Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

v3 Chapter 4567: 815,000 contribution points!

Chapter 4567 815,000 Contribution Points!


  The power of divine sense penetrated into the light curtain like an octopus,

   Just at that moment, at that moment, the Heavenly Dao Stone in Fade Chen\'s hand was already glowing slightly, and some light spots of the power of law appeared out of thin air,

   Almost instantly! It quickly flew into the light curtain...

   Then, Fade Chen had a lot of information in his mind!

   Mission area!

   It is divided into more than ten sections of guarding tasks, attacking tasks, bounty tasks, hunting tasks, etc.!

   Treasure Vault,

   As the name suggests,

   In this treasury,

  There are countless dazzling, even all-encompassing, countless rare treasures! And under each treasure in this treasure house, it is particularly clearly marked, the amount of contribution points needed to be exchanged...

   In other words, as long as you have enough Hunter Contribution Points, theoretically, it is entirely possible for you to take all the treasures in this treasure trove! Even if you want to evacuate it, that\'s fine!

   Third, it is the battlefield area of ​​the Immortal World War. It has eight major sectors under its jurisdiction, which represent their Azure Heaven Immortal World and the Eight Great Imperial Cities in the Abyss Land!

   Chen Fei glanced at it roughly,

   found that this should be the direct violence of battlefield information in a certain sense! The recent history of the eight imperial cities, as well as the details of the various wars that took place in the major time periods, are also recorded here one by one!

   In other words, if you want to know the specific situation of the eight emperor cities, you only need to look at these eight major sections, and you can almost know everything.

   Then the fourth…

   is also the last one!

  Information area!

In this information area, Fade Chen hardly saw anything else, he only saw the titles and names... Fade Chen\'s eyes flashed, and then he just \'opened\' one of them. Name, name!

  The ancient island Daojun Bailing Mountain,

   Sun Moon God Court, an entry-level Daojun strong in the lineage of Sun Moon God King,

   The strength of his cultivation realm is almost at the bottom of the Taoist level, and he is especially good at close combat and protracted battles! Strong recovery ability! The disadvantage is that he is not very good at roundabout battles, his melee ability is average, his soul strength is average, and he is not very good at immortal supernatural powers.

  The killer is the **** of the sun and the moon,

   The forbidden arts in the ancient books of the sun and the moon, etc.

  Status: Can be added!


  Long Xin Daojun,

   Sun Moon God Court, an ordinary-level Daojun powerhouse in the line of Eternal Sun!

  The realm strength of his cultivation base is in the Daojun level, which is not bad.

   Close Combat, Normal, Restoration, Normal,

   There is a life weapon called Factory Heart Lock, which can sneak attack to block the enemy\'s soul and imprison it in place.

  The trump card of the killer is the most powerful killing technique of the Eternal Day of the Sun and Moon Divine Court—together with the light! This technique originates from the existence of the celestial being of the Sun and Moon Divine Court - Eternal Sun Celestial Venerable! Extremely mysterious, extremely powerful! Can Megatron Eternal Immortal!

  Status: Can be added!


   Seeing this, Fade Chen almost understood. This so-called information area is actually a rather detailed record of personal information for the top powerhouses in the Eternal Immortal Realm!

   The so-called “knowing oneself and knowing the enemy and one hundred victories in a hundred battles” means that if you can know this information in advance, you will definitely be able to win, and you will be foolproof.

   This is very important for a war, or even a victory or defeat. Great value.

   Fade Chen casually glanced at the names in the information area again,

   Then he shook his head and said.

   "Forget it, let\'s take a look at the guys I killed first. How many contribution points are they worth?"

   Chen Fei murmured,

   Then he turned his gaze back to the first mission area. After a while, the hunting mission information about Ouyang Chengze, Ning Feilong and others appeared in his mind!

   Chengze Daojun Ouyang Chengze

   Step-by-step battle against the top Taoist monarchs in the ancestral land,

  Task reward: 160,000 Contribution Points.

  The specific details can be viewed in the data area.


   Feilong Dao Junning Feilong.

   Step-by-step battle against the ancestral land of ordinary-level Daojun strongmen,

  Task reward: 130,000 Contribution Points.

  The specific details can be viewed in the data area.


   Crocodile Dragon Ancient Emperor.


  Task reward: 135,000 Contribution Points.


   God of the City



   Bamboo Garden Daojun



   In the blink of an eye, the most valuable person is undoubtedly Ouyang Chengze, who is a top Taoist monarch. The contribution point reward of its bounty hunting mission is 160,000 contribution points!

   As for its least valuable…

   is the ordinary Daojun strongman from the Yingliu - Zhuyuan Daojun!

   The contribution point reward for his hunting and hunting quest is only about 125,000, which is probably a little more than those entry-level Daojun powerhouses at most! That\'s all.

   In addition, Chen Fei also accidentally discovered that the Xionghu Daojun\'s Xionghu Zunyan was also on the list of reward hunting tasks in this task area.

   Bear and Tiger Seal.

   The top Daojun strongman in the ancestral land - Xionghu Daojun\'s natal weapon!

  Its strength|Compared to ordinary Daojun strong! Dangerous.

  Task reward: 135,000 contribution points,

  The specific details can be viewed in the data area.


Fade Chen raised his brows, and then directly took over all the six tasks. As a result, he hadn\'t sent them yet. The status of these six tasks jumped from the original pending acceptance to the completed task. Finish!

   "Om!" In the void, a somewhat rigid, as if a robot-like figure appeared out of nowhere and appeared beside his ear. And then, the Heavenly Dao Stone in his hand had already sent out a message.

   "Congratulations, five-star hunter Chen Fei, your mission has been completed, and you have obtained 815,000 contribution points!"

   "Eighty-five thousand?"

   "It\'s okay, it seems not bad..."

   Chen Fei murmured, and a smile appeared on his face.

   Five-star hunters need 100,000 contribution points,

   A six-star hunter needs one million contribution points, that is to say, he only needs to kill two more Daojuns, and he should be able to collect the hunter contribution points needed to advance to a six-star hunter!

   For him, the mere two Taoists are naturally not too difficult for him!

   Thinking of this, his eyes fell on the mission area again.

"The Wheelless Dao Zun also said before that the reward of this Daojun-level powerhouse\'s bounty hunting mission can be up to 200,000, and I don\'t know what kind of group of Daojuns of the 200,000-level are. What about people?"

   Chen Fei murmured,

   (end of this chapter)