Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 275: old benson

Chapter 275 Old Benson


   "Ben, Benson..."

But when Chen Fei looked at the blue-eyed foreign old man without saying a word, not far away, brother Zhou Shangshang, his stern face that should have been stern and cut with a knife, suddenly trembled at this moment, and in his eyes, even There is an emotion called \'fear\' rippling.

   And this kind of emotion is rarely seen in him in normal times.

"Ha ha…"

Hearing the words, the old foreigner with blue eyes finally trembled slightly like a dead tree, and then it seemed as if his deep, gloomy eyes shot a sharp edge, as if there was a trembling aura all over his body. Extraordinarily tingling.

   "Looks like the news we got is true. Boy, you stole from our Houston family.

  The old man glanced at Zhou Shang, and said hoarsely: "I said that, right?"

   Brother Zhou Shangshang couldn\'t help shaking his face when he heard the words, his whole body was filled with green light, his fists were clenched, his expression was solemn, and he didn\'t say a word.

"Oh, by the way, Your Excellency, you are still here, forgot to introduce myself... My name is Benson Houston, and I belong to the Houston family." Seeing this, the old man just smiled grimly, and then he turned his eyes back again. Returning to Chen Fei, he was humble and polite. It\'s just that the gloomy, numb scalp, but it doesn\'t go away for some reason, making the scalp numb.

  The Houston family, one of the top ten families in the United States, represents the supreme authority in the dark world of the West.

  Of course, Okenny and the cyborg Dom also came from that place. And the person in front of me, I didn\'t expect to be of the same race as them and the others?

"Houston family, I don\'t seem to have heard of such a name. However, with your strength, I think you should have a high status in the so-called Houston family, right?" Chen Fei looked at the gloomy blue-eyed foreign old man , suddenly laughed abruptly, said.

"Status? In fact, at my age, I don\'t need to think about anything... But if you really want to know, the companion behind you should be very clear, right?" The old man named Benson smiled grimly. Laughing, sticking out his dark red tongue and licking his lips, staring at Zhou Shang, he sneered.


   Hearing that, Chen Fei\'s dark eyes that were as clear as glass passed through a sharp edge lightly, and then saw him turn his head slightly towards Brother Zhou Shang Shang, and asked calmly, "Brother Shang, who is he?"

   "...He is Benson of the Houston family and is known as the person most likely to enter the level of the \'ss\' power user."

Brother Zhou Shangshang took a deep breath when he heard the words, avoiding the slightly gloomy eyes of the other party, and said slowly: "The Houston family in the United States is one of the top ten families in the United States. This family has two S-level abilities. It is equivalent to the innate realm of our ancient warriors! And the name of one of the two is Benson, Benson Houston."

Having said this, he paused slightly and whispered: "And according to rumors, he has been an S-level ability user for more than 30 years, and his strength can be described as unfathomable, and is known as the closest to ss-level. people."

   "SS-level? Ancient martial artist in the middle stage?" Hearing this, Fade Chen frowned slightly.

   "Well, that\'s right."

   Brother Zhou Shangshang nodded and said: "The ss level in the realm of the power user is equivalent to the ancient warrior innate middle stage of our ancient warriors in China."

   "So that\'s how it is..."

   Hearing that, Chen Fei nodded thoughtfully, and a pair of dark eyes as clear as glass passed a strange color. He turned his head to look at the other party again, and the corner of his mouth twitched, and he said with a smile instead of a smile: "Your Excellency, with your strength, you shouldn\'t be able to walk around in our country, right? Did you sneak in? Aren\'t you afraid that someone will trouble you?"

   "Don\'t bother."

   Hearing that, Benson, who had a gloomy smile on his face, responded lightly, and then said in a rather cold tone: "A mouse stole something from our Houston family. If you don\'t want to deal with it, what should you do?"

As he spoke, his hunched and aging body stepped forward, and suddenly an unimaginable momentum flowed out. It was as quiet as a breeze, and it was like a storm. , became \'terrible\' again.

   A breath similar to a storm filled the air of the training ground. And the majesty and strength of that breath is even stronger than the previous Chen Fei, twice, twice, three times...

   That level, no doubt, has completely reached that legendary situation. The S rank among the superpowers is known as the king and ruler of the underground world, which is equivalent to the innate early stage of ancient warriors in the realm of ancient warriors!

   "Okay, okay, so strong..." The expressions of Li Wan, Dong Jianhui and the others changed all of a sudden, because at their level, I\'m afraid today is definitely the first time they\'ve been \'fortunate\' to come into contact with that level of terrifying existence. Of course, Chen Fei is a special case.

   Even Brother Zhou Shangshang had a solemn expression at this time, and he didn\'t dare to take a breath. At this time, even if he is half-innate, in front of people of that level and level, I am afraid that he is as weak as a baby, not much different from other people.

"Your Excellency came to our Chinese people\'s territory to play prestige, isn\'t it a bit too self-righteous?" However, at this moment, a cold voice sounded softly, and everyone subconsciously looked into the field of vision with a vibrating look. young silhouette.

   He actually... dared to speak to His Excellency Benson, dare to speak to a \'king\' ability user who is closest to SS level, with such a tone, is he courting death?

"Hehe, isn\'t it the same for you Chinese people? You came to the United States to steal things, and even stole from our Houston family..." The old man named Benson laughed grimly, but this smile was so cold Bones are shaking.

   "Could it be that the people on your side have never done this before?"

Hearing this, Chen Fei curled his lips in disbelief, and his dark eyes shot a strange color and said: "Since it is an acquiescence, then each uses his means to show his magical powers. Now things have come to our China, don\'t they? Do you still want to investigate?" When he said this, he stared at the other party with a slightly rude tone.

  Although they have some wrongs in this matter... But this is clearly the behavior that both countries acquiesce in. You Yankees seem to have done nothing less, stealing and robbing various scientific research results, high-tech technologies and so on from our China. Now it\'s finally your turn to "suffer" once, but you are so angry, what? It doesn\'t seem right anyway, doesn\'t it?


The blue-eyed American old man Benson frowned and secretly said in his heart that Chen Fei, who was standing in front of him at the moment, was a little ignorant, but dared to say such words in front of his old Benson, and it was still a bright mockery and The tone of guilt caused some flames to rise in his heart, and he was a little unhappy.

   "Your Excellency, this matter has nothing to do with you, but are you trying to get involved now?" Then he looked at Chen Fei and said lightly. If it wasn\'t for Fade Chen\'s strength that made him a little bit afraid, he would have taken action long ago, why would he have been dawdling until now.

   Hearing that, whether it was Dong Jianhui, Li Wan, or even Zhou Shangshang, all felt an inexplicable chill coming, and Qi Qi\'s eyes revealed a tremor.

   But then Chen Fei spoke lightly, and said in a calm tone: "So what? You have to understand that I am a Chinese. Do you want me to stand by and watch this kind of thing?"

   That\'s right, aside from the concept of right and wrong, he is a down-to-earth Chinese first, and then there is so-called right and wrong.

   Now Brother Zhou Shangshang has made it clear that he brought back something amazing for them in China and contributed to the country. For this alone, it is impossible for him to ignore or ignore it! Because this is what a Chinese person should do at the very least, but be worthy of his conscience.

"Hmph! If that\'s the case, let me, old Benson, see how powerful such a young ancient warrior is." Old Benson\'s deep and gloomy pupils stared at Chen Fei suddenly, an ordinary person. An unimaginable storm surge emerged, sweeping across the entire training ground in an instant, destroying the dead.

   "Do you really think I\'m afraid of you?"

Hearing that, Chen Fei also had a sullen expression on his face, and a majestic and fierce Three-Yang True Fire Sword Qi burst out, rising into the sky again, and then there were three sword Qi in the form of flames appearing on his body. Around him, he was circling and winding, ups and downs, and the amount of heat he exhaled was astonishing.

   The sword qi of this flame form is nothing else, it is the sword qi of Sanyang True Fire.

   Apparently, since he cultivated the first sword energy of this flame that day, until now, his realm of strength has advanced by leaps and bounds, and he has condensed the third sword energy of Sanyang True Fire.


   Seeing this scene, whether it was Brother Zhou Shangshang or the biochemical man Dom, he couldn\'t help but subconsciously took a breath, his eyes full of shock. Until this time, they finally knew that Chen Fei\'s previous fights with them were all playing games, and they didn\'t show one-fifth or even one-tenth of their strength.

   Because Fade Chen\'s momentum at the moment is too strong, so strong that it is outrageous!

   "Your strength did not disappoint me."


   But even with this level of turbulent weather, in the eyes of the old Benson on the other side, he just didn\'t let him down! ?

Immediately afterwards, he saw his deep and gloomy pupils flashing with blue light, and his aging body was suddenly wrapped in a terrible storm, and the rumbling was deafening in this training ground. Immediately after, it turned into a huge storm handprint and rolled towards Chen Fei, falling from the sky.

   "The magic of the wind, the teeth of the wind dragon!" Old Benson sang.


   The powerful magic condensed by the wind spirit showed a terrifying battle at this moment, and before it even landed, it seemed that the air was bursting. In the ground below, the secrets of hard cracks slowly appeared.


  Seeing this, Fade Chen couldn\'t help but shrink his pupils slightly. At the same time, he kicked his feet hard, his body flashed, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only an afterimage.

   "Wind is the fastest element in the world, so, can you be faster than him?" But at this moment, Old Benson laughed grimly, and Lin Chenfei\'s face changed suddenly. Because the wind magic—the tooth of the wind dragon, was already behind him at the moment when the other party spoke.


   rumble, rumble…

   (end of this chapter)