Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 37: change

Chapter 37 Changes

   "Old Huang, what are you doing, I was shocked." Feng Yujuan came out of the study and said unhappily.

   However, Huang Tao didn\'t have time to pay attention to so much at the moment.

   Indulge in a huge comedy.

   He didn\'t expect Fade Chen to give him such a big gift. It is related to foreign investment, and it is related to the world\'s top 500 companies. The above will definitely attach great importance to it. This is a great achievement. How could he be unhappy?


   At this time, Fade Chen\'s phone had been hung up, but suddenly another call came in. Huang Tao was stunned when he saw the name on the caller ID, and answered the phone: "Hello, is that Lao Qi..."

   After the phone call this time, his face turned a little gloomy. Seeing that something was wrong, Feng Yujuan came over and asked, "Old Huang, what happened, are you?"

   "Dr. Chen has brought tens of millions or hundreds of millions of foreign investment for me. The other party is a Fortune 500 company. If you add these, maybe things should be more stable." Huang Tao said.


   Feng Yujuan was stunned when she heard the words,

   Then he was overjoyed, "Isn\'t this a good thing? Then Dr. Chen is really capable, and you have to thank others when you look back. Why are you still so frowning, I think you are not dreaming of getting promoted and climbing up?"

   "You, ah, you are talking nonsense all day long. It\'s alright, it\'s nothing. Something went wrong elsewhere..."

   Huang Tao shook his head, his eyes twinkling.

   "But at this juncture, there is nothing to do. Lao Qi said that there is a shortage of manpower in Lin\'an, and he wants me to send Xiao Liao and Xiao Wang to the grassroots to experience."

   Feng Yujuan was stunned for a moment as soon as these words came out, and she fell silent.


   On the morning of the second day, Chen Fei woke up early from the state of cultivation, put on a new set of clothes that had just been dried, and looked refreshed. He left the California Garden Hotel and headed for the central hospital.

   Obviously, today is the first time he has been in the outpatient clinic since he grew up, so naturally he is still a little bit excited.

   About seven or eight o\'clock, Chen Fei rushed to the central hospital on a crowded bus.

Although he was less sweaty than ordinary people after his cultivation reached the second level of qi training, but after getting off the crowded bus, it was another hot summer, and a layer still appeared behind him. The dense layers of hot sweat were indeed a little too hot, which made him determined to buy a car for travel.

   After all, this is always catching the bus, it doesn\'t seem to be a problem.

   Beishan Central Hospital should have been located in the central area of ​​the urban area, but due to the continuous expansion in recent years, the land area used was insufficient, so it was moved to the high-tech business district outside the urban area.

  As a comprehensive tertiary hospital in Beishan City and even the entire Jiangnan Province, Beishan Central Hospital is well-known both inside and outside the province, and many patients from other places come here every year.

   Even though it was early in the morning, there were still many people registering in such a large hospital. In particular, the number of experts in various medical departments is in short supply, and many have been queued for a few days or a week.

It happened that Wang Kai\'s uncle, Liu Zhichuang, was on duty today. Because he lived close to the hospital, he came to the hospital very early, but when he saw Chen Fei, who had also come to the hospital. , Immediately, his body trembled, and the look that was originally condescending became tense.

Of course, he still remembered the incident at the Red River Restaurant that day. Even the biggest boss of their cardiovascular department, Liu Changshan, was a person who should treat each other with courtesy, but he didn\'t have his eyes and bumped into it stupidly, which made him regret it to the extreme. , for fear that the other party would be unhappy and let him follow in the footsteps of Zheng Yi, the deputy chief doctor of the Chinese medicine department, then he couldn\'t cry if he wanted to.

  Fortunately, the other party seemed to be too lazy to care about him, which also made him relieved, but now, he actually met the other party again, which made his heart beat fast, and he was very flustered.

   But after hesitating for a while, he finally went up to say hello. Then he cautiously stepped forward and said, "Hello Dr. Chen, are you here for work today? It\'s really early."

   "You are... oh, it turns out to be Dr. Liu, why, how is my squad leader Wang these days." Fade Chen recognized the other party and said with a smile.

   That Liu Zhichuang was shocked when he heard the words, and immediately said with an apologetic smile: "I already told that kid to get out of the way, Dr. Chen, please rest assured, I will never do this kind of stupid thing again in the future, and I will not let anyone go through the back door from me."

"Knowing your mistakes can improve a lot. Dr. Liu, you are quite good. Okay, let\'s do it first. It just so happens that I\'m going to the cardiovascular department to report, so let\'s go together." After listening to Fade Chen, he also felt that the other party was smart. , I was too lazy to bend the curve again, and said with a smile.

   "Yes, yes, please come with me, Dr. Chen, I am familiar with the hospital, and I will take you there immediately." Then Liu Zhichuang obviously heard the meaning in Chen Fei\'s tone, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said quickly.

   said, he led Chen Fei to the ace department of the Central Hospital - the Cardiovascular Department.

   (end of this chapter)