Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

v3 Chapter 4469: New battle! Bi Luo Shen Xue vs Jin Zhan Xuan Xiao!

Chapter 4469 A new battle! Bi Luo Shen Xue vs Jin Zhan Xuan Xiao!


  The huge divine bird that was burning with the fire of the terrifying phoenix,

   At this time, he actually fell from the battlefield above the sky,

   "Did she lose too?"

Chen Fei looked over and murmured, and at the same time, he saw Princess Tianfeng Lianxin who fell out of the battlefield, that is to say, stabilized her figure, and then suddenly raised her eyes again, her eyes were sharp. Staring at the sky...

   But then,

   She shook her head again,

   opened his mouth somewhat dimly and said softly.

"I lost…"

When the    voice fell, she turned around and fluttered her wings and rushed into the great formation of the gods and kings on the edge of the outer world that day.

   "Om!" Suddenly the light flickered, and the space distorted. That day, the figure of Princess Feng Lianxin disappeared quickly in the distorted space.

At the same time, I saw that in the battlefield on the top of the sky, Bi Luo Shenxue, who was walking on the terrifying sixth killing formation, was slowly flying out of the battlefield, and at the same time, he gradually accepted him. That terrifying kendo power!

   It was only at this moment that Jin Zhanxuanxiao\'s eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the Biluo Divine Blood,

   seems to have some solemn eyes, but also some unexpected and surprised.

   "Here, there is still such a strong powerhouse?"

  Although it was a glimpse, the power of the terrifying sixth killing formation of the blue and **** blood has successfully attracted the attention and attention of his Jinbian Xuanxiao!

   Moreover, let’s not talk about the power of the sixth killing formation, just to say that his Biluo Divine Blood was able to defeat a terrifying phoenix in such a short period of time, this is actually enough to explain a lot of things!

   That is the true strength of this Biluo Divine Blood,

   is definitely strong beyond imagination!


   At this moment, the void split open, and on the battlefield at the top of the sky on the other side in the distance, two more figures slowly fell down. Look closely, not that God Tiandu and Ji Fengyuan, who are they?

   At this time, they are obviously two manifestations. two extremes. I saw that Ji Fengyuan was almost covered with injuries at this time, and his breath was also very sluggish, as if he had sunk into the bottom of the valley.

   was almost pierced and killed.

But at this time, Shen Tiandu didn\'t seem to have any reaction at all. He was still so indifferent and calm, not only did his breath and breathing not mess up at all, even his clothes, hair, demeanor, etc. It seems that nothing has changed at all. It was impossible to see that he had experienced a war before.

   "Is it another crushing and disparate battle?" Jin Bianxuanxiao glanced at Ji Fengyuan, then at Shentiandu, narrowed his eyes again, and muttered.

   At the same time, Chen Fei also directly rose into the air and flew towards Ji Fengyuan, who was covered in injuries.

   "Master, are you all right?"

   "It\'s okay..." Ji Fengyuan shook his head and smiled wryly. "He left me, otherwise I\'m afraid I won\'t be able to hold even a single move in his hands."

"so smart?"

   Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the gods with some flickering eyes. The latter also seemed to have noticed his gaze, then turned his head to look at him, and then smiled lightly,

   Very calm and calm!

   "How do you say it? This guy... he should be really strong! Next, you have to be careful."

   Ji Fengyuan\'s tone was particularly solemn,

   Then patted Fade Chen on the shoulder again, then shook his head again, gave a wry smile, and finally his figure flashed, and he teleported away from this extraterrestrial world.

   And here, in today\'s outer world,

  The original top ten powerhouses,

   Now, there are only those six people left.

   That is, that has been the winner, Chen Fei, Jin Bianxuanxiao, Biluo Shenxue, Shentiandu, and the two who have not yet decided the winner and are still fighting. The long-lived beast has a long way to go, the long-lived beast... Shi Tianjun!

   Just very soon, the battle between the long-lived beast Daoyuan and the long-lived beast Shi Tianjun,

   Even the winners and losers were all decided.

   In the end, Shi Tianjun, who came from the Eternal Immortal Beast Clan, had the last laugh, while Dao Yuan, who came from the Qingtian Immortal Immortal Immortal Beast Clan, became a loser. Sadly left this world!

   So far, the first round of elimination battle has come to an end. The five winners are: Chen Fei, Jin Bianxuanxiao, Biluo Shenxue, Shentiandu, and Shi Tianjun!

   But this is not the end,

   is just the beginning!

   There is only one chance for the great formation of the God King Feixian! And now? They still have five people left, so the battle between them needs to continue! They will continue to fight, continue to eliminate their opponents,

   until the final victory!

   That can end.

   just evolved to this point,

  The pressure has also started to skyrocket!

The remaining five of them, except for Shen Tiandu, Biluo Shenxue, and Chen Fei, the three of them have not had much reaction, whether it is that Shi Tianjun or that Jin Bianxuanxiao, they are at this time. They all became a little flickering, and their brows were furrowed. It is obvious that they are under a lot of pressure!

   How to choose this?

   Jinbian Xuanxiao and Shi Tianjun looked at each other...

   all feel a little helpless. Even some are not sure!

   "I\'m a little interested in you, can you fight me?" However, at this moment, in the distance, rolling voices suddenly came, and I didn\'t expect that Bi Luo Shenxue would speak first,

   And he even took the initiative to invite that Jinbian Xuanxiao to fight!

   is the first to be clicked on the name,

This makes the complexion of Jin Zhuangxuanxiao obviously a little unsightly, because in a sense, this is not to say that Jin Zhuangxuanxiao is the weakest among the five people today, and it is best to solve it first. that person?

   This was a complete humiliation for him, and it also made some anger really begin to emerge in his heart at this time.

   "Come on, then, I happen to have heard of you, the strange species of the Celestial Realm - the name of Biluo Divine Blood... Today I am Jin Bianxuanxiao, just in time for a lesson or two!" Jin Bianxuanxiao said with gloomy eyes,


   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

Immediately, a mighty and terrifying force exploded out of nowhere, causing Jin Xianxuanxiao\'s body to flow out, and in a flash, he actually took out his trump card, the form of Jin Yaotian God. !

   Obviously he also understands that in this situation, temptation or something is probably completely meaningless.

   So instead of wasting time, it’s better to be agile, do your best, and see the real trick!

   (end of this chapter)