Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 305: I would like to surrender

Chapter 305 I am willing to submit

It\'s not just that Qiu Tong, the half-step Xiantian old man of the Qiu family, feels hopeless, but there is more despair than he is at this moment, that is the old man surnamed Xue from the Holy Fire Sect...because he is already rushing to Chen Chen In front of Fei, the destructive power of the four flaming flaming swords floating in Fade Chen\'s mouth made him tremble like crazy, and it was completely difficult to restrain.

   "No, what is this..." The eyes of the old man surnamed Xue were filled with fear, and then his scalp suddenly exploded, the next moment. He stepped back frantically.

   "Want to run?"

   But what responded to him gradually was just a flat and light tone. Then I saw the four flaming three-yang swords in Chen Fei\'s hands shaking violently, and the swiping sound disappeared, leaving only the air with a slight reverberation of hot breath.

   In the next instant, the four-handed Three-Yang True Fire Sword Qi appeared in all directions above the head of the old man named Xue.

  The terrifying energy immediately enveloped and imprisoned him, which directly caused a look of fear on the latter\'s face.

   At this moment, it seems to have smelled the smell of death.

   "I\'ve said it all, do you really think I\'m afraid of you?" Fade Chen looked at this scene with a dull expression, and his natural tone made his scalp fry. Especially Qiu Tong\'s old face turned pale, and his whole body trembled.

  Yes, you must know that they are also half innate, but in Chen Fei\'s tone of \'contempt\', it seems that they are not as good as ordinary babies?

"don\'t want!"


   But right now, he didn\'t have time to think so much.

   Because in an instant, his eardrums received a tragic roar and a dull shout at the same time. Immediately after that, he saw a scene that he will never forget in his life!

At the moment when Chen Fei\'s plain words fell, the sword qi of Sanyang Zhenhuo hovering over the head of the old man named Xue suddenly shook, and then it fell like a flaming meteor, covering and drowning everything. In the meantime, he accurately penetrated the four fatal parts on the body of the old man surnamed Xue: head, heart, dantian, neck...

   and later.

   A bang sounded to the end.

The Qiu family\'s half-step innate powerhouse Qiu Tong has been horrified to discover that the half-step innate snow surnamed old man who originally lived with him, at this moment, has turned into a flaming corpse, and fell to the dry place with a bang. On the land where leaves are everywhere, all vitality has been lost.

   "This, how is this possible? How could you be an ancient martial artist?"

   Seeing this scene, Qiu Tong, the half-step innate old man of the Qiu family, only felt that his legs were softening, and the emotions on the whole old face were complicated and the clearance was extreme.

   Because he can\'t imagine that Chen Fei, who is so young, is actually an upright ancient martial artist!

   More importantly... Even the ancient warriors are innate, they can\'t be so strong, right?

After all, the old man surnamed Xue from the Holy Fire Sect is a half-step innate like him. It\'s so thorough, one hit is deadly, right?

   Could it be that... Suddenly, Qiu Tong\'s pupils suddenly froze, and an unbelievable thought emerged in his heart.

   Could it be that... he is stronger than the ancient martial artist in the early days...


  When a person completely loses faith, he naturally becomes much better at cooking.

   Of course, if it is only about half a step innate, this is actually not much difference to Fade Chen today.

He saw that his dark eyes, which were as clear as glazed glaze, swept through a gleam of light, and then his body moved. It only took a few breaths, and another corpse stood in front of him, and was burned by the raging Sanyang True Fire. exhausted.

   "Sure enough, it\'s still too bullying. The difference is too big." After doing all this, Fade Chen shook his head slightly and muttered to himself.

   In fact, with his current strength, he has already condensed the fourth Sanyang True Fire Sword Qi. Strictly speaking, it is enough to be equal to the fifth level of Qi training or the middle stage of the ancient martial artist. Not to mention that this Sanyang True Fire Sword Qi is still the means of cultivators, and its quality has already surpassed the Qi Qi in the body of ancient warriors by a large margin...

   So it\'s almost no different from bullying, because the difference is really huge.

   "But my formation seems to be quite useless. It\'s only for a while... Is he going to be completely destroyed by him?" Following Chen Fei, he glanced at the formation that was about to be shattered, shook his head slightly and smiled.

   In fact, since a few months ago, he has consciously or unintentionally started to teach himself, the Xuanmen formation. At first, I thought it was interesting and fun, but later it gradually evolved into wanting to add more skills to enhance my background and get close to me.

   So this is why he could see the thick fog outside Tiankuifang City at a glance, and it was the reason for the Xuanmen formation.

  Because he is also learning this aspect himself, and it seems that his attainments are not bad.

   "Forget it, the test is almost the same."

   Immediately afterwards, Fade Chen murmured again, and immediately waved his hand, only to see that the dazzling hot and dense fog that filled the silent night disappeared in an instant.

And looking at the place where the thick fog dissipated, the original high-profile, known as the uncrowned king of the Qiu family, the third ancestor, Qiu Jun, has already become extremely embarrassed at this moment, his clothes are all torn, and the high temperature can be seen everywhere. The terrifying traces of the blood and flesh are red, and it is very eye-catching.

   "You..." Looking at this scene, Qiu Jiaya\'s teeth almost shattered. First, the atmosphere was that Chen Fei used such \'despicable means\' to deal with him, and secondly, he couldn\'t help but feel a little panic in his heart.

  Because even if he almost broke the formation created by Chen Fei just now, he is exhausted now.

   Could it be this kid...

   Just by means of the Xuanmen Formation, can you have the innate strength that is comparable to that of the ancient warriors?

   But how old is he this year? This kind of thing... how is it possible! ?

   "What about them? What did you do to them?" But then he didn\'t have time to think about it, because he was surprised to find that the other two people who came with him had actually disappeared! ?

   This made his pupils shrank suddenly, his scalp burst open, and his eyes looking at Chen Fei again couldn\'t help but show deep turmoil.

   This kid…

  What did he do?

"Are you asking them? I\'m sorry, it seems that they didn\'t have time to wait for you, and have already gone to the underworld in the next step." Chen Fei pointed to the old man surnamed Banbu Xiantianxue from the Holy Fire Sect not far away, and the old man from the Qiu family. Qiu Tong, the charred corpses of the two of them, said coldly.

   Under normal circumstances, he would not and would be too lazy to commit such a deadly hand, but now whoever told these people to be so uninteresting, they wanted to kill him even after a single day.

   Having said that, he is not made of mud, how can he not be a little bit hostile? Besides, the clay bodhisattva also has three points of fire, isn\'t it?

   "You, what did you say!?"

Hearing that, Rao was Qiu Jun, known as the uncrowned king of the Qiu family, who had truly killed an ancient warrior in the early days of the innate. Like a cat, his expression suddenly changed, and there was an emotion called panic in his heart, climbing upwards.

  Yes, you must know that he was trapped in the mysterious gate formation, and it only took a few minutes at most.

   But in these few minutes, two and a half steps were actually obliterated by the young man... You must know that this kind of thing is not a joke.

  Because even the real ancient warriors in the innate early stage might not be able to do such a thing, right? After all, time is really too limited, and half-step innate is not really that weak.


   Thinking of this, Rao Qiu Jun, a well-known murderer, couldn\'t help but take a deep breath.

  In the depths of his heart, he was gradually enveloped by that emotion called panic.

"Yes, I\'m sorry... Senior, I know I\'m wrong, please, let me go." The huge pressure finally forced him to recognize the reality and understand that Chen Fei is the kind of super monster that he can\'t defeat at all, and see him immediately He shrugged his head and begged for mercy.

   At this moment, he is fully aware that in the face of absolutely terrifying force, his so-called strength and so-called fierce power are completely bullshit! Not worth mentioning.

   As for the Qiu family behind him? Just kidding, this kind of amazing monster will put a Qiu family in his eyes?

   "Let go of you?"

When he heard the other party\'s words, Chen Fei smiled, but said coldly: "Tonight, the three of you came to kill me together, and now, two of them are dead, and you want me to let you go... Don\'t you feel a little bit? Isn\'t it fair?"

   Hearing that, the Qiu family\'s knife-cut face froze slightly, but he fell to his knees with a plop and said, "Senior, I have no grievances with you, and I didn\'t know your identity at all before..."

   "But you are from the Qiu family."

However, Fade Chen interrupted it directly, and said slowly and indifferently: "I\'ve killed so many people in your Qiu family now, is it possible that you will still knock out your teeth and swallow them in your stomach? Please, I\'m not that stupid, And I\'m not used to making trouble for myself, understand?"

   Hearing that, Qiu\'s whole forehead was dripping with sweat, and his expression was pale. He understood that what Chen Fei said in such a tone was not joking with him. But…

"I\'ll give you two choices now. First, I will give up martial arts, and I will leave you a way to survive. Second, I will personally take you on the road." But when he was still struggling, Chen Fei\'s cold voice was already in his ears. The sound from the side made him agitated.

   "No! I\'m willing to surrender, I\'m willing to abandon the darkness and join the Flying Leopard, and I also ask the seniors to remember that the juniors are not easy to learn martial arts, so please forgive me this time." He followed him unexpectedly. Are you willing to surrender?

   "Have you figured it out? Once you choose to join our Flying Leopards, from now on, you must draw a clear line with the Qiu family and even the entire martial arts forest. Otherwise, it will be deceiving the country."

   Hearing this, even Fade Chen didn\'t expect that the other party would come out like this, and asked in surprise.

   To know this kind of thing, once it is confirmed, there is no regret medicine.

   Recommend a book "Xianxian Little Farmer".



   (end of this chapter)