Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 264: take away

Chapter 264 Take away

   "Brother Chen, are you still a doctor?" Brother Zhou Shangshang was a little surprised to hear that.

"Brother Shang, don\'t you know that? Brother Fei is not only a doctor, but also a genius doctor! Even my grandfather\'s life was saved by him before." At this moment, Dong Jianhui\'s voice came from the side. come.

   I saw that he had actually walked to the edge of the arena at this moment, and waved his hand on the strong rope: "Brother Fei, Brother Shang, are you finished? Why don\'t we go to dinner first, it\'s twelve o\'clock, so hungry."

   "Brother Chen even saved Mr. Dong\'s life?" Hearing this, Zhou Shang couldn\'t help being surprised, and even his face was full of weirdness. He didn\'t expect Chen Fei\'s strength to be so terrifying, even if he was still a genius doctor? This is really more popular than dead people ah.

   After following him, he shook his head slightly and said with a smile, "Brother Chen is so talented, Zhou Shang is convinced. Let\'s go, let\'s go to dinner, just at the dinner table, I can ask Brother Chen for some advice."

   "Brother Shang, you can be polite, communicate, communicate." Hearing this, Chen Fei said with a smile.

"Wait! What are you doing? This is a private venue, you can\'t go in!" But the next moment there was a noise outside the training hall, followed by a bang, and someone kicked the door open from outside. .

"who is it…"

   Seeing this, Zhou Shang\'s subconscious expression was furious, but before he could scold, his expression suddenly changed, and the words in his mouth froze.

  Because more than a dozen gunmen swarmed in from outside the training hall, they all wore special military uniforms, all of them were expressionless, their eyes were sharp, their aura was terrifying, and they were filled with that terrifying evil spirit.

   Obviously, these guys are by no means small, they are definitely the kind who have really seen big scenes and blood! Not to mention that they are still wearing special military uniforms and holding guns.

   "Who are you!?" Brother Zhou Shangshang couldn\'t help but said solemnly.

   Although he is not afraid of these soldiers due to his strength, the problem now is the origin and background of the other party. Dare to be so unscrupulous, to break into their Zhou family\'s Dongyun International private club with a gun in broad daylight, you want to say that these people have no background, is it possible?

   "We are from the General Administration, this is my certificate... You guys, who is Chen Fei?"

   Hearing Brother Zhou Shangshang\'s words, a burly middle-aged man wearing a hat with a scar on the corner of his eyes indifferently took out a certificate and showed it in front of everyone\'s eyes.

   "General Administration? Special Security Bureau of the Provincial Military Region? Hiss! It\'s actually them?" Hearing that it was Brother Zhou Shangshang, he couldn\'t help but change his color slightly, because this department was not simple.

   "I\'m Fade Chen, what, you are here to arrest me?" Fade Chen stepped forward, looking indifferent, said.

   "Sorry, we are just following orders, so please understand." The middle-aged man with scars looked at Fade Chen calmly and said, "Mr. Chen, please come with us?"

   Chen Fei was silent for a while, and finally nodded and said, "Okay."

   Then he left directly with those people. These people are all under orders, and there is no point in talking to them any more.

   At the same time, Dong Jianhui and Zhou Shang also panicked.

   "Shang, Brother Shang, what should we do now?" Seeing this scene and witnessing Brother Chen Feifei being taken away by people from the Provincial Security Bureau, Dong Jianhui was completely panicked and didn\'t know what to do.

   "You call Uncle Dong right now, hurry up. This is a big deal..." Wen Yan Zhou Shang Shang immediately urged anxiously.

   You must know that he knows Fade Chen\'s strength. That is the innate ability of a dignified ancient martial artist, but now, he was taken away by people from the Provincial Security Bureau, and for such inexplicable reasons, he did not treat the people of the island country? Simply ridiculous!

And he noticed that Fade Chen sneered when he was taken away... As an ancient martial artist, if Chen Fei didn\'t want to leave, it would be useless to have another one hundred thousand soldiers with guns like this. no good.

   But now he is so \'captured\' and taken away, damn... This won\'t be a bomb about to explode, right?

   "Oh, yes, yes, make a call, I\'ll call my dad right away." Hearing this, Dong Jianhui reacted, and immediately ran to find his mobile phone and called his father, Dong Wencheng, Secretary Dong.


   (end of this chapter)