Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 316: victory and defeat

Chapter 316 Victory and Loss

   I have to say that when the innate strong man really let go of his hands and feet to fight, the scene was undoubtedly shocking and mouth-watering.

  Because the ripples produced by the intense collision are enough to shake people\'s hearts again and again, not to mention at this moment, both sides of the two innate early stages of the other party have shown their housekeeping skills and stunts at the bottom of the box!

   And this scene undoubtedly shocked the hearts of everyone present.

  Wang Dashan\'s magic cloud finger is his famous stunt and strongest support. Once when he was still in the half-step innate realm, there was a certain half-step innate powerhouse who relied on the strong armor and disdained Wang Dashan\'s move, but he was directly stabbed in a bleeding hole and died on the spot.

   Now, he has already broken through to the innate realm of the ancient martial artist. In the early days of the dignified congenital, how strong this move he regarded as a stunt will become, it does not need too many words to be obvious.

As for the head-breaking knife he displayed to the means Jingshan, it is also a well-known stunt of Huadaowu. There have been many famous people in the rivers and lakes who have fallen under this knife technique, which is very terrifying. , there is a possibility of being backlashed and blinded... So this is definitely a comet-like collision that grabbed everyone\'s heart.


At this moment, a dull and depressed figure slowly sounded, and everyone saw a dark-skinned middle-aged man half-squatting, with a blood hole the size of a bowl on his shoulder. Those people in Daowu couldn\'t help but change their expressions, and their eyes shrank subconsciously: "Duan, Duan ancestor..."

  Because the dark-skinned middle-aged man is the ancient martial artist of their Evil Dragon Pool Huadaowu, Duan Jingshan!

   "Hi, could it be..."

  Suddenly, the ancient warriors around the arena heard a series of air-conditioning sounds. This is not only because of the injury on Duan Jingshan\'s shoulder at this time, which looks a little scary, but more because he looks like this at the moment, isn\'t it... Lost, lost?

   "Quick, look over there!"

   But at this moment, someone suddenly exclaimed and pointed to the other side of the ring with trembling eyes.

In the dazzling smoke, a chubby figure was vaguely seen standing there. Although it seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary, the problem was... The ground under his feet had been dyed with blood at some point in time. It was bright red, Very dazzling.

   "Deputy Instructor Wang!" Captain Pei and several members of the Flying Leopard elite suddenly changed their expressions and shouted. Even Chen Fei\'s face became slightly gloomy, and then he stretched out his hand and waved.


   Immediately, a faint breeze blew away the thick smoke on the arena, but when everyone saw everything on the stage clearly, their faces changed subconsciously, their scalps numb, their pupils contracted, and they were silent for a long time.

I saw Wang Dashan standing on the ring with a calm face, but on his right shoulder, there was a bottomless knife, dozens of centimeters long, extending from the shoulder to the small arm, it looked absolutely It is much more important than that paragraph of Jingshan.

And this is not the most frightening thing. The most frightening thing is that in the wound on his right arm, the pupils are constricted, and there are small black air currents that are wriggling with the naked eye, like caterpillars. When people saw it, they couldn\'t help but their heart twitched, and it was difficult to calm down.

   "What is that, is it poisonous?" In the crowd, in the direction of the Qingqiu camp, Yingxianwu frowned and looked at Wang Dashan\'s wound, uncertain.

   "It\'s not a poison...it\'s a strange thing." Ruan Qingxiu, an innate powerhouse in Qingqiu beside him, said slowly, swept his eyes to Wang Da again, but there was more complexity and sigh. It\'s not easy to deal with that kind of weird stuff.

On the    arena, Duan Jingshan, who was grinning, covered the blood hole on his shoulder, while his nervous, even scarlet eyes, stared at Liu Dashan.

"Ha ha."

   He tore off half of his clothes to cover the wound, and then a nervous sneer came out. He looked at Wang Dashan and said coldly, with a half-smile but not a smile: "It\'s said that you Flying Leopards have no future, what will happen, and today will be destined to be like that. You didn\'t believe it before, but now, do you believe it?"

   His smile was ruthless and cruel, because he knew very well how much the other party was hurt at the moment. You must know that the name of the murderous sword Heiquan in his hand was not called out casually, but he really had that capital.

It is said that this fierce knife was dug up by the second master of their Evil Dragon Tanhua knife dock in a mass grave buried in an ancient dynasty. It is conceivable that the evil spirit on this knife is heavy, even if it is a congenital powerhouse. It is also very resistant, let alone invading into the body in the current situation.

"Ha ha?"

However, what everyone did not expect was that Wang Dashan, who was so seriously injured, didn\'t even look at his injuries, but instead stared at Duan Jingshan\'s shoulders with some demonic eyes, and suddenly grinned and said: "You You don\'t really think that you have already accepted all of my magic cloud finger like this, right?"

   "What do you mean..."

   When he heard the words, Jingshan\'s expression changed suddenly, and he subconsciously reprimanded, but he froze before the words blurted out.

Immediately afterwards, the wound he had wrapped in half of his clothes shuddered, and the dark red blood squeezed out like a **** burst, and with a bang, a large pool of dark red viscous blood appeared on the ground, exuding dizziness. Dazzling stench.


   Seeing this scene, everyone present couldn\'t help but froze and looked horrified!

  This, what the **** is going on! ?

   "Damn!" Outside the arena, Yuan Liegang looked at this scene with a gloomy expression. He didn\'t expect such an outcome. That Wang Dashan\'s Demon Cloud Finger had such terrifying power.

   After experiencing such a heavy injury again, the face of Jingshan that was originally flushed with excitement now turned pale, and his body trembled weakly. After that, he wiped his mouth with the trembling of his left hand and five fingers, raised his head, stared at Liu Dashan with a pair of gloomy eyes, and said in a cold tone: "What the **** did you do?"

   "What did I do? Actually it\'s nothing... It\'s just a waste of your hand." Wang Dashan stared at the other side, his voice hoarse, but his chubby round face filled with a smile. This guy is so arrogant that he can\'t help it... he\'s going to hit hard!


what! ?

   lost a hand! ?

   Hearing this, Yuan Liegang and Hua Daowu and others all stood up with a swoosh, with expressions on their faces to the extreme, and even the eyes of everyone other than Yuan Liegang were a little flustered. After all, everyone knows that they rely on their hands to eat, and they need a knife... They are the best at swordsmanship.

   But now the other party actually said that Duan Jingshan\'s ancestor Duan had lost a hand. If this is true, wouldn\'t it be that Duan ancestor\'s strength will plummet because of this! ?


   But at this moment, Duan Jingshan\'s nervous laughter suddenly sounded from the arena, and the laughter was thunderous. I saw his gloomy eyes staring at Wang Dashan, grinning wildly and saying: "I haven\'t met someone as interesting as you for a long time, and I lost my hand? Well, but I can buy it with your life. I have one hand, and I am not at a loss."

   And at the moment he spoke, the people around the arena half a step below the innate realm couldn\'t help but stunned with surprise, one life, another hand? What does this mean?

   It was not too surprising for the strong men with half-step innate and above to hear the words, and they all looked at Wang Dashan with a complicated look. After all, it was such a serious injury, and the savage aura seemed to have invaded into his body. It was indeed hard to recover from such a heavy injury.

   Wang Dashan was very clear about this in his heart, he just sighed in secret, but he didn\'t show anything on his face, and this scene was inexplicably even more inexplicable.


   But at this moment, a black shadow swept across at an astonishing speed, breaking into it from outside the arena in an instant.

And the speed of the shadow was so fast that even most of the people present did not respond, and in the next breath, the shadow appeared on the side of Wang Dashan, whose body was a little stiff. on his shoulders.

   "General, Chief Instructor." Wang Dashan finally saw who was coming, and said slowly.

   "Relax, it\'s alright."

   However, Fade Chen\'s figure sounded flat in his ear.

Wang Dashan shivered slightly, and then he felt a warm force that appeared inexplicably in the wound on his right arm from top to bottom, some tingling, some itching, and some indescribable... In short, let him spirit It seemed to come back a little bit suddenly.

   "He was actually able to drive away the evil spirit of the murderous sword?" Seeing this scene, Patriarch Bai was slightly startled, looking at Fade Chen\'s back in a trance.

   Even his old man was like this, let alone everyone else present. I saw Ruan Qingxiu, the innate powerhouse of Qingqiu, with a slightly open cherry mouth, and the expression on her delicate face was a little shaken. Looking at Chen Fei\'s back, she said: "He..."

   "That kid he... dammit! How could it be?"

   As for the ancestor Yuan Liegang, the reaction was particularly intense, with an old face like withered tree bark, shaking violently all the time, and his eyes were extremely gloomy.

You must know that as the owners of this murderous soldier Heiquan, of course they have the right to speak, and they know best that the murder weapon that was dug out from a mass grave by the second dock owner of the Knife Dock that year was How terrifying it is, and how heavy is the evil spirit it is contaminated with.

Under normal circumstances, it is very difficult for even a peak powerhouse like him in the early stage of the innate to drive away that strong and disgusting evil spirit, not to mention the fact that the evil spirit has already entered the body, it is even more difficult. More difficult.

   Available now…

   "Okay. Come with me." At this moment, Fade Chen let go of his hand and signaled Wang Dashan to come with him.

   "Uh, okay, okay? Chief Instructor, where are we going?" Wang Dashan stammered, with a strange look on his face. Because he suddenly discovered that the vicious sword suffocating in his body had really been completely expelled at this moment.

And as long as the most crucial and most troublesome evil spirit is expelled, the other injuries on his arm may look scary, but for a congenital strong man like him, that\'s actually the case. Anyway, it\'s no longer a threat to his life. . Seeing this scene, Jingshan almost turned green.

  Because of this, wouldn\'t his hand be wasted?

   (end of this chapter)