Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 228: Yang Bin and Xiao Hongfang

Chapter 228 Yang Bin and Xiao Hongfang

"Hello, hello, hello remote, remote, what\'s going on, hello! What the hell..." At the same time, a bald man in his fifties heard a busy tone from a microphone in a high-end residential building in Beishan City. After that, he couldn\'t help but suddenly change his color and cursed loudly.

  What got into big trouble?

   Who else is that person?

   Only ten, ten seconds! ?

   The events that happened at this moment and the trembling of fear coming from his son\'s mouth made Yang Bin feel a little bit of an explosion in an instant.

   That\'s right, this person is none other than Yang Bin, Minister of Organization of Beishan City. He is also the biological father of Yang Bin and Yang Cailing.

   "Wait, he just said Uncle Zhu, could it be Zhu Qianye? What the **** is this guy trying to do?" Following him, he couldn\'t help but slap the desk, and said with anger.

   You must know that the other party is no stranger to him, but now he has arrested his son. What does this mean? Can he not be angry?

"What Zhu Qianye, what do you want to do? Could it be Zhu Qianye, director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Lao Yang, what happened?" Hearing Yang Bin\'s slap on the table, an angry voice erupted, and an elderly man in his fifties was wearing heavy makeup. The woman came in, and Zou Mei asked.

   He is the mother of Young Master Yang Yuanyuan, and Xiao Hongfang is next to the Xiao family.

   "Yuanyuan was caught, it seems that Zhu Qianye himself caught him." However, what Yang Bin said next made her complexion change drastically.

When she heard that her son was arrested, she couldn\'t help screaming, her face was hideous, and most of the thick foundation on her face shook off: "What, Yuan Yuan was arrested? What does he mean by Zhu Qianye? Is he trying to trouble our family? ?"

   "How do I know what he means? Be quiet and let me think about what\'s going on." Yang Bin said with a gloomy expression.

You must know that Zhu Qianye is not just any kitten or puppy, but a giant of the municipal party committee with the same identity and status as Yang Bin, not to mention the mayor Huang Tao and Huang behind him. leader.

  Things like this, the other party actually interfered with his son so suddenly, this is no joke! Could it be that... some people find him unpleasant to Yang Bin and want to find a chance to attack him?

"Think, you still want a fart? Call Zhu Qianye directly and ask him what he means. Now that your son has been arrested, you still have thoughts. If you can\'t handle it, just call my brother! I don\'t believe it. The director of a city\'s public security bureau, how dare you fight against my brother?" However, Xiao Hongfang scolded when she heard the words.

   You must know that Yang Yuanyuan is her son of Xiao Hongfang, and her brother of Xiao Hongfang is Xiao Nanyun, a high-ranking official in the province.

But now, the chief of a city\'s public security bureau actually dared to go down on his son and ride on their head to **** and pee. This made her usually rely on her brother\'s name. She was used to being arrogant and arrogant. How could she tolerate it? ?

   Even with his own husband, he scolded him badly.

   Yang Bin\'s face stiffened when he heard this, but he was still cowardly and did not dare to refute. He said in a low voice, "What a roar, please be quiet. I\'ll call Zhu Qianye now."

   Although he, Yang Bin, is also considered a figure in Beishan City, the head of the dignified city organization department, and a giant of the municipal party committee, all of this is more or less accomplished by the elder brother behind his wife, Xiao Nanyunxiao, a high-ranking official, who made Yang Bin what he is today.

  So, in fact, in this family, Yang Bin is not the one-and-done parent, but his wife, Xiao Hongfang, who speaks the truth.

  Although it sounds a bit embarrassing, the head of the organization department of the dignified city is so miserable, but there is no way, this is the truth!

  Who told her that there was a senior official brother behind her wife? What is the concept of senior officials? A dignified provincial deputy, a high-ranking official who is qualified to take charge of a party, an undisputed high-ranking official in the province, is far from what Yang Bin can match.

   Even, he Yang Bin just stood below and looked up, it was difficult to reach that height.

"I didn\'t yell at you, aren\'t I a little excited that my son was arrested? Come on, don\'t dawdle, call Zhu Qianye and let him release the remote to me immediately, otherwise, I will give it to me in person. Brother, call!" Xiao Hongfang obviously knew that she had gone too far, and said. But she couldn\'t help but get excited as she spoke.

   You must know that she, Xiao Hongfang, only has this one son. She is usually a baby of her. She is afraid of falling when holding it in her hand, and afraid that it will melt when she holds it in her mouth. Now she is caught, how can she accept it?

   (end of this chapter)