Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1161: War

"Ling Xue, have you forgotten this weapon on my body?"

Zhang Wanlin's hands suddenly engulfed in black mist, and a dark sickle was shaped out of the mist.

Ling Xue was startled, not knowing what to say.

King Kong saw that he had an extra weapon out of thin air, he couldn't help being surprised. Looking at the gloss of this weapon, he knew it was extraordinary. How did he know that this weapon was the only artifact in Niutoushan.

The Tauren invited him to come, precisely for this weapon.

He is only for fighting, and only thinking about fighting, and everything else has nothing to do with him.

He began to boil with enthusiasm, leaned over and rushed down, his feet slumped on the ground with a rumble, and the whole earth lifted up a dust.

Under the dust, his eyes glowed with scorching light, extremely hideous.

"Boy, I can't tell that you are still a human being."

King Kong smiled and said, "This is the first time to fight against humans. I respect you as a hero.

Give your name, I don’t kill the unknown. "

"Zhang Wanlin."

"Okay! Do you have any last words when your death is approaching?"

"Sorry, I have no last words, because this is not my time to die."

"Hey, it's crazy, but I like it!"

King Kong rushed over in an instant, Zhang Wanlin stretched out his hand and pushed Ling Xue away, and the two sides fought together.

The trick was harsh, the nearby terrain was broken open due to the influence of energy, and the stones were shot, just like a doomsday chaos.

Tie Fan looked anxiously, and couldn't tell which of the two would win or lose?

With the events of last night, her heart had long been hanging on Zhang Wanlin's body.

He can't die, and the future cultivation and immortality will depend entirely on him, and only he can give her this hope.

Last night was the best example. In addition to being physically and mentally like fire, his strength has also improved by leaps and bounds.

She also knows that his strength has grown, but whether this strength can compete with King Kong is still very difficult to say, as now, with her strength, it is not King Kong's opponent at all.

The Bull Head Demon came over and saw the iron fan with some confusion. He thought it was the artifact that was worrying about it, "Mom, don't worry, my son will take the artifact back to you soon."

"No, now is not the time to regain the artifact, I have another plan."

Iron fan said: "Stop them!"

"Mom, but..." Bull Head Demon said, "Didn't you ask me to invite King Kong yesterday?

Why has it changed again today? "

"The plan has changed! Didn't you hear me say that I just thought of a better plan?"

"However, King Kong has already started the fight, and you also know his character. Once you move him, if you don't accomplish the goal, he will definitely not let it go.

If I go out to stop them now, then I will cause trouble for us. "

Tie Shan sighed, where did the situation develop?

Only ask Zhang Wanlin to ask for more blessings.

Ling Xue didn't dare to leave from a figure above her eyes for a moment. She didn't expect a human being to be so powerful, and she didn't expect that her heart for him would be stronger than anyone else.

He is just a human, isn't he?

What is going on with yourself?

But one thing is certain, he saved himself several times, this is an unchanging fact.

A hundred meters in radius, they were all beaten into open spaces, and each other's skills were mixed together into a storm of sand and dust, like a wild beast violently biting everything around.

The Tauren soldiers gathered around were stunned.

"It's amazing to be able to fight with King Kong like this."

"Tell me, he is not a human being, how can human beings have such strength?"

"All said, he is the guest that the king got back. Since he is a guest, how could he be innocent?

It must have a strong strength. "

"But even so, I don't think it can beat King Kong."

"Nonsense, who is King Kong, who can beat him."

what! ! King Kong hammered his chest and let out a furious roar, the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, spinning and condensing into a magnificent tornado, thunder and lightning roared, scrambling to flicker.

One after another, extremely thick thunder and lightning hit the surroundings, leaving their marks on the earth one by one.

He was in the violent thunder, his hair wafting, shaped like a wind demon, and his double words, like a golden knife, cut time and space through.

"not good!!"

The Bull Head Demon exclaimed, "King Kong actually used an explosive body!! M, this beast!!!"

The skill of body explosion is to instantly increase one's own strength dozens of times, and its power can instantly destroy all living beings such as the surrounding mountains.

King Kong was obviously for Zhang Wanlin to come true, but the Tauren's hometown couldn't be covered.

He is enjoying the game, but his house is definitely gone.

I really regret it. I knew that I shouldn't have an appointment in front of my house, and now I'm asking for trouble.

"It's useless to say so much now!"

The iron fan road, the green light flowing between the palms of both hands, then filled her body.

She stretched her hands, and the green light showed a semi-circular mask covering the top of the mountains to resist the violent force from the outside, and the creatures below were spared.

The Tauren was taken aback, "Mom, when did you have such strength?"

Looking at this posture, she has doubled her previous strength.

"Can you practice, don't I practice?

What do you do with so much nonsense?

Come on, give me skills! "


Zhang Wanlin looked at everything that was suddenly shattered by the power of King Kong. If he continued like this, Ling Xue would be very dangerous.

This is something he can never see.

He raised his eyes to look at King Kong, his heart was as calm as water, without any undulating ripples on his face.

King Kong said: "I haven't had such a great time for a long time! Today we will have a great fight!!"

Zhang Wanlin said: "Sorry, the game should be over!"

He was not angry and mighty, and the power on his body suddenly broke out, forming a storm that swept all around, roaring.

King Kong and everyone saw that above the mortal's body, a huge figure silhouette slowly stood up, and his opened eyes were furiously red.

This is...Countless people are almost dumbfounded...This is God! ! ! The supreme coercion pressed on this small area, the top of the mountain suddenly cracked and rolled down, and everyone knelt on the ground, out of breath.

The militant King Kong has always thought that he is invincible, but facing the power in front of him, he also has a sense of respect and admiration.

What kind of power is this?

He was drunk, he was crazy, he really wanted to die for it.

Zhang Wanlin Jieyin, the floating clouds in the sky were pushed away, revealing the outline of a palm.

The huge palm pressed against King Kong like the entire sky, and the surrounding area was rubbed with red flames.

Roar! ! Facing this unstoppable blow, Diamond's hand hammered the ground and the stones shattered.

His figure became extremely huge, becoming a great ape in the true sense.

He slapped his chest angrily and let out a sky-shaking roar from the palm of his hand.