Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1165: Pangu

Soon, Zhang Wanlin saw a point.

It's like suddenly discovering an anomaly on the ground thousands of miles away in the air.

He leaned down and sprinted rapidly from the air. The ground became wider and wider, and the mountains showed detailed textures.

His eyes remained on a huge mountain-like beast in the valley, and the majestic breath was absorbed by him.

His hair was thus turned into a bright color.

It seemed that something had been detected, and the beast of Pangu suddenly turned back and uttered a sky-shaking roar.

Zhang Wanlin took a step back abruptly on the cliff, and Ling Xue helped him in time.

"Are you OK."

"It's okay."

Zhang Wanlin patted Ling Xue's hand, and he walked in front of the high priest: "I found it for you.

Go east to the valley for a hundred miles, and that's it. "

"Now it's time for you to find White Lotus for me."

It didn't take a minute for this person to find the location of the Pangu Beast, which was really surprising.

The high priest said: "You are indeed very capable.

Now that you found it for me, can you do me a favor? "

"you said."

"The search for the beast of Pangu has been delayed for too long. I am afraid that it has absorbed too much power of the surrounding ice and snow. With our power, it will be a difficult battle. Can you help?"


What I always want is equivalent exchange.

If you ask me to help you defeat the Pangu beast, then you have to give me an equal benefit. "

"what do you want?"

Zhang Wanlin looked at the high priest playfully, with a frivolity in his eyes, as if he had stripped off the clothes of the high priest, looked at and admired it to his heart's content.

He whispered a few words in the ear of the high priest, and the high priest became very ugly, as if he was hit by a huge tired, his fists were tightly clenched.

Ling Xue pulled Zhang Wanlin and said, "Zhang Wanlin, we don't have much time now, so let's go.

Moreover, they are not the opponent of Pangu Beast, not necessarily we are. "

The Bull Head Demon responded: "Yes, Master, this is too risky."

Zhang Wanlin said, "Yes, if the high priest hesitates, then let's go.

She would definitely not agree. "

Several people were about to leave, and the high priest said: "Wait! Don't you want me to agree?

Okay, I promise! "

"It seems we can't go."

Zhang Wanlin looked at the high priest deeply.

At night, the wind and snow became more raging, like robbers wandering in the valleys of the mountains, with a lot of thick snowflakes.

But in the formation, no wind and snow can erode.

Zhang Wanlin and the others couldn't stand the cold on the mountain, so they found a cave nearby to live in.

Ling Xue started well, what exactly the high priest promised today would make Zhang Wanlin change his mind.

"Should she help us get the white lotus flower?"

Ling Xue asked.

Zhang Wanlin shook his head, "No."

"what is that?"

"you guess!"

"Huh! Really!"

Started to sleep.

With the magic of the tauren, they were not as cold as outside, so they fell asleep quickly.

However, Zhang Wanlin stood up and walked alone like the wind and snow in the dark night, no one found him.

His eyes lit up with a strange red light in the night.

The ice-snow ridge, like an ice skate, is cleaving into the night sky.

The coldest place is here, reaching 100 degrees, even if the formation seems to be fragmented.

However, the high priests who were born and raised in the ice and snow did not affect them. They sat cross-legged, their lowered robes covered most of their bodies, and the falling snow and ice piled them into eternal sculptures.

Sitting in the center of the formation, Caval is still hesitating. How could he agree to such a shameless request today?

Is it bewitching?

Or is it your own willingness?

For tens of thousands of years, in this regard, she thought it was blasphemy and evil.

It affects purity, but she did just that.

Zhang Wanlin was like Mosuo in her ear during the day: Tonight, I want your body.

His breath is approaching, slowly approaching, driving a huge force.

"Go down, I have guests."

Caval ordered.


The priests filed down, leaving Caval alone in the huge formation.

She quietly waited for her doomed fate.

he came.

The naked and smooth upper body seemed to carry endless flames, burning the snow falling on him.

There is a strong temperature all over his body, enough to make this cold world wipe a layer of warm background.

Caval was about to get up, but Zhang Wanlin held his shoulders.

Facing this man, Caval didn't know what to do, how to do it, and she didn't know how this kind of thing could be done.

So very passive.

But, everything is okay.

Zhang Wanlin looked at Caval fiercely, and then kissed her soft lips.

He untied her belt, and the broad robe slid down like water, and the smooth and icy curves glowed with a moving sheen.

Her lining is extremely small, just enough to reach her round upper body.

A feeling that had never been seen in tens of thousands of years was agitated in Caval's heart, and manifested in his body is the reservedness and nobility of wanting to resist and being ashamed.

She shook the opponent's hand, hoping not to go further. This was her bottom line, but she was immediately broken into the deepest abyss.

The inner lining also slipped slowly to the ground, full of silky texture.

Her body is cold, just like this mountain, this whole world of ice and snow.

But Zhang Wanlin is hot, a long dull volcano.

The collision of ice and fire, the collision of cold and heat, entangled a different kind of lingering and hot picture in the raging snowy night.

This night is long and short.

On the second day, Zhang Wanlin led the crowd to the deep valley, followed by High Priest Caval.

After a night, the two have a silent bond, and this kind of emotional relationship makes people inexplicable.

In short, both parties have benefited.

Caval's strength is far from what it used to be, of course, Zhang Wanlin is the same.

"Here we are."

Zhang Wanlin said, "Now you and I think you have the ability to defeat it."

The high priest said: "I think you have the ability to find the white lotus by yourself."

In fact, last night, Zhang Wanlin went for this purpose.

The combination of the two sides allows him to gain her abilities, in fact, this time he gained most of her abilities.

It also includes the location where the white lotus was found.


Accompanied by the sound of shaking the mountain, a giant photo was imprinted in the ice and snow.

That thick fist came suddenly, comparable to a mountain coming from an impact.

Everyone was taken aback.

Why did you come so fast?

Before they could react, the High Priest Caval took action.

A giant shield crosspiece was in front of him, and with a bang, the shield cracked with a fist.

"Caval, I didn't expect your power to grow."

The beast of Pangu sneered, and its voice resounded like gods, "But what about that, I have absorbed most of the power of ice and snow, and you are not my opponent."