician to water the flowers and extraordinary water, but a refined potion.

Another flower bloomed, extremely red, and the doctor couldn't help showing a faint smile.

The bull head demon hurried over, and bowed and said, "See the doctor."

The doctor glanced at him, "I asked you to refine the medicine, why did you run past the two to find me?"

"No, it's because Zhang Wanlin has already refined the medicine, so I specifically asked me to come over and ask you to check it out."


The doctor didn't show any surprise. Zhang Wanlin was talented and intelligent, and it was something she had planned to get the medicine well in advance.

But I didn't expect it to be so fast.

She only came out for a few minutes.

"Well, let me go and see."

She followed behind the Tauren.

The Tauren refused to accept: "Doctor, I don't believe that a person can practice medicine so quickly."

"I'm about this speed."

The doctor said lightly.

"Of course I am not talking about you.

Physician. "

The tauren quickly added, "Isn't he your apprentice?

If the master has to spend a few minutes, then the apprentice should spend more time. "

The doctor nodded, "It is true."

Their respective moods are different.

The tauren is dissatisfied and does not believe it, but the doctor appreciates and expects it, just as every master expects his apprentice to make a difference and carry forward his family.

When he came to the refining pharmacy, the doctor walked to Zhang Wanlin's red deer and opened the lid. The strong medicinal fragrance overflowed, rippling in the room, and constantly permeating.

Very fragrant, but there is a strange smell.

The doctor took the medicine pills in his hand and looked at it again, then sniffed it lightly.

"The pill is mellow, the texture is cold and heavy, and it has a natural light fragrance, which is top-grade."

"Zhang Wanlin is very good, you succeeded."

The doctor looked at Zhang Wanlin appreciatively.

The tauren who was waiting for Zhang Wanlin's defeat could even drop his eyes. What's the situation?

It turned out to be really successful by him.

Why is there such a big difference between tm people and cows?

"Then should I rest now?"

Zhang Wanlin said, he is looking forward to going back soon and spending the spring evening with Ling Mei.

"No, doctor."

The Bull Head Demon hurriedly said, if Zhang Wanlin left, wouldn't it be more boring for him to slip here alone?

So definitely not let him go.

"Since you have done this, then give you another stepping stone, and you will be treated with me."

The doctor said.

This is the supreme honor for others, and indirectly it is to teach medicine again.

But to Zhang Wanlin, it was really like torture, he didn't want to study medicine.

But now I must listen to her.

The tauren was overwhelmed, but fortunately Zhang Wanlin did not leave.

The doctor said to him: "You can concoct medicine well."


After receiving the doctor, Zhang Wanlin accompanied the doctor in front of the pharmacy to wait for the arrival of the guests.

The guests are of all shapes and colors, including tigers, snakes, and gods in the sky.

There are all kinds of problems, physical diseases, mental diseases and so on.

But all were rejected, all were rejected by Zhang Wanlin.

Now he really understands what it's like to be a doctor every day being interrupted.

Annoying, annoying.

"Doctor, you said that you sit here all day, and don't specifically treat people. Isn't it boring?"

Zhang Wanlin asked while sitting next to the doctor that day.

The doctor was studying and writing her own medical book. Without raising her head, she replied, "How can I be bored?

What I do is not very boring. "

"And if you encounter a difficult illness, it's also very cost-effective."

Zhang Wanlin was really speechless for a while.

"But I'm so bored."

"You are bored because your practice is not enough, so you want to practice."


"I have received so many doctors and you have read so many books, so should you be able to see them?"

"will not."

Zhang Wanlin immediately denied that he knew that Master's wishful thinking was to keep him here for treatment.

He doesn't watch it.

"If you say that, it should be.

That being the case, from now on, all the guests who come here will be up to you. If you encounter difficulties, you will come to me. "

The doctor stood up and planned to return to the house.

Zhang Wanlin can see it clearly, this is obviously a free labor.

Zhang Wan and Lin Tianze are smart, isn't this just right?

"Hey, without such a handle, I really don't have good medical skills."

But the doctor had already left, and the eight cows could not be brought back to the matter she had decided.

As a result, Zhang Wanlin became the attending physician here, and became a doorway from the outside.

Many people were a little surprised when they saw a man receiving the doctor, but then they became normal.

Compared to these, the Bull Head Demon was even more boring. He spent the whole day refining medicine in the alchemy furnace, and he finally got half of the process of refining on this day. The result was accidentally knocked over and his efforts were completely destroyed.

A stylish lady came to see the doctor accompanied by her husband.

Seeing that they dress up like the rich and the rich, they are actually a pair of marry bird monsters.

Zhang Wanlin was panicking at his leisure, smoking a cigarette, acting casually.

"What about the doctor here, how could a man receive the consultation?"

Manly, extra vigilant.

"Now the doctor is me. I think it's normal, I think it's unusual. It's my master who is very unusual."

"Then can I ask your master?"

"Although I would like to, it is unlikely."

Zhang Wanlin said listlessly, "Let's talk about it, what's wrong.

You guys can really thank me for being here.

Because if my master is there, it really won't cure you. "

With Zhang Wanlin's magic power and past practice, his medical skills can be accessed at the doctor's order, and the current medical level can be said to be comparable to that of the doctor.

"This disease was left over from my fight with a poisonous snake monster a few days ago."

The woman said, "I thought it was just an ordinary injury. I didn't expect that just yesterday, the injury spread and it has spread all over my body.

So come here specially. "

"Doctor, you have to save her."

The man begged.


Zhang Wanlin dug his ears with his fingers. He listened to these words all day long. He really heard the cocoon in his ears.

Zhang Wanlin asked the woman to sit down first, and then walked around her to look carefully.

Sure enough, she was a demon woman, her body exuding a seductive temperament, her figure was slender and extraordinarily soft, and her face was naturally indescribably ethereal and beautiful.

At first glance, he knew that this monster was very well-trained and had a high status.

"Then take off your clothes first."

Zhang Wanlin said.

"Ah, undress?"

The man yelled, obviously unable to accept this.

Zhang Wanlin was angry, "What do you think if you don't get off, I don't care how to treat it.

If you don't fall off, leave! "

"Isn't he just a monster, why are you so reserved."