Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 320: Shocking ending

Chapter 320 The shocking ending

   "What is this..."

Tiankui Peak was at its peak, and everyone, whether they were half-step innate like Bai Bin and Zhan Hu, or big-name innate powerhouses like Ruan Qingxiu and Bai Laozu, were all stunned and looked around Chen Fei with a strange expression. The four flaming flaming swords, and the terrifying sword energy contained in them... all had wonderful expressions on their faces.

  Because they didn\'t know what was in the blazing flames.

But from the terrifying sword technique that Yuan Lie had just held the fierce sword Heiquan and used all his strength - the Chainsaw of the Waves, it seemed that it had been destroyed by this thing, and it was abruptly washed away, which was enough to prove that this thing is absolutely nothing. Ordinary things... not to mention at this moment, the scorching heat and sword energy in the fire sword are still so terrifying, making people feel hairy.


Ancestor Bai frowned and looked at the four flaming swords hovering around Chen Fei\'s body. He could not help but frown subconsciously. He didn\'t expect Chen Fei to be such an ancient martial artist in addition to being an innate realm. A powerful fire-type \'power user\'.

   You must know that compared with such a young innate early peak, such a young S+ level fire-type ability user, this identity will be even more terrifying and amazing.

   After all, as we all know, the cultivation speed of power users is extremely slow... Unless, luckily, they found some legendary Western holy artifact.

   "Ancient martial artist, ability person, double cultivation?" Not far away, Ruan Qingxiu, an innate powerhouse in Qingqiu, also seemed to have thought of something with Patriarch Bai.

   After all, not everyone is as lucky as Fade Chen, who can get in touch with that kind of high-level inheritance, from the world of self-cultivation... When they saw this kind of weird flame, their first reaction was to think of the fire-type abilities in the western world.

   "You\'re still a power user!?"

   Yuan Liegang in the distance was also frowning tightly at this time. He didn\'t expect Chen Fei to have such a trump card. After all, the peak of the innate early stage and the strength of the s+ level fire-type ability user are not a joke. Even he feels that the pressure is infinite in an instant.

   But even so, he still has infinite confidence in his own strength! A trace of coldness flashed across his eyes.

   "It doesn\'t look like I\'ll give you a little color. You don\'t know what it means to be out of the world. How powerful do you think those foreign devils in the West can be?"

   followed him with a snarl, and his body was filled with terrifying wriggling demonic energy. Heiquan, the murderous knife in his hand, was like a sickle hook of a ghost, fast like black lightning, and slashed towards Chen Fei with an afterimage. This is another powerful and terrifying sword technique, and at least it can rank in the top five of the most powerful sword techniques in Hua Dao Dock.

   Obviously, he no longer dared to underestimate Chen Fei!

   I have done my best!

   "Ability? Let\'s not forget it. But I\'ll return the same to you. Indeed, there are people outside people, and there are heavens outside of heaven!"

At the center of the four flaming swords, Chen Fei raised his head slightly, and those dark eyes that were as clear as glass gradually appeared a tinge of red, and then saw him suddenly throw his hands, the four Sanyang True Fire Swords Qi was condensed in his hand, and it became the crystal of a flaming sword.


   When the flaming sword crystal collided with the fierce sword Black Spring, a terrifying fiery heat was immediately released.

And the suffocating aura on the fierce sword Heiquan Dao seemed to have seen a natural enemy, struggling frantically, and crazily disintegrating... Suddenly, the sharp sword energy that had been hidden in it, attacked Yuan Liegang\'s body along the blade, and the latter suddenly turned pale. Change.


   Seeing this scene, everyone present couldn\'t help but let out a breath of air, how could that flame, the sword energy contained in it, possess such terrifying power


   The true fire energy contained in the Three Yangs True Fire Sword Qi theory is indeed too strong, and it happens to be the nemesis of such existences as evil spirits. So when the hot sword qi collided with the wriggling black qi, the latter began to collapse without limit, and even a thick melting sound erupted in the air, which was very harsh.

   And in the next instant, a faint flame jumped on Yuan Liegang, like a tarsal bone, and the latter suddenly let out a scream!


   A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, just like Duan Jingshan before, the complexion on his face suddenly turned red from excitement, and turned into infinite paleness. A pair of turbid and old eyes were filled with terror and shock at this moment.

  Because he couldn\'t imagine why Chen Fei\'s supernatural flame could be so perverted, and even the evil spirit carried by the fierce sword Heiquan itself burned out so quickly.

   Know that this has never happened before! This is an ancient murder weapon dug out from a mass grave! But now...

   "Damn, why is this happening!"

  Rao was Yuan Liegang who had the chance to win like before, and thought he was invincible. At this moment, he couldn\'t help but suddenly set off a huge wave in his heart. That old face, like withered bark, was filled with an emotion called panic.

   He really did not expect that the situation would suddenly reverse so quickly! Makes him unable to poke his hand.

  Because even an ancient warrior with dual cultivation abilities, a peak innate early stage plus an s+ level ability person, can\'t be so outrageous, right?

   To know his current strength, but it is already comparable to the middle stage of Xiantian! But...why is this! ?

   "It seems that it is time for me to take action?"

   At this moment, Fade Chen\'s cold voice sounded Tiankui Peak\'s top ring. Immediately, he took a step forward, and the flaming sword crystals condensed from the four three-yang true fire sword qi in his hand violently swept out a terrifying scorching heat, as well as an astonishing sword qi.

   Immediately everyone was horrified to see something like a torrent, the color of crimson shining with flames, rushing towards Yuan Liegang, which was extremely shocking.

   And in all of this, Rao is Ruan Qingxiu, an innate powerhouse from Qingqiu, who couldn\'t help but feel a little scalp numb and her beautiful eyes trembling. Because in her opinion, it seems that she is fully qualified to bury her. I can\'t imagine how that young man can be so strong, because this is simply a monster.

   And that Yuan Liegang\'s eyes were not blinking for a moment at this moment, and his eyes were staring at the hot torrent that was rushing towards him. Immediately, his old, withered man clenched the fierce knife in his hand, Heiquan, because he didn\'t believe it!

   I don\'t believe that I am Yuan Liegang, a dignified peak powerhouse in the early stage of Xiantian, and now his combat power is already comparable to that of the middle-stage Xiantian, and he will be defeated in the hands of a mere twenty-something young man. You must know that Yuan Liegang has been in the martial arts for decades. When his name is mentioned, who is not in awe, who is not afraid? Why would he lose? Do not! He can\'t lose!

   "Little bastard, you forced me. Take it."

   The next moment, Yuan Liegang\'s turbid, old eyes showed a vicious look, and then he actually let the vicious aura in the black spring of the murderous sword in his hand roll into his body! All of a sudden, his various expressions suddenly changed, and he became crazy. The terrifying aura was instantly squeezed out.

   "Yuan Liegang, are you crazy!?"

   Seeing this scene, Old Ancestor Bai couldn\'t help but fry his scalp fiercely. He waved his hand without hesitation and recovered all the flags guarding around the arena. At the same time, his figure suddenly retreated!

   "Let\'s go, let\'s go, he\'s going to die." At the same time, Qingqiu Ruan Qingxiu and other innate powerhouses reacted extremely quickly and quickly evacuated.

Because they know the root of the murderous sword, and there are too many evil spirits buried in it, and introducing that kind of thing into the body is undoubtedly asking for a dead end... But I have to admit that in this way, in a short period of time, his The power will reach its peak in an instant!

"Crazy? I\'m not crazy. Originally, my old man didn\'t have a long time to live. Now I can drag such a little monster to bury me. I don\'t lose, I don\'t lose, hahaha!" stand up.

It turns out that at his age, he already knew that he would not have a long time to live, so instead of just dying of old age, he might as well do something meaningful... Just like this, dragging a young monster like Chen Fei Man, to bury him with him, he really doesn\'t feel that there is any loss.

In the next moment, there was a hint of cruelty in his crazy old eyes, and then a terrifying cold light pressed forward, he held the fierce knife Heiquan and roared; "Little bastard, try this knife from me again. ."

   "This is what I tried so hard to be able to perform. Forbidden art, the earth dragon opens the mountain!"


Suddenly, an unbelievably huge suffocating aura swept out crazily like a dragon in the ground through the force of the knife and the black spring of the fierce knife. Suddenly, the iron-casting arena under his feet broke with a bang. The ground fissure appeared in front of everyone, and in the distant and shocking eyes of everyone, it collided with the torrent of flames that burst out!

  Boom! Boom! rumbling...

   Immediately, the entire Tiankui Peak seemed to vibrate, countless boulders and soil fell down, and deep cracks appeared everywhere, and the earth shook, which was frightening!

   You must know that this is on top of the top. If it really collapses, then they estimate that many people will have to be buried here! It\'s impossible to run away! But in the next moment, a transpiration sound similar to boiling water suddenly sounded in the ears of everyone, making everyone\'s eyes suddenly swept away.

  I saw that in the mid-air, the torrent of crimson flames was gradually wiping out that terrifying evil spirit in an overwhelming gesture!

  Suddenly, their faces froze! I didn\'t expect it to be such a scenario.

   And seeing this scene, Yuan Liegang\'s old face couldn\'t help stiffening, and he roared in a tone of disbelief: "Impossible, why, why is this, impossible..."


   However, before he finished speaking, he suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and then the whole person\'s energy began to dissipate rapidly, and his eyes gradually began to become a little loose.

   "Actually, there is no reason, it\'s just because you are not very lucky."

   And just a second before his breath finally fell, a cold voice rang in his ear.

  I saw Chen Fei raise his pale face, his whole body trembled slightly, glanced at Yuan Liegang who was being attacked by evil spirits, and the corner of his mouth outlined a touch of mockery.

  Yeah, just because of bad luck!

   If it wasn\'t for his Sanyang True Fire Sword Qi, which happened to be the natural enemy of all kinds of evil spirits, he would have lost the battle just now.

   "Bad luck, bad luck, good, luck, no..."

Yuan Liegang\'s old and rickety body slammed to the end, and at the end, he was murmuring that sentence until he really had no strength and couldn\'t rest his eyes... Yes, he was really unlucky, otherwise, why would he provoke Chen Fei inexplicably Such a monster! ?

   Seeing this scene, many terrifying sights were projected over and slowly solidified.

do you died?


   (end of this chapter)