Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 381: Hero saves beauty

Chapter 381 Heroes Save Beauty

  Outside the luxurious duplex design of the old castle, there were at least dozens of men in black suits, all standing in the left and right rows of the door with a solemn and respectful look.

In addition to this, there is a pale-skinned middle-aged man who looks extremely elegant and is wearing a formal suit. The whole person seems to have an ancient aristocratic temperament, but now he is actually standing on another old man with red eyes and gray hair. Behind him, there is a posture of following behind a big man.

   This suddenly surprised Appel, who came to open the door, and even a little panicked. Because she knew who the extremely elegant looking pale middle-aged man belonged to, the great butler of the great Brad family. A big man qualified to stand at the pinnacle of their Italian power! They had met once before, and she got a serious order from there...

   But now, she really can\'t imagine that the Brad family\'s big butler, who is afraid that even the high-level officials of the Italian state would not dare to neglect, would put on such a humble attitude in front of another old man. Is it...

   Suddenly, Appel\'s soft lips could not help but gradually tremble and widen due to the shocking conjecture in his heart. She looked at old Brad again with awe and trembling in her eyes.

   The old man who is qualified to make the respected Mr. Celia so humble in front of him, who else is there?

   "Respect, respectful old Mr. Brad, you, hello." She said tremblingly, bowing her head, her whole body was like a frightened kitten, very frightened.

   She couldn\'t believe that such a great person, Ju, would actually appear in front of her in person. You must know that that is the real leader of the Brad family, and even Mr. Celia, who is terrifyingly honorable in her heart, is only the servant of the other party. In front of such a legendary figure, how could she not be nervous, how could she not be afraid?

However, old Brad just glanced at her lightly, and ignored it as air, but right after that, he actually respectfully said to the room in Appel\'s shocking eyes: "Dear Chen Your Excellency, I\'m old Brad, may I come in?"

  Suddenly, Appel\'s soft lips opened wide, almost enough to put an egg in it, which was incredible. Do you want to know what a legendary big man old Brad is? Maybe even their Italian leaders have to be careful and respectful in front of each other, but now... he is so polite and even respectful to young oriental people like Chen Fei...

   All of a sudden, Appel only felt that his little head was not functioning properly, and those beautiful eyes were instantly intertwined with shock and stunned emotions, which was extremely shocking. But at this moment, she suddenly trembled.

  Because there is a pair of indifferent cold eyes that have calmly stared at her.


The pale-skinned middle-aged Silia, who looked extremely elegant, slowly closed the door of the room, and then a pair of indifferent eyes fell on Appel again, and said lightly: "Ma\'am, if I\'m not mistaken, you Shouldn\'t he be touched by the respected Mr. Chen?"

   Hearing these words and the plain and indifferent tone of the other party, Appel couldn\'t help trembling violently, and her beautiful eyes flashed a trace of panic, trying to explain: "Respected Celia..."

   "I don\'t think I want to hear your explanation."

However, the pale-skinned middle-aged Celia, who looked extremely elegant, interrupted her words directly, and then her expression became extremely cold, and her tone was not good: "Miss Appel, you still made a speech. A stupid thing. Maybe you don\'t understand what a great person Mr. Chen is, but if you are a little bit smart, you should remember and implement what I said to you before, the smile on your face, Your charming and pure body should give everything to please Mr. Chen, instead of doing nothing like it is now!"

"I think the esteemed Mr. Chen must be very unhappy now, and once the great gentleman is unhappy, trust me, Miss Appel, it will be a disaster for you... Come on, give me her Take it away." Celia remained expressionless, but the gradually gloomy tone in his voice was enough to show and prove everything.

   He followed and waved his hand, motioning the men in black beside him to take the stupid woman away and let her get the \'punishment and end\' she deserves.

You have to know that Mr. Chen from a certain country in the east, even the elder Brad of their Brad family has to respect and respect the big man, but now he is disturbed by such a \'stupid\' son Interested, did not enjoy the pleasant afternoon time... More importantly, all this was arranged by Celia himself, but he never came up with such a huge mistake, how could he not be angry?

   Even at this moment, even his heart felt a little uneasy. Because if the respected Mr. Chen is not happy, then Silia will naturally be to blame and will be implicated.

And when they heard the tone of Butler Celia was so uneasy and cold at this time, although many of those men in black were fans of Appel, at this moment, they still did not dare to disobey the order, and could only be expressionless. Like that Appel walked away, with regret in his eyes.

"No, Mr. Celia, please listen to my explanation, please listen to my explanation..." Suddenly Appel\'s delicate and pretty face faded instantly, his voice and eyes became trembling and fearful, and he quickly want to explain.

   But is her explanation useful at this time?

   Obviously useless!

   Celia had already turned her head away and stopped looking at her. The men in black also approached her.


But at the next moment, in front of the path that the men in black were walking on, they wanted to suddenly have an invisible mirror, so that they would bump into it abruptly, and then made several dull \'bang\' noises, and they were hit. Everyone went backwards. But upon seeing this scene, both Nasilia and Appel suddenly changed their expressions.

  The former was naturally a little panicked because of guessing something. The latter did not understand what happened suddenly, and was a little surprised.


It\'s just that the door behind them was suddenly pushed open at the next moment, and a young man with an oriental face walked out of it. The panic-stricken Brad family\'s chief butler, Celia, smiled: "Your Excellency Celia, a qualified Italian gentleman would not joke with a beautiful lady like this, what do you think?"

   Instantly, Celia\'s pale forehead and back of neck froze, and then she was covered in cold sweat. Only then did she realize that she seemed to have done something wrong.

Immediately, he saw his whole body quivering, and immediately bowed deeply to Appel in Chen Fei\'s arms, apologizing with a tone of respect he had never had before: "Sorry, dear Ms. Appel, please forgive me. Crude joke just now. Here, I offer you my most sincere apologies."

The two completely different attitudes made Appel a little stunned. It seems that he did not expect the reversal of fate to be so fast... It seems that he did not expect Chen Fei to be so powerful. Even the big housekeeper of the dignified Brad family, respect Mr. Celia, was frightened like this just because of his words.

   even offered such a solemn apology to her \'little star\'.

   She was indeed too surprised to digest it.

   Seeing this scene, although Celia felt helpless in her heart, she still didn\'t dare to straighten his waist before the other\'s "that" let go. So he kept the posture of bending over and apologizing, bowed his head, and did not speak.

   Upon seeing this, Fade Chen stretched out his hand and pinched Appel\'s stunned pretty face, and said with a smile: "If you stay stunned like this, Mr. Celia\'s waist will be broken."

   Hearing that, Appel suddenly woke up like a dream, and the respected Mr. Celia was still bending over to her, and hurriedly stretched out his hand, anxiously trying to help her up. She said, "Dear Mr. Celia, get up quickly..."

   Seeing the jade hand stretched out by Appel, Silia was very \'interested\' and immediately leaned back, avoiding her move to help her up. Immediately, he finally stood up straight again, but he still said respectfully, "Beautiful lady, thank you for your generosity."

   "Cilia, why don\'t you go to work first."

   At this moment, old Brad with red eyes and white hair walked out of the room with a smile.

   I saw that he first frowned at Celia, then looked at Chen Fei and said with a smile: "Dear Your Excellency Chen, the dinner is almost ready. Why don\'t we go over now?"

Speaking of this, he paused slightly, his red eyes fell on Appel in Chen Fei\'s arms again, and followed with a smile: "Oh, beautiful lady, if you don\'t mind, maybe you can go with us later, What do you think? Your Excellency Chen..." Obviously, from the scene just now, he had already realized that Appel should have some weight in Chen Fei\'s heart, and his natural attitude became less ignorant than before, and he even issued a message later. Invitation to dinner.

To know that he can make old Brad say such things himself, I am afraid that even the high-level Italian government will be excited and laugh, so let alone an \'ordinary little star\' like her Appel . Of course, this is indeed the case. At the moment, the latter was almost shocked by the sudden remark, and was so surprised that he almost suffocated.

   You must know that that is the patriarch Brad of the Brad family! The person who really stood at the pinnacle of their Italian power, but now, such a big person actually invites him to have dinner later, what kind of honor is this?

   But following her, he still forcibly suppressed the surprise in his heart. After recovering, he turned his eyes to Fade Chen for help.

   "Flying Brother~"

She is not stupid, of course she understands that the respected Mr. Celia, and even the great old Lord Brad suddenly changed his attitude towards her, not because of anything else, but because he was beside her at the moment, smiling faintly and holding her in his arms Oriental man! So she must now seek his advice. What he says is what it is.

   (end of this chapter)