Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 361: choose

Chapter 361 Selection

"Respected Mr. Brad, maybe this is not something you should consider. Since I have the courage to come to Italy alone, I won\'t be here to die, right?" Hearing this, Chen Fei smiled incomparably flat. , but there was a faint edge of sharpness and anger in his eyes.

"Oh, I\'m sorry, I was talking too much, your respected Excellency Chen. Sorry, can you wait for me in this study by yourself?" That old Brad Yinhong\'s eyes flashed with blood, and he put his hand on his chest. Apologise before.

   "Naturally." Fade Chen blurted out flatly.

Immediately, the old Brad\'s old body slowly retreated, gradually dipping into the darkness, followed by an abrupt \'twitter\' screeching sound, with Yin Hong eyes densely packed, bat-like creatures rushed out of the dimly lit room. , rushing towards the sloping tower erected in the ancient castle in the distance.

  I saw that in the sloping tower, there was a small, dim room, standing in the deepest part.

There are two rows of doors in the room, and there is a corridor with ancient kerosene lamps often lit. One by one wearing black robes, the figures shrouded in the whole body are quietly arranged on both sides of the road, like statues. There was a disgusting, heavy smell of blood. And the pair of Yin Hong\'s eyes hidden under the black robes, which flickered and dimmed, made people shudder.

  Sizz! hiss! hiss…

   At this moment, the dense swarm of bats appeared at the entrance of this dark corridor. When they fell to the ground, they turned into a human figure... This human figure is not a human being, but the old Brad who just left in front of Chen Fei.

   "Master Patriarch."

   Immediately, the sculptural figures in black robes seemed to wake up, making a cold, ice crystal-like sound.

   However, the old Brad didn\'t say a word. He just slowly tidied up his slightly messy shirt, then stepped forward with no expression, and buried himself in the deepest part of the corridor.

Looking from a distance, the end of the corridor seems to be shrouded in a thick layer of darkness, with only strands and layers of thick and disgusting **** smell lingering in it, as if buried in a dark red abyss giant on the ground. The beast...the scalp tingling involuntarily.

  Tick, tick... I don\'t know where the sound of water dripping came from. Quiet, icy, as if touching people\'s hearts... But that old Brad went as if he had never heard of it before, quietly and slowly walking forward, under the dim light and shadow cast by the kerosene lamp, the shadow was pulled. It was a long, long time, and it finally came to an end.

   There, a tattered door less than one meter high stood quietly. And through the gap between the wooden blocks of the broken door, you can vaguely see a cold cabinet, a coffin-like object, quietly parked on a certain block with mysterious patterns, like a magic circle in Western movies. above the floor area.

   "Old Brad, why are you here?" Suddenly, a hoarse voice sounded from the room.

"Dear Brad III, I think I need to come over and tell you something." Old Brad stopped in place, raised his head, his turbid, old, Yin Hong eyes stared at the room doorway.

   "Oh? You wait for me a moment."

The hoarse voice sounded in a suspicious tone from the room, followed by a tooth-ache creaking sound from the door, followed by a dull sound of \'bang\' wooden boards falling to the ground, followed by the room. The door was also pushed open, and it was a thin, dry palm... I saw a white-haired old man who was only 60 to 70 centimeters tall walked out.

   There was an unbelievably thick and **** smell on him, and even the Yin Hong in his eyes made his pupils shrink.

"Look, it seems to be a very important thing? Otherwise... you won\'t come to me in person, will you?" The short, white-haired old man who was called \'Brad III\' by old Brad said tremblingly. It seems that at any time some may die.

   "It\'s really important. Even I can\'t believe it..."

The old Brad murmured quietly, and then slowly said: "A young man came from that mysterious and ancient China, and he said... He wants to find the rats of the Crimson Fang to settle accounts. Moreover, he was introduced by Mr. Yan Luoyan from Huaxia Hong Kong."

   "Mr. Yan Luoyan?"

   Hearing that, Brad III\'s cloudy Yin Hong eyes passed a strange color, and slowly said: "Are you sure you are a young man? Not... an old guy with the appearance of a young man?"

  There are many magical things in this world. Although it is impossible to make people immortal, they still maintain their very young appearance and state before dying, but they can still do it. For example, he knew that in that mysterious forest, there were often pointed ears and self-proclaimed descendants of the forest gods... the night elves. They don\'t look too old.

"If there\'s nothing wrong with my nose, I shouldn\'t smell it wrong. He should be no more than thirty years old at most, but...he has an aura that even I feel dangerous in his body." Old Brad shrugged slightly. Shrugged his shoulders.


Hearing this, Rao is that Brad III\'s eyes flickered slightly, and then a faint smile appeared, and he coughed tremblingly: "Cough...then according to you, it seems that there will be a It\'s a good show to watch. It\'s a good thing that someone can help us disgust those nasty guys."

   "Really? It seems that I already know what to do... But do we need to do anything to prepare? If..." Old Brad turned around slightly after hearing the words, as if he was about to leave. But in the end, this sentence came suddenly.

"If? Do you have confidence in that kid? You know those guys are annoying, but they\'re not easy to mess with, ahem... Have you forgotten the scar behind my ear?" That Brad The third world tremblingly patted the long hair next to his ear, revealing a dark red deep scar.

   is very dazzling, very eye-catching.

   "...Sorry, Your Excellency Brad III, I thought too much."

   Seeing this, the old Brad was silent for a while, and finally shook his head, putting the subtle \'unrealistic\' thoughts in his mind behind him.

  Yes, you must know that the Brad III in front of him at the moment is the only Grand Duke-level powerhouse in their Brad family, and his strength is even higher than his old Brad.

   But even such a great and powerful Lord Brad III was defeated by the Blade Czech, who belonged to the Crimson Fang and was known as the legendary killer king. There is even such a shameful sadness left behind...

   A mere young man, so what if even old Brad felt dangerous? In front of that legendary, great killer king, all of this is fake and doesn\'t make any sense.

   followed him and turned around, ready to leave. At the same time, I am also ready to abandon that unrealistic idea and stay out of this muddy water.

   "Cough, cough, cough..." Brad III\'s trembling cough came from behind him. The tattered door was pushed open again, making a tooth-crunching noise, and then it was closed again, and everything was quiet and dark.

   After a few minutes like this, old Brad appeared again at the place where he first met Fade Chen.

   "Dear Your Excellency Chen, I think I have brought what you want." Old Brad didn\'t mention what he was doing, but he brought back a map. A snow-covered area was marked on it, and a blood-dropping mark like the fangs of a beast was interspersed in it.

   "This is it. The place you want to know, Your Excellency Chen...the old lair of those guys." Old Brad pointed to the area marked by the blood-splattered fangs, and said slowly.

   "What is this place?" However, Fade Chen couldn\'t understand the map marked in Italian, and frowned.

   "It\'s the Alps. It\'s just north of our Italy," explained Brad Sr.

   "It turned out to be the Alps." Chen Fei suddenly realized when he heard this. After all, the Alps are still very well-known in the world, and even his Chinese people have heard of it.

   "But... Dear Sir Brad, can you find someone to help me translate this map, in English or Chinese. Sorry, I don\'t understand Italian." But he continued.

   After all, the Alps are so wide, if he walks in with a map that he can’t understand, naturally he is very likely to get lost.

"Oh, I\'m sorry, I was negligent. Give me some time, and I will guarantee you can get what you want in the morning tomorrow. Maybe tonight, your honorable Excellency Chen, you can stay in the old castle of our Brad family. Take a good rest, just like you Huaxia have a saying, "Let me do my best as a landlord?" Old Brad immediately smiled.

   "This way...then I\'ll be more respectful than obedient." Fade Chen nodded with a smile. It happened that he had stopped walking for so long in the past half month, and he was actually a little tired, so he could take a break.

   In this way, Chen Fei rested for the night in Brad Castle.

   Early the next morning, the middle-aged man with elegant long hair but pale body in a suit and tuxedo appeared in front of Fade Chen and handed Fade Chen a translated map of the Abels Mountains area in northern Italy.

   "Sir, this is what Mr. Old Brad asked me to hand over to you. Please take a look." He respectfully said.

   "Huaxia language? No problem, thank you." Fade Chen opened the map and looked at it, and found that it was translated in Chinese language. He squinted his eyes and smiled as if satisfied. Soon after, a modified Mercedes-Benz G-series off-road drove out of the Brad family\'s castle and headed for the area where the northern Alps are located.

   (end of this chapter)