Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 339: Written first place

Chapter 339 Written first place

"Xiaoyan, I\'m in room 0433 of the Brilliant Caesar, come here quickly, you don\'t know that today I... woo woo woo." The **** the other end of the phone who was called \'Niuniu\' by Chu Yan was full of grievances from beginning to end And the cry, even Fade Chen vaguely heard it, frowning slightly.

   Niuniu? This name is so familiar... Hey, it seems that when Chu Yan was celebrating her birthday, the girl with a chubby face and a fat baby seemed to be called this name, right? Because her name is very characteristic, he is very impressed.

  Just, what happened? cry like this.

   "Okay, okay, I got it, Caesar Brilliant 0433, right? Niuniu, wait for me over there, I\'ll be there right now, half an hour." At this moment, Miss Chu Yanchu hung up the phone.

   Then I saw her packing her bags in a hurry, and she said to Chen Fei a little embarrassed: "Damn, I have to go first."

   "Are you ready to go now? Don\'t go to work?" Wen Yan Chen Fei nodded slightly and pointed to the flight attendant uniform on her body.

"Go to work? Yes, I\'m still at work today! Hey, why am I so unlucky today... Forget it, I\'ll go to the boss to ask for a leave, Niuniu is crying so sad, I haven\'t seen her like this for a long time. "Chu Yan finally decided to take a leave of absence, and was still a little worried.

Unlike Wang Qin, she and Niuniu have been good friends for many years. It started when she went to college until now, but now the other party suddenly burst into tears for no reason. She hadn\'t seen it for a long, long time. Worry.

  What the **** happened?

   "How about I go see with you?" At this moment, Fade Chen suddenly asked.

   "Are you going with me?"

Wen Yan Chu Yan, Miss Chu was slightly startled, but then nodded immediately and said: "Okay, Niuniu has met you anyway, just last time on my birthday. If there is really any trouble, maybe Please help..." That\'s what she thought.

   "Did you take me as a free laborer? Forget it, the main reason is that this young master is too kind in his heart, so he will be a good person to the end and send Buddha to the West." Hearing this, Fade Chen rolled his eyes and said immediately.

"You are so beautiful. You gasped after complimenting you? Come on, let\'s go, I have to ask for a leave first." Wen Yan and Miss Chu Yan also rolled her eyes and immediately left Ji Chang. The kfc fast food restaurant, ran to the leader to ask for an emergency leave, and then took a taxi with Chen Fei and rushed to the famous KTV Caesar Brilliant in Tongzhou.


   At the same time, on the other side, Caesar Brilliant 0433, a young girl with some baby fat on her face was holding a bottle of wine flushed and pouring it into her mouth. Obviously, this fat baby girl is none other than Miss Chu Yan Chu\'s good friend and best friend—Chen Niu, Niu Niu.

Under the colorful dim lights in the ktv private room, it is obvious that her figure is well-proportioned, plump, uneven, and the parts that should be convex are convex and the places that should be thin are thin, and she is tall. The kind that has a high rate of turning back on the road.

   But she seems to be in a bad mood now, not only pouring beer into her mouth, but there are already two or three empty bottles on the table in front of her. Apparently a lot has been drunk.

In this case, another man in the room saw that Niuniu was still like this. He took a whole beer and poured it into his mouth. He immediately cut off the bottle in her hand, and said with some distress. : "Niuniu, what are you doing? I\'m here to sing with you to vent, not to accompany you to drink yourself. How long have you been drinking?"

   "Brother! Give it back to me!"

   And when that Niuniu saw that the wine bottle in her hand was actually taken away by her brother, she suddenly shouted with a blushing face, and wanted to reach out and take it back.

Regardless of his brother, he didn\'t give her a chance, and he directly pulled her sister Niuniu to the other side of the sofa away from the wine bottle, feeling distressed and comforting: "Niuniu, I know you are in a bad mood and feel wronged. , but you can\'t spoil yourself like this. How can a normal person stand it when you drink like this?"

   "But, but... I\'m just wronged, why?"

Hearing this, the tears that Niuniu had held back in her eyes suddenly seemed to be unbearable, and it flowed out in a flash, and said glumly: "I got the first place in the written test, why are the second and third places? I went in, and I didn\'t go in?"

   It turns out that she has been preparing for the civil service exam these days, and her goal is to enter the Municipal Landscape Bureau.

And for this year\'s exam in which thousands of troops are crowding a single-plank bridge, she doesn\'t know how to turn on the lights and fight at night. Fortunately, she has suffered so many days and nights. page.

   But now, she finally managed to get the first place in the city\'s written test. She thought that she would finally be able to work hard and work in the Municipal Bureau of Landscape Architecture, but who knows, there is still an accident. This time, the second and third place in the competition were all selected, but she was not able to enter.

   But, but she is the first place in the written test, right? And her professional knowledge is not bad, even if the school is a little worse, it is an ordinary second book, but this can\'t be the reason for her to be rejected like this, right?

   Obviously, there is absolutely something tricky about this! Most of the time she was cut off by a related household with a background, which is why she was so angry and aggrieved.

  This, why?

   Is it possible to mess around like this if you have a relationship? Why?

"Hey, Niuniu, now the Bureau of Landscape Architecture is no longer a Qingshui Yamen, and is beautifying the city everywhere, not to mention that Tongzhou is still the capital city of a province. I don\'t know how many pairs of eyes are watching the location of such a department. Why, how could it be so easy to get in?"

Wen Yan Niuniu\'s brother sighed softly, and couldn\'t help but whispered: "And I also asked a friend to inquire about it before. Your uncle ranked third in the written test this time, and his uncle seems to be the leader of the Municipal Finance Bureau. Do you think Think, what\'s the biggest thing this year? Isn\'t the God of Wealth the biggest? Even if it\'s a government unit, who would dare not to give face to the leaders of the departments who control their economic lifeline? So, so..."

   "So I became the victim of the favor between them? But, why is it me? Isn\'t there a second place in the written test?" Niu Niu was even more aggrieved when she heard this, she said with tears in her eyes.

   After all, the civil service exam is a huge army crossing a single-plank bridge, so how can you be the first in the written exam casually? But even so, she was actually brushed down, of course not reconciled. And not to mention that the number of civil servant exams now doubles every year. If she misses it this year, who knows what will happen next year?

   "The person in the second written test is also very particular, as if he had something to do with the Municipal Landscape Bureau." Wen Yan Niuniu\'s brother explained helplessly again. No way, although the country is peaceful and safe these days, there are indeed many detours in the dark. Did you do well in the exam? I\'m sorry, I was born well, I have a relationship and background, I\'m better than you, what? No, bite me.

"Hey, I..." Although Wenyan Niuniu still felt chest tightness, she heard her brother explained so much to her, and she herself is not that kind of fledgling bird, and she also understands that this society is sometimes really complicated. .

   Even small people like them, even if they are bullied, even if they are not reconciled, what can they do?

   It\'s not like you can only endure it silently, it\'s impossible to really hit your head and bleed blood, right? Even if she really dares to bump into it, the question is, can she bump into it?

"Niuniu, but don\'t be discouraged. Since you can get the first place in this year\'s competition, it must be true. My parents and I are proud of you. The big deal is that if you try harder next year, we will start all over again. As long as it is gold, are you afraid that there will be nowhere to shine?" Brother Niuniu comforted.

"Brother, don\'t worry. I feel much better now, let\'s sing some songs, Xiaoyan will come over later." Wen Yan Niuniu also knew that this was the only way to go, and immediately felt a little depressed but still insisted With a smile, he opened his mouth.

   "Well, I haven\'t heard you sing for a long time. I must have a good time this time." Seeing this scene, although Niuniu\'s brother felt distressed, he could only pretend not to see it and squeeze out a smile.

  Hey, there\'s no way, who told them that their family was just a commoner, without power or power? If their family can be like those two people, with family relationships and backgrounds, it is estimated that such a suffocating thing will not happen, right?

   After more than half an hour, Chen Fei and Chu Yan who changed into casual clothes finally arrived late. Push open the compartment door.

   "Niuniu, what\'s going on? Why are you crying on the phone... Brother Qun, are you here?" As soon as he entered the door, Chu Yan suddenly looked nervous and spoke in a relational tone. However, she was only halfway through when she suddenly discovered that there was a man in the private room. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Chen Qun, the brother of her good sister Niuniu.

   "Hello, Xiaoyan, who is this?" That Niuniu\'s brother squeezed out a smile and greeted Chu Yan enthusiastically, and then turned his eyes to Fade Chen behind Chu Yan curiously.

   In his impression, Miss Chu Yan Chu is rarely alone with men, could it be...

   "It\'s you, I remember you, are you Chen Fei? Why are you two together today? Is it possible that the two of you really have that kind of relationship?"

   But at this moment, her sister Niuniu suddenly pointed at Chen Fei and exclaimed. Then he looked at Chu Yan narrowly and winked: "Chu Kuantou, you are not being honest, tell me, when did you two start? Could it be that you did a fake show since last time?"

"Hey! What nonsense is Chen Yuanyan talking about? I just have an ordinary relationship with him. It\'s not because you called me just now and cried like that..." Wen Yan Chu Yan, Miss Chu suddenly became unhappy, and her face was ashamed. Hong ran to the sofa to \'fight\' with her best friend.

"Cough cough... buddy, let\'s go out for a cigarette?" Seeing this scene, the originally depressing private room suddenly had a tinge of spring that made blood roll, and Niuniu\'s brother Chen Qun\'s eyelids trembled, and he immediately turned to Chen Qun. Fei winked in embarrassment.

   Although in his eyes, Chen Fei and Chu Yan may be \'that kind of relationship\'.

   But the problem is that her sister seems to have disappeared now, so naturally, people can\'t take advantage of it for nothing and see it all.

   (end of this chapter)