Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 310: Hua Dao Dock Yuan Lie Gang

Chapter 310 Hua Dao Dock Yuan Lie Gang

   "Gu Wu... Innate!?"

  Tiankui Pavilion\'s second floor echoed the sound of many people gasping for breath, and their faces were all horrified and vibrated.

You must know that although they have already guessed before, when this kind of problem is really put on the surface, it is still difficult for them to be confirmed by someone like Zhan Hu who is really qualified to be determined and made public. Covering the shock in my heart, I felt very unbelievable.

   After all, that is the innate of ancient warriors, how many martial arts can there be? Not kidding.

   Not to mention how old he is, he is only twenty-six or seven in the sky, right?

   Just thinking about it is hard to accept.

   "Is he really an ancient martial artist?" Someone couldn\'t help but lost his mind and looked strange. Afterwards, the eyes of many people focused on Fade Chen, and they were slightly stiff and could not move away.

   It is important to know that the super powerhouse of the ancient martial artist Xiantian level, even if it is only in the early stage of the ancient martial artist Xiantian, in this Lingnan mountain, and even the entire martial arts, can definitely be called the top of the pyramid.

Therefore, even if it is a sect and family of the level of the four hidden sects, the number of innate powerhouses it has can only be calculated by the number of five fingers, and all of them are the kind of old guys in the seventies and eighties, or Only the truly outstanding disciples of the previous generation and the previous generation can reach that level.

   But now, a young man like Chen Fei in his twenties, even Zhan Hu is three or four years older than him, but he has already entered the innate realm of ancient warriors?

   This kind of thing, not to mention that everyone present can\'t figure it out, even Zhan Hu and Bai Bin, the amazing geniuses of the four hidden sects, can\'t figure it out. They almost felt dizzy right now, the temples were twitching, and there was pain.

   "What the **** is this guy?" Zhan Hu kept churning these words in his mind, but the palms and backs of his hands were already soaked, and his eyes flickered uncertainly.

   Until this time, he didn\'t understand what the other party said before, it didn\'t seem to be a joke. If this guy had been born ten or eight years earlier, they would have been killed in Huadaowu back then, and they would have been absent from the event in the next few years.

   "Brother..." Even Zhan Lingfeng, who had not changed his arrogance before, was now frightened and dumbfounded, standing behind Zhan Hu and shivering.

   After all, that is the innate of ancient warriors, even their Evil Dragon Pond Hua Dao Dock, there are not many.

"To shut up!"

   Hearing this, Zhan Hu gave a sharp drink, which made Zhan Lingfeng tremble violently, and quickly shut up. Then he saw a strange color flash across his fierce eyes, looked at Chen Fei and said in a low voice: "Since your Excellency has entered that realm, it seems a bit inappropriate to bully the small like this, and it doesn\'t quite suit us. The rules set by the four hidden gates, right?"

His voice, on the words "the four hidden gates" and "rules," deliberately increased his tone, obviously telling Fade Chen that the four hidden gates in Lingnan are the ones who have the final say, even if you Chen Fei already Once you have entered that realm, you can\'t be reckless here!

   "Rules? I\'m sorry, I don\'t know what rules you have. Besides, does this have anything to do with me?" However, Fade Chen didn\'t buy it at all. He walked towards the other party again, and said slowly with a cold expression.

   He was here today to look for trouble and stand up, so naturally he didn\'t bother to talk nonsense to the other party. Moreover, he really didn\'t expect that at such a close distance, the opponent would be able to escape his punch, which made him feel a little competitive and wanted to \'do it again\'.

   "Do you still want to do it?" Seeing this scene, Rao was the fierceness of Zhan Hu before, but he couldn\'t help but change color slightly and took a step back.

   Seeing this scene, many people secretly stunned. Unexpectedly, a murderer like Zhan Hu actually retreated, which is rare.

   "Humph! You are so bold, do you really think I am afraid of you in Huadaowu?"

But at this moment, a hoarse and harsh humming sound suddenly sounded, and then a black shadow suddenly swept out of everyone\'s field of vision. With the overflowing momentum, an old, dry palm suddenly appeared in Fade Chen\'s head. Above, wisps of black airflow squirmed on it, pressing down hard.

   Immediately, everyone present changed color, because the aura and the black shadow that suddenly appeared were so terrifying, it was definitely a level that ancient warriors were innately qualified to achieve. The palm aimed at Fade Chen\'s head, thinking that he wanted to smash it.

   "The Patriarch."

   And seeing the true face of that figure, Bai Bin, Young Master Bai couldn\'t help but change color suddenly.

  Because the owner of the old, dry palm is one of the four ancient ancestors of the ancient warriors of the Evil Dragon Pool Huadaowu - Yuan Liegang! The peak of the ancient martial artist\'s innate early stage!

When they saw the appearance of this big man, everyone in the other attic naturally retreated with fear and awe. Only the brothers Zhan Hu and Zhan Lingfeng, and the half-step innate elder of Huadaowu, Du Xincheng, quickly showed joy on their faces. , leaned over.

   "Old Ancestor, kill him." Zhan Lingfeng gritted his teeth, and said with a look of resentment and grimness.

   He was kicked by Chen Fei just now, and now he is covered in injuries, his face hurts when he speaks, and he is naturally angry and cannot be restrained.


   But at the next moment, there was a sound like Jin Ge fighting in the ears of everyone, and suddenly they only felt the eardrum vibrate fiercely, and they were dizzy and painful. Subconsciously hold your ears to resist the noise.

   However, some people were able to resist the sound wave attack and raised their heads. In the field of vision, they saw Cheng Fei slowly lowering his raised palm, his expression indifferent, and he stood still.

And the shadow who was called the patriarch by everyone had already flashed slightly, and appeared in front of Zhan Hu and others the next moment, staring coldly at Chen Fei with a pair of extremely cold eyes... He didn\'t expect Chen Fei How can he be so plain, and take a slap from his Yuan Liegang?

   "Are you from the Flying Leopard?" Yuan Liegang Yuan Patriarch had a faint black air all over his body, and his eyes, like the accumulation of dead tree bark, were filled with surprise and coldness.

   "Before asking others, shouldn\'t you introduce yourself first?" But Chen Fei didn\'t give him face, and said lightly.

   Hearing the words and seeing this, everyone in the attic couldn\'t help making an uproar, and even subconsciously looked a little stunned...

   You must know that the ancestor of Yuan Liegang is not Zhan Hu, but a real ancient martial artist and innate powerhouse! And it is said that it is still the peak of the innate early stage!

   There are not many big figures of that level, even if you look at the entire Lingnan Mountains and the four hidden gates. But I didn\'t expect that a younger generation like Chen Fei would dare to speak to him like Yuan Liegang in such a tone.

   Even if he has entered that realm for the first time, don\'t you think it\'s still a little crazy?


   Sure enough, Wen Yan, Yuan Liegang\'s ancestor, snorted coldly, and the old face like a dead tree became visibly gloomy and became a little ugly. I didn\'t expect that Chen Fei would dare to be so presumptuous in front of him, holding it like this... Really think he is such a big person?

  It is amazing that such a young ancient warrior is born in the early stage, but in his eyes, it is only the kind that might be a little troublesome to kill.

   After all, he Yuan Liegang has been in this realm for more than 20 years. How can the accumulation of so many years be idle?

"Yuan Liegang, do you really think that our flying leopards are easy to bully?" But at this moment, another cold voice full of magic sounded, and everyone saw a chubby, round-faced man in his forties. The man stepped into the second floor of Tiankui Pavilion with a gloomy face, and looked at Yuan Liegang with a gruff voice.

   And the aura he exudes at the moment is also very scary, and even many people present can\'t help feeling depressed and breathing hard, and suddenly everyone looks at him with a touch of shock.

   "Isn\'t that Wang Dashan? Flying Leopard\'s Executioner, Laughing Demon, he actually... has broken through to the innate realm?" Someone who seemed to know Wang Dashan was stunned at first, but exclaimed in surprise. Unexpectedly, he actually broke through to the innate realm.

   You must know that Wang Dashan\'s reputation in Jianghushan is not weak, especially when this guy is crazy, it is almost impossible to recognize six relatives and kill without blinking an eye. As a result, many people saw him and walked away.

   I didn\'t expect that this kind of guy has successfully broken through to the innate, which is really unbelievable... Unbelievable, unbelievable.

   "...Wang Dashan, now it seems that you Feibao people are not following the rules." Even Yuan Lie just saw the person coming, his eyes sank subconsciously, and his face was a little ugly. After a long silence, he said with a gloomy expression.

   It\'s not that he was afraid of Yuan Liegang, but now that Wang Dashan is an ancient warrior, and Chen Fei is also an ancient warrior... With two-to-one, he doesn\'t have any advantage.

   "Rule? This word came out of your old man\'s mouth, but it\'s quite fresh. If you guys in Huadaowu followed the rules, would our people die?" Wen Yan Wang Dashan stared at each other coldly and sneered.

   "Back then? Hehe."

Hearing Yuan Liegang\'s ancestor sneered sneeringly, his old face filled with sarcasm and said, "Since you said that in those days... Then don\'t the people who died in those days teach you Feibao enough lessons? Boy, do you want to? Make it clear that Lingnan Mountain is the territory of our ancient warriors, but lackeys like you are not welcome."

   As soon as these words came out, everyone at the scene was in an uproar.

  Wang Dashan couldn\'t help but stare at Yuan Liegang grimly, and said in a cold tone, "Old man, you should be responsible for some random words."

   "Responsible? Joke!"

Wen Yan Yuan Liegang smiled sarcastically, his eyes hovered over Wang Dashan and Chen Fei, and said coldly: "Don\'t really think that if you are lucky, you will be able to keep pace with me Yuan Liegang and have an equal dialogue. You guys, at your current level, Dingtian is the last stage of the innate early stage, what is it?"

   Saying so, his old, rickety body gradually exudes a terrifying aura that makes people feel heart throbbing, and all those who feel it suddenly shudder, their hearts beating wildly, terrifying.

   Obviously, Yuan Liegang, who is the peak of the ancient martial artist\'s half-step innate early stage, does have the capital to speak harshly! At least it was difficult for everyone present to resist his aura, let alone actually do it.

   (end of this chapter)