Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 330: Dinner in the courtyard

Chapter 330 The Dinner Party in the Siheyuan

   Xu Wangyang? that is not?

   Chen Fei\'s expression froze slightly, and then he smiled and said, "Hello, Uncle Xu, I\'m also very happy to meet you."

   "...Dad, big brother, I\'m back." At this moment, a hearty female voice came from outside the door, followed by a short-haired, heroic middle-aged woman who pushed the door and walked in. Behind him was a man in his forties, and a young and beautiful aunt Liang in his teens.

   They are none other than the old man\'s youngest daughter Xu Peiyi, her husband Zhuo Wanshan, and their daughter Zhuo Yunting.

   Zhuo Wanshan is the fourth son of the old master of the Zhuo family in the capital. Although of course he did not choose to enter an official career, but now he is doing well in the business world! He personally founded the Yunhai Group, which is now well-known in the Beijing real estate industry. The market value is tens of billions.

   As for the young and beautiful Zhuo Yunting, she is also a famous little princess in the capital! Both beautiful and intelligent... At the age of 18, he has already received an invitation letter from Yale University to study for a master\'s degree! Like her father and mother, she has always been the focus of attention and stars.

   But at this time, there was no hint of arrogance and centerliness on her face, instead she was a little cautious. After entering the room, she saw her greeting the old man and Xu Wangyang.

   "Grandpa, uncle."

   "Old man, uncle..." His father Zhuo Wanshan also greeted him. It seemed a little restrained.

   There is no way, who is in front of them at the moment, that is the capital, and even the whole of China, Mr. Xu, who can be regarded as one of the oldest old people, is the towering tree of the Republic!

And don\'t look at the gentleman in front of Chen Fei, but he is usually very strict at home, especially the education of his children, so even a smart and cute little princess like Zhuo Yunting, when she sees When my grandfather was a grandfather, I was afraid in my heart.

   So let alone an outsider like Zhuo Wanshan. Even the youngest son-in-law is still not related by blood, right?

   "Come back? Sit down, Yun Ting comes to Grandpa\'s side and let Grandpa see if you are growing taller. Don\'t stand there, Wanshan, sit down."

   But the old man seemed to be in a very good mood today. He waved to his little granddaughter with a smile, and then said to his daughter with a slight seriousness: "Peyi, this kid is Fade Chen. This is my little daughter Xu Peiyi, let\'s get to know him."

"Hello Dr. Chen, I\'m Xu Peiyi. I really bothered you about my father before, thank you." Xu Peiyi seemed to have known about Fade Chen\'s existence, so she was not surprised by his age, and extended her hand gratefully. He said to Chen Fei.

"Hello Aunt Xu, I\'m Fade Chen. In fact, you really don\'t have to be so polite. The old man has served the country and the people all his life. He is a hero I admire very much. It\'s my honor to be able to help him a little." Fade Chen Naturally, he could only repeat these words again, and shook hands with each other with a smile.

   Hearing Chen Fei\'s words, neither Xu Wangyang nor Xu Peiyi couldn\'t help but smiled warmly. After all, their father was a great hero, respected and admired by others... Nothing could be more proud of this!

   So from childhood to adulthood, as children of the elderly, they like to hear this type of words the most. Because it sounds really heartwarming and proud.

   "Hello, Mr. Chen, I\'m Zhuo Wanshan, Pei Yi\'s husband, I\'m nice to meet you." At this moment, Zhuo Wanshan also saw the opportunity and stood up and extended his hand to Chen Fei.

   "Hello, Uncle Zhuo. The surname is Zhuo... I don\'t know Secretary Zhuo Qunzhuo, what does it have to do with you?" Chen Fei immediately reached out and shook hands with him, and suddenly became curious again. Because he remembered that Secretary Zhuo Qunzhuo seemed to be from the capital.

   "That\'s my third brother. In the future, I will ask Mr. Chen to take care of my third brother." Zhuo Wanshan said with a smile.

Originally, his third brother went to Jiangnan inexplicably to become the city secretary of a prefecture-level city, but he was somewhat opposed, because with the strength and heritage of their Zhuo family in the capital, there was no need to do this and stay directly in the capital to compete with the Ministry of Land and Resources. Isn\'t the Deputy Minister nice?

   There were many people who held the same opinion as him at the beginning, but his third brother still did it without hesitation. It seemed stupid at the time, but now it seems wise!

   After all, how can a young man who can be so dignified and treated by the old man so simply go? If you can establish a good friendship with such a person, it will be much better than a "merely" deputy minister position.

   However, although he already had this kind of enlightenment in his heart, his daughter Zhuo Yunting was startled by his father\'s words, her mother\'s previous attitude, and his grandfather\'s attitude towards Chen Fei.

   "Who the **** is this brother? Why did my father ask him to take care of the third uncle? And mom, grandpa and the others?" Zhuo Yunting peeked at Chen Fei\'s back, her beautiful eyes twinkling and puzzled.

After all, you have to know their family, aside from the father who is in business, the worst of the other ranks is the Ministry of Health department level like her mother, but it can definitely be called a big person outside, let alone Speaking of her uncle, her grandfather...

In front of such a group of people, his father was still able to say such words, so that the elder brother, who looked like he was only in his twenties, took care of her and was delegated to the locality, serving as the secretary of the prefecture-level city. the third uncle.

   And most importantly, at this moment, when her uncle and grandfather heard this, they all showed a look of course, what does this mean! ?

   means that the other party seems to be truly qualified and capable of doing so. Immediately, her little head felt a little dizzy.

   What is the origin of this brother? Why did I never know before...

   "Uncle Zhuo, you\'re just joking, what can I take care of Secretary Zhuo." Just hearing this, Chen Fei said with a wry smile. He is not an official, so what can he take care of, he is speechless.

Seeing this, the old man smiled and didn\'t want to continue this topic. He simply got up and started to eat and said, "Okay, okay. Since everyone is here, let\'s have dinner. Chen Xiaozi, you rarely come to the capital once, but You have to accompany me to have a good drink! And you too, Wang Yang and Wan Shan, you know?"

   "Dad, your body..." Xu Peiyi was slightly dissatisfied after hearing this. He was worried about the old man\'s body and whether there would be any problems with drinking.

"Don\'t worry, since Chen Xiaozi treated me, now I\'m immune to all poisons, and there\'s nothing wrong with drinking a little wine, don\'t you think?" At this time, the old man hurriedly \'helped\' Chen Fei and gave him a quick wink. .

   It would be really boring if I couldn’t have a good drink tonight. He has been \'looking forward\' for a long time.

   "Aunt Xu, don\'t worry, the old man\'s current body, drinking a little wine will not get in the way." Seeing this, Fade Chen said without a smile, and nodded. I didn\'t expect that the usually dignified and majestic old man would have such a \'fun\' side.

   "That\'s fine, but drink less. It\'s not good to drink too much wine." Xu Peiyi put down her worries after hearing Chen Fei\'s words, but still warned with a stern face.

Then there was the lively dinner time of the crowd, as well as the cups and cups of the people at the dinner table. During the period, the old people were very interested, and the wine was not intoxicating, and everyone was a little immersed in this atmosphere, so this The bureau\'s dinner was fully eaten until eight or nine o\'clock.

  After the dinner, the old man took Chen Fei to sit in the small courtyard behind the courtyard alone.

   The moon was shining brightly, and the night was quiet. The old man took a light sip from a cup of tea, and suddenly asked with a smile, "Boy Chen, what do you think of this capital?"

   "The capital?"

   Hearing this, Chen Fei was slightly startled, and said, "It\'s very big, there are many people, it has a very modern atmosphere, it\'s a place where people don\'t want to leave when they come... It\'s also a place where people don\'t dare to come."

   "Don\'t dare to come?"

   Hearing the old man\'s turbid eyes flashed a hint of surprise, then shook his head helplessly: "Do you know what I want you to say?"

   "Master, what are you trying to say? I don\'t know." Hearing this, Fade Chen said innocently.

"Then why don\'t you dare to come? You are so young and capable, and you are the pillar of the country. Why don\'t you just come to the capital to do something? I am old now, but a few words will still work. Yes." The old man said with a serious face.

"What is the pillar of the country, Grandpa Xu, you are flattering me too much. The main reason is that my identity is really inappropriate..." Chen Fei was stunned when he heard the words, and then Gu Zuoyan with flickering eyes, but in the end he was still in the majestic eyes of the old man Confessed, he sighed softly.

   "What identity do you have?" The old man rolled his eyes.

   "I\'m an ancient warrior!"

Fade Chen opened his mouth as a matter of course, and said helplessly: "I am an ancient martial artist, so my behavior and thinking mode are basically completely fixed on this identity, I am used to going straight and solving problems with my fists... But in the capital Can this kind of place allow me to be so presumptuous?"

  The old man only understood what Chen Fei said just now when he heard the words, and immediately shook his head helplessly and sighed: "This... It\'s a pity, it\'s a pity."

   In his capacity, he naturally knew some of what happened to Fade Chen during this period of time, so he understood that the other party\'s words were not perfunctory, but true. As an ancient martial artist since childhood, he has become accustomed to the straight-forward and straight-forward way of solving problems with fists in the martial arts!

   And this set is obviously not feasible in Beijing!

   (end of this chapter)