Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 6: Hey, is Chinese medicine still no?

Chapter 6 Hey, is Chinese medicine still no?

"Hank, you figure it out for me, now that the boss has reached the most dangerous time, if you don\'t let him save him, he probably won\'t be able to hold on. Why don\'t you let him try, do you understand what I mean?" The bald white man was communicated with the black man in English.

   Then I saw him walking towards Fade Chen and said loudly: "You, help, save people!" His Chinese is not good!

   But even so, it was enough, Fade Chen pushed the black man away without hesitation and walked towards the fat foreigner Tucci who was twitching on the ground. The middle-aged government official and Liu Changshan hesitated for a while when they saw this scene, but they didn\'t stop in the end.

  Because this situation is indeed the most dangerous, until Mr. Du arrives, Liu Changshan himself has no confidence in saving people, so why bother to stop it?

"Don\'t worry, I can save you!" As soon as Chen Fei walked to Tuqi\'s side, he said lightly in his ear in broken English, and then saw him stretch out his hand to his chest, back of his neck, He patted the head with uneven force, and then began to massage the other\'s body.

   This scene directly shocked everyone present and was stunned!

   "If you don\'t see it, I\'ll say he\'s a liar, get out of the way!" The **** bodyguard roared even more angrily when he saw this scene, waving his huge fist to open Chen Fei.

But at this moment, his companion, the bald white man, suddenly hugged him and said in a shocking tone, "Hank, stop me, you idiot! You see clearly, boss, boss It seems to be alright."

   "What, this is impossible!" The black bodyguard was immediately dumbfounded and looked forward with a dumbfounded expression.

   "This, how is this possible! Breathing has stabilized." Even the authoritative expert of the cardiovascular department of the Central Hospital, Liu Changshan couldn\'t close his chin at this moment.

   He really didn\'t expect that in his eyes, just a few random taps actually calmed the exhalation of Twitch, who was convulsing and suffering from massive myocardial infarction. In other words, he has escaped the dangerous period, which is nothing short of a miracle.

   "Little, this doctor, can you wake up Mr. Tucci?" The middle-aged government official was also excited, looking at Chen Fei and whispering.

"Do not talk!"

However, Chen Fei just answered him like this, and then saw him take out the silver needle box he carried with him from his arms, and took out the silver needles flowing in the clouds and flowing water, and punctured various important acupoints on the body of the other party. weak.

   "This..." The previous distrust in the eyes of all the foreign bodyguards, especially the foreign bodyguards, has all turned into shock at this moment, because, because of their boss, Mr. Tucci, he has already woken up.

   "Boss, are you awake, boss? That\'s great, God bless!" The black bodyguard immediately got excited.

   "Shut up! Hank, you idiot, you almost killed me!" The somewhat recovered fat foreigner Tucci cursed weakly at the black bodyguard with a vicious look in his eyes.

  Although he was about to go into shock just now, his consciousness was still there. Naturally, he knew that Fade Chen wanted to save him twice and three times, but was stopped by his **** stupid bodyguard. If someone hadn\'t stopped him in the end, wouldn\'t I, Tucci, die here! ? Damn, what a blessing!

   Then I saw him open to Chen Fei gratefully, very sincere: "This doctor, thank you for saving me, my name is Tucci, I really thank you for saving me!"

"Okay, don\'t talk, you haven\'t completely suppressed the disease yet." However, Fade Chen just told him to shut up, and then repeated the random pats just now, and on the other party\'s body, especially on the shoulders and chest .


After a while, Chen Fei slowly got up and said to Tu Qi, who was lifted up by him and sat on the chair: "You should understand Chinese. You are all right now, don\'t pull out the silver needle on your body, wait. Du Lao from the Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine is here, let’s talk about it, he will definitely be able to handle the follow-up, so I will leave.”

   After saying that, he got up and wanted to get up.

"Sir, please wait a moment, please wait a moment, thank you very much for saving me. My name is Tuqi, this is my business card, please accept it. If you can contact me in the future, I will thank you very much." But Tu Qi didn\'t expect Chen Fei to leave so soon, and immediately took out his business card respectfully and handed it to Chen Fei.

   Chen Fei took the business card and saw a series of Italian words written on it, but he only knew the phone number and put it away.

"Is this little brother leaving? Otherwise, wait a little longer, Du Lao is about to come over. If he sees me, a young and promising Chinese medicine doctor like you in Beishan City, he will be very pleased. Yes." The middle-aged man in the government still wanted to keep him, but Chen Fei still ignored him.

However, just as Fade Chen was about to leave, he suddenly seemed to remember something, turned to the black man, and the foreign bodyguards, grinning and saying, "Hey, you guys, Chinese medicine doctor. Still no?"

   "Yes! Yes! Chinese medicine is very good, very good!" The bodyguards immediately nodded and laughed.

  If Chen Fei\'s Chinese medicine hadn\'t rescued their boss today, God knows what serious punishment they would have received when they went back.

   In other words, Chen Fei can even be said to be their savior, how can he dare to say that Chinese medicine is no, and Chinese medicine is not good?

   "It\'s almost the same!" Hearing the other party\'s words, Chen Fei showed a satisfied smile on his face, shook his head and hummed a song, and left leisurely. Being able to save a life is also a very happy thing for him.

   After all, the reason why he wanted to study medicine and become a doctor was to save the world and save more people!

   "Young man, wait for me, wait for me." Seeing that Chen Fei had really left, Liu Changshan hesitated and immediately followed.

   And just after Chen Fei and Liu Changshan left one after another, a group of people from the Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Beishan University and Mr. Du arrived late. Du Lao is in his sixties today, but he is still in good shape, with silver hair, a rosy face, and bright eyes.

  When he saw Tuqi with a lot of silver needles inserted into his body, his eyes lit up immediately, he strode towards Tuqi, and asked, "He is the patient, this silver needle?"

   As the former president of the Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and now a figure at the level of Taishan and Beidou in the domestic Chinese medicine industry, middle-aged people in the government will naturally know him. I saw that he immediately came to Du Lao and Tucci, and said: "Du Lao, this is Mr. Tuqi. He came to our Beishan City this time on behalf of the Italian Saint Laurent Group to investigate and invest."

   After he finished speaking, he said to Tuqi again: "Mr. Tuqi, this is Mr. Du. He is a very prestigious old Chinese medicine doctor in our country, and he is here to save you!"

   "Traditional Chinese medicine? Chinese medicine is very good, I love Chinese medicine!" Tu Qi said with a smile, "However, I seem to be fine now. The gentleman just now used his magical medical skills to save me."

   "That gentleman just now!?"

   Not only Du Lao was stunned, but even the other senior officials of the Chinese Medicine Affiliated Hospital who accompanied him were puzzled.

"That\'s right, just now, a young man who claimed to be Fade Chen rescued Mr. Tucci with Chinese medicine..." The middle-aged government official immediately recounted what had just happened, including Liu Changshan and Fade Chen taking random shots and placing needles At the time, they were all explained in their original form.

   "What? Liu Changshan from the Central Hospital is there, and even he can\'t do anything!"

   "You said that a 20-year-old hairy boy rescued this Mr. Tucci, and only took a few random shots."

   "This, how is it possible, have you been deceived by him!?"


   The scene that happened just now was too amazing, so even if it was just described by the middle-aged government official, the senior officials of the affiliated hospitals of traditional Chinese medicine were surprised and felt incredible.

"Hmph, please pay attention to the way you speak, my life was saved by that gentleman, Mr. Chen, who is not a liar!" Hearing the suspicious tone of those people, Tuqi became unhappy and snorted coldly. road.

   "Uh, Mr. Tucci, you will be wrong, we are just a little surprised." The senior officials of the Chinese Medicine Affiliated Hospital laughed awkwardly.

   "Okay, that young man did a great job. If I guessed right, the way he saved Mr. Tucci just now was massage!" At this moment, Elder Du, who had been thinking about it, suddenly said.


   Everyone was stunned, that thing can save people!

"I think you guys are really confused. Traditional Chinese medicine is all-encompassing. It\'s not just taking medicine to save people, acupuncture, massage, seeing, hearing, asking, etc. Which one is not the wealth left to us by our ancestors?" Du Lao said with some hatred for iron. .

After saying this, he took another look at the silver needle that Mr. Tucci was sticking, and said, "There is basically no big problem with the needle that the young man gave you. However, Mr. Tucci, you should come back to us. Go to the hospital, just in case."

   Hearing this, Tucci naturally would not object. After Chen Fei\'s miraculous treatment for him this time, he already has incomparable confidence in Chinese medicine and believes unconditionally.

   When Mr. Du and the senior officials of the Chinese Medicine Hospital sent Tucci to the hospital, Chen Fei, who had left before, was almost about to leave Beishan University.

At this moment, a voice calling his name suddenly came from behind him. Fade Chen looked sideways, but it was the Dr. Liu Changshan from the Central Hospital who caught him, panting and teaching: "That classmate. , stay, stay."

   Chen Fei didn\'t want to pay attention to him at first, but after thinking about it, he stopped, turned around and said to the other party: "I\'m not a student."

   "Not a student?"

Then Liu Changshan was stunned when he heard the words, and then nodded his head as a matter of course, and said, "That\'s right, young man, you are so powerful, how can you be a student? I just heard you say your name is Fade Chen, if you don\'t mind, I will Just call you Xiaofei, okay?"

   (end of this chapter)