Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1159: Help you become a fairy

Under the guidance of the maid, Zhang Wanlin walked through the luxurious rooms. These rooms are decorated with gold chains, and the transparent gold is inlaid with countless treasures, which is very gorgeous.

When it comes to the inner room, it can't be described as gorgeous.

The magical and ingenious carving crafts the surrounding walls to create the feeling of clouds and mist, and the hanging red silk gauze shapes the surroundings into the feeling of red waves rolling.

That little bed is like drifting away in the vast ocean.

Inside, sat the most beautiful red soul in the night.

Zhang Wanlin's figure was reflected in front of the bed curtain, burly, tangible, handsome, and faint with a sense of evil charm.

The iron fan's fingers slid on the ice muscle of the calf, beautiful eyes floating in the light yarn.

"It's so late, my guest, why are you looking for me?"

"I think it would be more convenient for the two of us to talk."

"Sorry, they are all my maids, there is no need to shy away.

Please speak. "

"Then what I want to say is, do you want to get this weapon?"

The iron fan waved his hand and said to the maid: "Go down, you are not allowed to come in without my order."

The matter of weapons is about the survival of the family, so naturally it cannot be easily known.

The inner door closed, and only two people were left looking at each other in the sea of ​​red silk.

"Now you can talk."

Iron Fan said, "As long as you return our treasures, we will not be blamed for everything before."

Zhang Wanlin walked over slowly, sat on the edge of the iron fan bed, and opened the bed screen.

Her hazy beauty is clearly visible at a glance, and she can see every detail of her body and every fold between her clothes.

Zhang Wanlin's actions were so rude! Obviously offensive, no one in this family dared to be so frivolous to the iron fan.

But when the other party took the artifact, she could only bear it.

"Zhang Wanlin, since you are talking about weapons, why sit on my bed."

Zhang Wanlin smiled, "Because this matter is related."

He stretched out his hand and gently raised the delicate jaw of the iron fan, as if admiring a wonderful artwork.

The half-knocked eyes of the iron fan were like clouds covering the moon.

The ecstasy that has been conceived for thousands of years has a special taste.

Tie Shan was furious, "Do you know what you are going to do!?"

This action has already been committed, and as before, Tie Shan will definitely cut the man in front of him.

"of course I know."

Zhang Wanlin said, "Don't you want to get back that artifact?"

"Now I show you a way."

"You took the artifact back, nothing more than for the stability of this party and the protection of the power of the artifact.

It is definitely impossible for me to get the artifact, but you can become my woman, so that you will have the artifact in disguise. "

"Since we are a family, of course we won't talk about the two families, right?"


Tie Shan angrily said, "You can also imagine that, but I have been married, how can I do such a stubborn thing with others.

If it is known by others, wouldn't it cause people to ridicule all over the world? "

"Of course this will not be known to others.

What's more, are you so beautiful that you are willing to become the burial object of that crippled product?

I think you are definitely not reconciled.

So, as long as you follow me, there will be everything. "

Zhang Wanlin squeezed the iron fan's chin, intending to kiss her beautiful red lips.

His words seemed to have a magical power, making Tie Fan a deep mystery.

For a moment, her body and mind seemed to really sink for this, but she recovered in time. At that time, the other party was about to kiss her on the mouth.

"Impossible! I would never do that?"

She hurriedly pushed Zhang Wanlin away, only to find that the strength of her body seemed to be sucked away, limp.

"This, what did you do to me!?"

"Do you know such serious consequences!?"

A flash of blood flashed through Zhang Wanlin's eyes, his expression turned seductive, and his whole body was covered with a tinge of black.

She knew that this force was the weapon that issued it.

He said: "The consequences are not important.

What matters is the process.

I think, you long for power. "

"For tens of thousands of years, you have been eager to be in the immortal class, but everything backfired and you stooped down to marry the cow.

But I think your dream has not been destroyed, let alone staying in this mountain for the rest of your life.

I can help you achieve it! "

Zhang Wanlin's words resounded in Tieshan's ears like babbling, and shook her soul.

Speaking of his heart, Iron Fan has always been the most unwilling to be in the immortal class. Now that he is a mother, it is impossible at all.

But his words made her rekindle her dream again.

"I know you think so much, right?"

"Is that right..." Zhang Wanlin Xiemei smiled and slowly moved closer to the iron fan, a fanatical flame wafting in his eyes.

He kissed the iron fan's mouth fiercely.

The red waves in the room became more intense.

That night, all night, the maids were guarding the door, listening to orders.

It's just that nothing came out of it, nothing, and it was terribly quiet, so quiet that even a needle could be heard.

No one can stay in the iron fan's boudoir for that long, especially at night.

What happened in that room?

But no matter what happens, they can neither say nor ask, because confidentiality is their duty.

King Kong lives on an isolated island in the North Sea, with beautiful scenery and beautiful flowers, and the peach trees merge into green smoke, swaying with the wind.

Especially in summer, it became a flat peach conference here.

In the middle of the night, King Kong went to bed early as usual. Recently, he is very bored, so bored that he has no opponents, and can only spend his time by looking at the scenery.

For tens of thousands of years, it is estimated that half of the time has been squandered like this.

The powerful gene brought him not only strength, but also loneliness.

It's just that his talent is limited, no matter how much he cultivates, he can't be ranked in the immortal class.

When the Tauren woke him up, he was very angry. In his dream just now, he had clearly dreamed of a very powerful opponent, and the two sides were inextricably fought.

But it was ruined by this horned kid! "Nmd, why did you come here!?"

"This night, don't you sleep?"

He complained very much, wishing to fly with a fist.

Bull Head Demon said: "King Kong, come with me!"

"Why should I follow you?

How old are you? "

The last thing King Kong wanted to listen to was that others commanded himself in a commanding tone.

who is he?

Just order yourself.

"I think you will come with me."

The Tauren mysteriously said, "Don't you want to challenge a strong opponent?"

King Kong's depressed eyes suddenly came to mind.

"You said you have an opponent?

! "