Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 347: it's my dereliction of duty

Chapter 347 is my dereliction of duty

   Dong Wencheng Who is that? That is the dignified secretary of the capital city of Jiangnan Province, the real leader! He has an unshakable influence in the officialdom of Tongzhou and even Jiangnan Province, and all leaders must respectfully call Secretary Dong when they see him. Not to mention that he is still one of the giants, his identity is even more terrifying!

   But now? In Chen Qun\'s eyes, such a super-big man, who could only be seen on TV, actually appeared in front of his eyes in private...

quiet! Deathly silence!

   Niuniu\'s brother Chen Qun only felt that he was a little frightened and stupid, and then his uncontrollable heavy breathing and his face trembled deeply.

  Although he was mentally prepared, someone like Fade Chen, who was a great man and could be called a friend by him, was definitely not an ordinary person. But he really never dreamed that the friend in Fade Chen\'s mouth was actually Dong, Secretary Dong Wencheng. This is more shocking than daydreaming, even absurd.

   "Secretary Dong? What Secretary Dong?" When we saw this scene, Miss Chu Yan Chu seemed to be still in a daze, and couldn\'t help but subconsciously asked curiously. Because she is not a native of Tongzhou, the title of Secretary Dong is not so intuitive.


   "Shh! Shut up Xiaoyan! Secretary Dong, Secretary Dong is our... secretary of Tongzhou City." However, Niuniu gave her a savage "hit", and said with a panicky expression on her pretty face.

   "Ah! City, secretary!?" After hearing this, Miss Chu Yan covered her head, her eyes widened, her feet softened, and she was stunned and said nothing.

Dear... Although their women don\'t like to pay attention to officialdom and other things, the problem is that she still has the most basic common sense. The secretary of Tongzhou City, the capital of Jiangnan Province, let alone the number one in Tongzhou City, even if it is put It is also one of the undisputed giants in the province. It is far more valuable than their No. 1 leader in Beishan City.

   At this moment, this kind of super official, who only exists on TV in her worldview, actually appeared in front of her privately, and seemed to be very familiar with the big bad guy, how could it not surprise her?

  No wonder, no wonder that Zhang Quan, Zhang Dashao, was so obedient in front of him as his grandson, and even the nephew of the deputy director of the Municipal Finance Bureau said that he would be caught if he wanted to.

  No, but...this is really too cool, right? After all, that\'s a secretary!

"Recognize it? If you recognize it, let me introduce you? This is Dong Wencheng\'s uncle Dong, and this is his secretary Shen Kai." Seeing this scene, Chen Fei smiled and narrowed his eyes, then stretched out Introduce it to the people.

As soon as he finished speaking, he pointed at Chu Yan and others to introduce Dong Wencheng: "Uncle Dong, these are my friends. This girl is Chu Yan, and this is Chen Niu. , and this is Chen Niu\'s brother Chen Qun."

   "Since these are your friends, Mr. Chen, don\'t be so restrained. Let\'s all do it. Nice to meet you. I\'m Dong Wencheng."

Dong Wencheng got up from the bottom anyway, and he was naturally shrewd like a monkey. Hearing Chen Fei\'s tone, it was obvious that he was getting closer to Chu Yan, so he showed a kind smile and shook hands with Chu Yan first, and then with Chu Yan. The rest of Niuniu and brother Niuniu also shook hands.

   After experiencing this scene, especially when Secretary Dong Wencheng said that he actually called Chen Fei "Mr. Chen", the three brothers Niuniu were almost shocked. Yes, you must know that it is Secretary Dong Wencheng.

   With the status and height of a big man, he still uses the honorific title of \'Mr.\' when addressing Chen Fei. What does this mean?

   means that Chen Fei is probably not the junior of Dong Wencheng\'s secretary, but he is a peer and equal to him. Just thinking of this, the three of them couldn\'t help but feel weak in their feet and stomach.

  There is no way, because this fact really makes them feel incredible. After all, how old is Chen Fei? But they were able to communicate with big figures like Secretary Dong. Just thinking about this kind of thing made them feel like they were dreaming, because it was too scary.

   "Okay, Uncle Dong said don\'t be so restrained. If you guys are like this again, tonight\'s meal will not be delicious." Seeing this scene, Chen Fei touched his nose and smiled slightly.

"Oh, right."

Speaking of which, he seemed to have remembered something, and said bluntly: "Niuniu, you will tell Uncle Dong carefully about your civil service exam later, so that you don\'t have any clues in your heart. You can rest assured, as long as you are yourself. If you are not afraid of shadows, you don\'t need to think about other issues."


   Hearing what Fade Chen said, Niuniu, who was extremely nervous in her heart, couldn\'t help standing up subconsciously with excitement.

   Brother Niuniu and Chu Yan also looked at Niuniu with joy.

   After all, that is the secretary, the undisputed leader of the entire political arena in the same state. If such a big man is willing to listen and intervene in the matter of Niuniu\'s civil servants, wouldn\'t he be able to solve the problem casually?

   "Oh, about the civil service exam? Little girl, I\'ll call you Xiao Chen... Xiao Chen, don\'t worry, if there is any problem, please tell me carefully later."

   Wen Yan Dong Wencheng\'s eyes flashed slightly, and then he stretched out his hand to invite Chen Fei: "Mr. Chen, otherwise we don\'t stand like this. Please take your seat first."

  Please take your seat first.

   As soon as they heard Dong Wencheng\'s words from Secretary Dong, except for Shen Kai and Secretary Shen who were slightly psychologically prepared, the other three, Chu Yan and Niuniu, were so frightened that they trembled again. Because what did they hear right now? Hearing that Dong Wencheng, the secretary of Tangtang, actually invited Chen Fei to take the seat.

   You must know that he is a secretary! And he is still a giant of the provincial party committee, but now there is a dinner party with a big man like him, and he still politely invites Chen Fei to come to the seat and be the host. What does this mean? Just thinking about it makes them both excited and scared.

  This, is Chen Fei so terrifying?

   "Uh, that\'s fine."

   And seeing this scene, although Chen Fei was actually a little uncomfortable, but after all, it\'s already like this... It doesn\'t seem necessary to be polite, so he simply smiled and nodded and sat on the main seat. He stared at Chu Yan, Niuniu and the others with straight eyes.

   After Chen Fei took his seat, the hotel began to serve food. Chu Yan, Niuniu, and the others have never eaten with such a big official in their entire lives, so naturally the tension, surprise, and complexity in their hearts are simply not to mention... Not to mention the saying goes, it doesn\'t matter who you are after two or three glasses of wine. come...

  When the cups and cups at the dinner table gradually became popular, everyone\'s restraint gradually began to dissipate, and the banquet became lively. Everyone\'s face was red and excited.

After drinking and eating, Dong Wencheng smiled and set his eyes on Niuniu\'s face, showing a kind smile: "Xiao Chen, what happened to you? Can you tell me in detail now? ?"

   "Of course. Secretary Dong, it\'s like this..."

   Hearing this, Chen Niu\'s heart suddenly hung up, and with both nervousness and excitement, she described her examination as a civil servant and the experience she had suffered. Without any added oil or vinegar.

   "Is there such a thing?" After hearing Chen Niu\'s words, Dong Wencheng gently put down the wine glass in his hand, squinting and muttering. Just kidding, some of Mr. Chen\'s friends even dared to act in the civil service exam, how could he not be angry? At the same time, he finally understood Chen Fei\'s intention to call him to have this meal tonight.

Thinking of this, Dong Wencheng couldn\'t help but said to Fade Chen in a tone of self-blame: "Mr. Chen, I\'m sorry, it\'s all my fault that I didn\'t do my job well, which led to this kind of scum in the team. It\'s my dereliction of duty. "

"Uncle Dong, you don\'t need to blame yourself. After all, people are unpredictable, and there will inevitably be some moths in the team. Anyway, as long as you find it in time and deal with it seriously, it will be enough for our people to be fair. If you need it, I will ask someone to help you. Yes." Chen Fei said casually as if he picked up the vegetables and threw them into his mouth.

   "Oh, Mr. Chen, what do you mean?"

   Hearing that Dong Wencheng and Secretary Shen Kai couldn\'t help but tremble slightly, the latter even squinted his eyes and said solemnly: "Do you want me to dig more people out?"

Although he was angry when he heard such a thing, he also understood that this kind of tricky examination of civil servants is too common in the circle, in order to give his children and relatives a good future, or simply give others a good future. Human face, convenience, of course, there will be dirty things happening in the dark.

So he thought that Chen Fei\'s meaning to come to him was that he only needed to deal with the people involved in this matter, but now listening to the meaning of Mr. Chen Fei\'s tone, it seems that he is not ready to give up so easily. .

"I\'m not asking you to dig out more people, and if there are scum and worms in this team, one will be destroyed, and if there are two, one pair will be destroyed. Just like that deputy director of the Municipal Finance Bureau, could it be that Uncle Dong Don\'t you think the bottom of his **** is definitely not clean?" Chen Fei narrowed his eyes and said indifferently, his tone was rather cold.

   If he didn\'t encounter this kind of thing, it would be fine, but if he did, he couldn\'t turn a blind eye.

   After hearing Chen Fei\'s words, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became quiet. Especially Chu Yan, Niuniu and others looked at Chen Fei with shock and fear, because his tone and content of words were indeed a little too scary.

   "Okay, Mr. Chen, I know what to do. Tomorrow I will organize the work myself to deal with this matter." At the next moment, Dong Wencheng nodded slowly. I was so nervous that I could barely hold my wine glass.

  This, who is this Chen Fei?

  Why do you feel that he is the kind of big and big official, even Secretary Dong is his subordinate! ?

   (end of this chapter)