Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

v3 Chapter 4562: Hunter Contribution Points!

Chapter 4562 Hunter Contribution Points!

   Mudi did not answer directly,

   but stretched out his hand,

  The light of the power of space flashed,


   Immediately, ten thumb-sized glittering treasures appeared in his hands.

  These treasures, some small axes, small chains, small tripods, small door plaques, small flower baskets, small books, etc.,

   There is also a palm-sized array,

   At first glance, the array plate seems to be the main body!

   The other nine treasures are all suspended on the array plate one by one, exuding a faint light, hooking up with each other, there are countless silver threads of space power, interspersing and linking them together!

   Glittering, sparkling, and very eye-catching.

   As soon as these scenes came out, even Fade Chen\'s attention was attracted to the past. He stared at the so-called Ten Treasures of Space, and the power of the Way of Space in his body actually started to move.

   "This is the Ten Treasures of Space?"

   Chen Fei muttered.

   "That\'s right!"

   Emperor Mu smiled and said with some pride. "Chen Fei, don\'t think that I\'m just an ancient **** of slaying ten thousand Taos, but as long as I have the ten treasures in this space, even if I face Mozun, I can still win! Are you right, Mozun?"

   "Okay, who doesn\'t know how powerful your Space God Realm\'s Ten Treasures are? What are you showing off?!" Dao Zun Wu Lun rolled his eyes angrily, then looked at Emperor Mu and said solemnly. "Since the ten treasures in this space are already in place, Mu Emperor, then you have to start preparing. As soon as the Great Demon God arrives! Let\'s start immediately and attack the Three Old Immortals!"


   Emperor Mu nodded directly,

   "Then let\'s do this first, it\'s not too late, Chen Xukong, I\'ll take you to the world of heaven, the war alliance!"

   Wu Lun Dao Zun also nodded, then looked towards Chen Fei.

"it is good!"

   Chen Fei nodded directly.

   When the voice fell, the Wheelless Daoist directly stretched out his hand, the light flickered, and a stone the size of a palm appeared in his hand. As soon as the stone appeared, it burst into light.

   The power of the laws of one after another flew out from it and kept floating into the void, and it actually gathered into an invisible force of the way of space, and in that void, wisps of strange energy bloomed.


   "The realm of heaven, open!"

At the same time, the Wheelless Dao Zun also tapped the stone lightly. Suddenly, the time of the scene in front of him changed, and the strange energy in the void began to fireworks out of a portal, and the turbulent space The power of Dao poured out from it, and Rao Chen Fei was slightly startled after seeing it.

   "What a strong power of the Way of Space!"

   "Furthermore, this power seems to be related to the Celestial Realm?!"

   Chen Fei said softly.

   "You\'re really sharp enough to be able to detect this?"

   Wu Wheel Daozun was a little surprised, and immediately explained.

   "The existence of the Heavenly Dao Realm stems from the Heavenly Dao Will of the Azure Heaven Immortal Realm! That is to say, anyone who wants to enter it needs to use this Heavenly Dao Stone to connect and link the Heavenly Dao Will to open this door!"

   "Let\'s go!"

The voice of    fell, and Dao Zun Wu Lun directly grabbed the stone, and then his figure flashed, and he stepped directly towards the portal of the Taoist world, and directly stepped into the other void! And seeing this scene, unless he also nodded at the Mu Emperor, and then walked in as well.


   The scenery in front of me suddenly changed,

   In the blink of an eye,

   An incomparably huge dimensional world has already appeared in front of them!

   "This is the realm of heaven?"

   Chen Fei glanced around,

   Then he looked directly at a huge building that towered into the clouds not far away. Obviously, he had already noticed that there seemed to be the core of this so-called Heavenly Dao Realm!

   "This Tiandao world was originally the exclusive land of the Tiandao Alliance, but now it is a special period, and it has temporarily become the base camp of the War Alliance!"

   No Wheel Daozun\'s voice sounded, and then said softly. "People from the Celestial Realm may not necessarily be able to come to this realm, but the people who can appear in this realm are basically our own people!"

   As soon as these words come out,

   Chen Fei was stunned for a moment,

   But then he nodded thoughtfully.

"Let\'s go, do you see that mountain? That is Tiandao Mountain. As the name suggests, Tiandao Mountain is the core of this Tiandao world! It is also where the war alliance is located. Generally speaking, at least four-star hunters are required, or above. The identity of the person is qualified to approach there!"

   Wulu Daozun spoke again and said softly.

   "Four-star hunter?"

   Chen Fei was stunned for a moment,

   Immediately, he looked at the Wheelless Dao Zun curiously.

   "Hunter is a unique title during the war. It is given by the war alliance, and according to how much he contributes, there are levels from one to seven stars. Among them, one star is the weakest and seven stars is the strongest!"

   No Wheel Daozun said softly.

   paused, then he looked at Fade Chen, his eyes flashing. "I won\'t talk about the weaker hunters. Let\'s start with these four-star hunters. Do you know how much the head of a strong Taoist monarch is worth?"

"How many?"

   Chen Fei asked.

   "One hundred thousand!"

   Wu Wheel Dao Zun looked into the distance, his eyes flashed, and said. "Generally speaking, the weakest entry-level Daojuns, their heads are worth 100,000 contribution points! If there are stronger ordinary Daojuns, top Daojuns, or even invincible Daojuns... their heads will be even more valuable. ! But probably not more than 200,000! As for these four-star hunters..."


   No Wheel Daozun said softly.

   "To become a four-star hunter, one of the requirements is to have a total contribution of 10,000 points!"

   "Ten thousand?" Fade Chen was startled, and then he probably knew the gold content of the four-star hunter. If nothing else, these four-star hunters should be the target, and the first layer of heaven is beyond the level of the ancient gods, right?

   Chen Fei just thought so in his heart,

   The Wheelless Dao Zun just opened his mouth and said. "To put it simply, you can probably understand the four-star hunter as a higher level than the ordinary detached ancient gods!"

"what about others?"

   Chen Fei nodded and asked again. "Five stars and six stars, and what about the seven stars?"

   "Five-star hunters need 100,000 contribution points, and six-star hunters need one million! As for the seven-star hunters... there is no requirement for any contribution points!" Dao Zun Wu Lun said softly.

   "Don\'t need contribution points?"

   Chen Fei was startled for a moment, surprised. "What do you need then?"

   "It\'s easy!"

   Wu Lun Dao Zun smiled and said. "You only need the heads of three Dao Ancestors, and that\'s it!"

   "The heads of three Taoist ancestors?"

   Chen Fei\'s mouth twitched, and he couldn\'t help but complain. "It\'s really easy!"

   (end of this chapter)