Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 192: old samurai

Chapter 192 Ancient Warriors Innate

As one of the three vice presidents of the dignified Hong Kong black market, he is dignified and upright, and he is a real innate-level ancient martial artist. The old man in gray robe with a cane can clearly feel that the wild aura released by Chen Fei at this moment is How terrifying, how terrifying!

   This is the kind of real domineering and awe-inspiring as if the Yellow River burst its banks, and it is also the king of beasts, like a tiger descending a mountain, leading the people to roar, trembling the clouds and the sky, making people tremble.


   This is definitely true innate!

  Otherwise, with his current cultivation realm, he would never have felt such a heavy pressure, as if Taishan was pressing down on the top, making it difficult to breathe.

   "You all leave for me now, all leave here immediately..." At this point, the deep eyes of the gray-robed old man with crutches flickered, and he said to all the members of the Hong Kong black market behind him in an unquestionable tone.


   Upon hearing the instructions of the vice president, those members of the black market who had been frightened by the scene in front of them suddenly returned to their senses, and immediately returned to the Rolls-Royce without hesitation. Accompanied by the screeching sound of tires frantically rubbing against the floor! All the cars roared into the distance, without any hesitation, at very fast speeds.

Seeing this scene, Fade Chen\'s ruthless eyes flashed slightly, and then turned his head to Chen Yaoyang in the driver\'s seat of the Phaeton and whispered: "Uncle Yaoyang, you should leave first. I\'ll stay here by myself. It\'s enough to come down."

   "~ Gollum."

Chen Yaoyang swallowed hard after hearing the words, his face struggled for a while, but he was finally succumbed to the cruel reality, lowered his head, and whispered guiltily: "Sorry, Mr. Chen, the other party seems to be one of the three vice presidents of the black market. The one of the first, our Chen family really can\'t afford to offend, you, be more careful..."

   As soon as the voice fell, Chen Yaoyang drove the Phaeton car slowly into the distance, but stopped in a place not far away, as if preparing to wait. It\'s just that he didn\'t dare to participate in such a shocking battle.

   "You are Chen Fei?" When everything around became a lot empty, the old man in gray robe with a cane was finally less solemn than before, squinting and smiling lightly.

Obviously, under the pressure of Chen Fei\'s terrifying momentum, the old man on the other side was able to remain so calm from beginning to end, and even at this moment, his expression was still playful, enough to see his bearing. It is also enough to show his strong self-confidence!

   But you must know that Chen Fei\'s current cultivation realm has reached the fourth level of qi training in the cultivation world, which is equivalent to the first entry into the innate. It can be said that he is a real ancient martial arts innate powerhouse! Could it be that this level is not enough in the eyes of the other party? Not qualified to let the other party raise the thoughts and thoughts of the other party?

  This, how is this possible? No, won\'t it?

   "Who are you?" However, in the face of the other person\'s playful questioning, Fade Chen didn\'t answer, just said blankly. His eyes looked fierce.

Seeing this scene, the old man in gray robe with a cane frowned slightly, looking at Chen Fei\'s deep eyes that were obviously hostile to him at this time, and then said lightly: "You don\'t need to be so hostile to me. If you want to shoot at you, you may not be able to escape outside the black market castle that day."

   Obviously, with his old man\'s identity, status, realm, and strength, he is willing to narrate such words that are similar to explanations, which is sincere enough. However, Chen Fei did not pay the bill when he heard the words, his eyes became more ruthless, and his momentum gradually surged.

   Outside the castle that day? If he hadn\'t lost eight hundred and used the forbidden technique of self-cultivation to escape, what would happen to him now? As for him not necessarily able to escape, hehe, who wouldn\'t say such a thing?

   "It seems that you don\'t believe me?" Seeing Fade Chen\'s still indifferent and ruthless expression, the gray-robed old man with crutches frowned slightly, his old voice a little cold. It seems that with his status as an old man, he was the first to make such an explanation that was similar to bowing his head. The other party, Chen Fei, was not satisfied or accepted, which made him a little unhappy.

   said a thousand words and ten thousand, you are just a junior in front of me, Yama, is it a bit too high with such a high attitude?

   "Why should I believe what you say? If there is, what if I believe it or not?"

At the next moment, Fade Chen took over the conversation and sneered: "I know that you are a congenital ancient warrior with a distinguished status and a high position in Hong Kong, but I\'m sorry, I don\'t seem to be worse than you now. So you don\'t think that you are here now. Is the posture in front of me a bit too much? Or…”

   "Or, do you really think I\'m afraid of you?" Chen Fei looked at the other person\'s eyes and said softly with a blank expression. His tone was inexplicably chilling.

"Afraid of me? I\'m sorry, I think you misunderstood me. I, Yan Luo, don\'t need you to be afraid of me." The old man in gray robe with a cane grinned when he heard this, followed by a splendid look in his deep eyes, his fingers flexed. , the blue veins burst out, and an unimaginable force erupted in vain from the entire rickety and decaying body.

Then he saw his fingers hook casually, and the purple-red crutches that fell on the ground flew back to his hands, and then he saw mysterious footwork under his feet. How did it appear, the purple crutches were raised high and dropped! It\'s a big deal!

"So fast!"

Seeing this scene, Chen Fei only felt that his whole body was about to stand up, his scalp was numb, and his back was cold. He didn\'t expect the other party to be so fast, and his momentum was like a deep sea, like that kind of underground cave. The most icy stagnant water vortex in the depths, silent, but the most deadly and terrifying.

   At this moment, he finally understood what the other party meant by that sentence just now. Indeed, he doesn\'t need to be afraid of himself at all. It\'s enough to be afraid. What\'s the difference? It doesn\'t matter at all.

   It\'s just that Fade Chen is not really that useless and has no power to fight back! Then I saw his figure tremble, and the whole person disappeared in the blink of an eye.

   Stab it!

  Boom! Boom! rumbling...

Half a breath after his figure disappeared, the purple-red crutches that fell from top to bottom and smashed down from the top tore down the air, passing by the edge of his body for thousands of miles, with a faint red and clothes The shards floated in the air in that instant, and then slammed into the ground, causing unimaginable shock waves and deafening roars.

   "You actually escaped?" The grey-robed old man with a cane looked at the extremely cracked road and muttered to himself in a daze.

   To be honest, he really didn\'t expect Chen Fei to be able to escape. He originally wanted to teach this **** a little lesson...

"I have to admit, you are the first junior who can achieve this level in front of me. You must know that even the ordinary ancient martial arts in the early stage, you may not be able to really avoid my just a moment. Not bad." Then the gray-robed old man with a cane sighed dumbly. Put away the momentum.

   "Ancient martial arts in the early days?"

   Chen Fei touched the red mark on his arm when he heard the words, hiss, it hurts a bit,

   muttered to himself while hearing the other party\'s words.

   In the early days of ancient martial arts, what was that?

   "It seems you don\'t know."

It seemed that Chen Fei\'s doubts at this moment could be seen, the old man in gray robe with crutches smiled, and suddenly started chattering: "Ancient martial artist is born, it does not refer to a cultivation realm alone, but a great The general term for the realm. The realm is divided from low to high: early stage, middle stage, and late stage. Your kid is at most an early stage, and I, as early as ten years ago, broke through to the middle stage of ancient martial arts, so you are now Not my opponent yet, understand?"

   "There is still such a thing, the early, middle and late stages of ancient martial arts..."

   Chen Fei suddenly realized when he heard the words, and understood why the oppression of the opponent\'s strength would give him such a great feeling. It\'s no wonder that there is still a difference in realm among them.

But even so, he still did not have the slightest fear, but said indifferently: "Even if you are in the middle stage of ancient martial arts, so what? It seems that you can\'t do anything to me, right?" It is determined that although the opponent is stronger than him, it is relatively limited, and it cannot really give him anything.

   The old man in gray robe with a cane finally looked stagnant when he heard the words, raised his head, looked at Fade Chen, and was speechless for a long time.

   "Okay, as I said before, you don\'t need to be so hostile to me..." After a long silence, the old man said lightly.

However, Chen Fei interrupted him rudely when he heard the words, his ruthless eyes filled with a light smile and said: "I think you should always give me an explanation, otherwise I will never be afraid of causing trouble. You can\'t do anything about me now, but Let\'s see in a few years, maybe, I should expect your old man to be alive at that time, hehe."

   "Are you threatening me?" The grey-robed old man with crutches frowned deeply again, his tone slightly unkind. And this time, he seemed to finally feel a slight pressure!

   In his early twenties, Gu Wuxiantian, if he was given a few more years, maybe it would be true...

   "Yeah, I am indeed threatening you. Otherwise, will your old man throw me into the sea and feed it to sharks?" Fade Chen grinned and showed his teeth, as if he was saying, "Have you eaten yet" in a casual tone.

   But now he is threatening a real ancient martial arts innate powerhouse, and he is still in the middle stage of ancient martial arts!

   If it spreads out, it will definitely scare and stun a lot of people!

"Boy, believe it or not, based on what you are saying now, I can get the Chen family, who has a good relationship with you, to be removed from Hong Kong overnight!" Looking at Chen Fei, his tone became very cold.

   "Well, if you give me another five years, I will let you see with your own eyes, the black market in Hong Kong, I will make it famous from this earth, forever, never turn over!" Chen Fei heard the words still laughing. It\'s just that tone, but it really made the old man in gray robe with crutches shudder for the first time.

  Let, let the Hong Kong black market be delisted on this earth?

   Is this kid a lunatic! ?

   (end of this chapter)