Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 8: Sister Yan

Chapter 8 Sister Yan

   "You, you are talking nonsense!"

   Sister Yan couldn\'t help trembling, her face was full of humiliation, and she said loudly.

"Nonsense? Why He Yan, are you ready to not recognize your husband? You can\'t recognize Wang Dachun\'s **** handwriting? Then do you want me to call him to tell you face to face, it\'s written in black and white, do you still think deny?!"

The Huang Mao looked arrogant and said, "He Yan, make it clear to Lao Tzu, you are Wang Dachun\'s wife, he lost 50,000 yuan to me, and he has no money for me, shouldn\'t you help him pay back the money? It is only right and proper to pay off debts. Did you know?"

When Huang Mao said this, he suddenly sneered and sneered: "It\'s written in black and white, if you want me to stop pestering you, it\'s okay, 100,000, as long as you give me 100,000, I promise that I will never bother you again in the future. Seeing you, just take a detour!" He gave the other party a certain expression.

   "I said Huang Mao, 100,000, why don\'t you just grab it?" At this moment, Chen Fei finally couldn\'t help but speak. These shameless **** really want the lion to speak up when they seize the opportunity!

"Chen Fei, it\'s none of your business. Wang Dachun has indeed lost 50,000 yuan in my hands. He has no money to give. He will sign and pledge his wife to pay off the debt. If you want to protect her, that\'s fine, then I\'ll show this black and white letter to the neighbors, I believe everyone should be very happy to see this thing!?" You really don\'t say, although this Huangmao is a bastard, but these arrogant and unreasonable nonsense, it is still slippery. Yes, it makes my teeth ticklish.

   "You, you dare! You can\'t do this!"

   He Yan\'s complexion also changed suddenly, her eyes were flushed, and her whole body was trembling. You know, if this kind of thing really spreads out, how will she meet people in the future?

   When walking on the street in the future, everyone will point at her in private and say that she was sold by her husband. How could a woman be subjected to such gossip?

"No? Why can\'t I, isn\'t my Huangmao\'s money not money? Is it paper? Since you want to do this, don\'t blame me for being ruthless!" When Huangmao saw that He Yan was not on the road, he didn\'t bother to say any more. Yelling, the younger brothers sneered and prepared to leave.

"and many more!"

However, at this moment, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded from behind him, Huang Mao\'s face changed slightly, he turned around, filled with Chen Fei\'s gloomy expression, and said: "Fade Chen, let me warn you again, don\'t have a finger in the pie!"

   "Humph! This is no nosy."

   Fade Chen snorted coldly when he heard the words, looked at the other party with bad eyes, and then walked directly to the other party without any explanation, grabbed the other party\'s collar, and scolded: "Hand over that document to me!"

   "Get out of here!"

That Huang Mao was obviously not a kind character, he pushed Chen Fei away directly, with a vicious look on his face, pointed at Chen Fei Senran and said: "I didn\'t want to do anything with you, since you yourself Yes, yes, yes, give it to me!"

With Huang Mao\'s order, he and the gangsters under his command directly attacked Fade Chen, each of them fierce and vicious, holding stones and slabs ready-made on the ground in their hands, and even a short, The treacherous guy actually took out a switch knife directly from his trousers bag, his eyes were full of viciousness, and he sneered at Chen Fei: "I can always remember the last revenge, see I abolish you today. !"

  Last time, it seemed that he was interrupted by Chen Fei!

   "Xiao Fei!" When He Yan reacted, she immediately screamed. Those guys all have murder weapons in their hands, what should I do, what should I do!


But just when she was extremely worried in her heart, a heavy and muffled sound suddenly sounded in her ear, accompanied by a scream, the guy with the switch knife had been kicked out by Fade Chen and slammed into him. At the corner of the alley, the arm holding the knife was twisted like a twist, obviously, it was useless again.

   "You, **** it!" Seeing this scene, the rest of the yellow hairs were all frightened, their eyes showed fear, and they dared not continue to do anything.

   "Why, are you afraid?"

However, seeing this scene, Chen Fei just sneered, glanced at the other party with indifferent eyes, and said coldly: "Huang Mao, I\'m warning you one last time, take out that document, Wang Dachun owes you the money, and he Go to him, don\'t be ashamed here!"

   "Yes, that **** and I have already divorced, and his business has nothing to do with me!" He Yan, who was hiding aside, also sobbed a little. It turned out that she had already divorced that bastard!

"So what..." Huang Mao wanted to be tough when he heard the words, but when he met Fade Chen\'s icy gaze, he couldn\'t help but his body suddenly trembled in fear, and then he glanced at the curled up on the ground, one hand had been twisted. The little brother who was screaming in a twist, didn\'t say the cruel words on his lips.

   "Take it out for me!" Seeing this scene, Chen Fei lost his patience, took out the note from the other party\'s pocket and tore it up in front of everyone.

  Seeing this scene, Huang Mao\'s eyes suddenly showed thick anger and sinister color, but at this moment he didn\'t dare to talk any more nonsense, and with a gloomy face ordered his younger brother to take the injured person and leave.

   Seeing that those annoying guys finally left, Fade Chen turned to look at He Yan, and said with concern: "Sister Yan, are you alright."

   Hearing Chen Fei\'s words, He Yan\'s red lips parted slightly, her seductive face showed a dim look, and she said listlessly: "Xiao Fei, thank you for this today. I\'m fine."

"Where, Sister Yan, you usually take care of me so much, and I often go to your house to eat and help. It\'s right to help." Chen Fei carefully observed He Yan\'s expression, and slowly said: "Wang Dachun, that bastard. Egg, how dare you do such a thing, Sister Yan, do you want me to help you out!?"

He Yan\'s husband, no, it\'s her ex-husband, a well-known gambler in this Shiren Village, and he\'s the kind of bad gambler who knows how to gamble all day long, and I don\'t know how she would marry such a person. Neighbors used to say that they were not worthy of it.

"Hey, forget it, Xiaofei, you don\'t need to worry about this matter. Sister Yan, I will handle it myself. Let\'s go back. Oops." Sister Yan obviously didn\'t want to talk about such topics anymore, she got up and wanted to go home. But suddenly he cried out in pain.

   "Sister Yan, what\'s wrong with you?" Fade Chen quickly supported her.

   "My foot is swollen." It turned out that her foot had been swollen just now, and it was stinging like a needle.

   As soon as he heard this, Fade Chen immediately helped her to sit on the edge of the alley.

   Seeing He Yan\'s foot injury, Fade Chen immediately said: "Sister Yan, why don\'t I help you see the injury on the foot?"

"Look at my memory, Xiao Fei, are you a graduate of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine? Then help Sister Yan to see, my feet hurt, especially the ankles." He Yan\'s eyes lit up immediately, because she remembered Chen Fei seems to be a top student from a medical university, he must be very powerful.

   For ordinary people in urban villages like them, a person who can go to university and graduate successfully is already very powerful, and he is still a doctor, and his future is definitely bright.

   "Sister Yan, it\'s not a Chinese medicine university, just an ordinary third-rate university."

   Chen Fei seemed to correct the other party seriously, but his hand had already fallen on the other party\'s tender ankle.

   "Hey, Xiao Fei, be gentle." He just touched it lightly with his hand, and Sister Yan couldn\'t help taking a breath and called out. If this level is not dealt with in time, I am afraid that I may not be able to go to work tomorrow.

"Sister Yan, it may be a little painful at first, so bear with it for a while." At this moment, Fade Chen didn\'t look at those attractive legs any more, and gently placed his hand on Sister Yan\'s ankle injury and rubbed it. .

  His strength was very light, and it obviously contained a peculiar technique, so Sister Yan just felt the piercing pain, and then slowly eased her tightly wrinkled brows. There is a warm current, warm, as if soaking in warm water.

   "Sister Yan, you should get up and take a look now, shouldn\'t it be a problem?" Fade Chen finally suppressed the distracting thoughts in his mind, stood up, stepped back without a trace, and smiled at Sister Yan.

   "Uh, um, are you all right?" He Yan was surprised and stood up subconsciously.

When she stood up, He Yan was surprised to find that her left foot, which was like a needle **** just now, didn\'t really hurt at all. Now she was really surprised, and praised Chen Fei: "Little Fei, it really belongs to you, as expected of a top student who graduated from college, I can\'t see it, you really have a hand!"

"Hey, Sister Yan, don\'t you look at who I am, Fade Chen? Haha! All right, let\'s go back together." If it was before, Fade Chen wasn\'t so confident, but now, he has gained a master in the cultivation world. After the inheritance, he was full of confidence in himself, and he was confident that few people could have better medical skills than him.

   (end of this chapter)