Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 400: Omnichannel Testimonials

Chapter 400 Omnichannel Testimonials

   When I typed this sentence, I actually felt very emotional in Balloon\'s heart. Seriously, I didn’t expect this book to get to where it is today, because the road has been so bumpy, from the beginning of writing this book, to the confusion about the results after it was put on the shelves, to the little bit of results afterward. The excitement and joy of the slow rise, until now the balloons have kept these in their hearts, there is really an indescribable taste.

  Let\'s get down to business, being able to get this big recommendation on all channels is the website\'s trust in the balloon, and it is also the recognition of the balloons from book friends, and it is also an explanation for the balloons to choose to write novels.

   Every road has its twists and turns, and all walks of life have their own bitterness and unknown difficulties.

Just like the balloon me, my coding speed is actually very slow. It takes two hours for one chapter, three chapters a day is more than six hours, plus revisions, card texts, and need to save manuscripts, bursts from time to time... At least The balloon is in front of the computer for more than ten hours a day, which is not counting the time for eating and sleeping, and writing novels is a profession that is open all year round, every day, so it is really tiring.

   But because I like it, I slowly persevered. Now, of course, I also hope that this book will be better and longer.

   So, if you guys and girls think that this book is good for your appetite, please don\'t hesitate to subscribe. Especially after it is recommended by omni-channel tomorrow, the balloon will abide by the agreement to explode 20+, please give more support at that time, it is best to subscribe to it, because after this book is recommended from omni-channel, there will be a data evaluation , Only books with excellent sales and subscriptions can continue to be recommended by the website. Of course, it is the best to be rewarded.

   And if the subscription and sales are not good-looking, it may be more troublesome.

  I\'m sure everyone can help me in this balloon, thank you.

   In addition, Balloon recommends a few books here. One is "The Beautiful Goddess Loves Me" by Raccoon, the other is "The Strongest Little Migrant Worker" in the middle of the night, and "Domineering Farmer Pretty Village Flower" by God of Swords and "God-level Perspective Eye" by Chongsheng... These four books are all books that Balloon thinks are good-looking. If you have a book shortage, you might as well take a look. There will always be something you like to read.

   Above, Balloon, 22 June 2016.

   (end of this chapter)