Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 188: Damaged instruments

Chapter 188 Damaged instruments

Obviously, for any person in the power user circle, S rank means a high mountain that can only be looked up at, not to mention that the Yue family is now one of the three vice presidents of the Hong Kong black market. The weight is naturally not something that the Chen family dares to provoke at the end of the "merely".

   So it\'s no wonder that Chen Yaoyang is so nervous when he hears this, and he can be forgiven, after all, the other party is the Yue family that ranks first among the five giants in Hong Kong...

   "Don\'t worry, I have no grievances or enmity with them, I just want to buy something from them." Chen Fei heard the other party\'s nervousness when he heard the words, and smiled undeniably. Signal the other party not to worry.

Thunder S-level power user, although in the entire world power user circle, can definitely be regarded as a powerful existence at the level of terror overlord, but for him, Fade Chen, who has become a powerhouse of the fourth level of Qi training, is actually not. So exaggerated, it\'s really hard to say who is stronger or weaker, so he has no worries in his heart.

  S-level superpower? If I have a chance, I really want to try it to have a few pounds and a few weights. Chen Fei thought to himself.

   Obviously, with his cultivation and strength rising again, his vision has become wider, no longer limited to half-step innate, or half-step S-rank ability user! Instead, it is adjusted to be wider and higher, looking at the ancient martial arts, or the level of S-level ability users.

   Today, he has the fourth level of Qi training, and he is fully qualified for this!

   "Buy something, huh, then I\'m relieved. I don\'t know what Mr. Chen would like to buy from the Yue family?" Chen Yaoyang said with a sigh of relief.

"Well, that\'s it, it\'s the jade that came out of the last black market auction. The Ma family bought one, the vampire kid bought one last time, and it seems that the Yue family also bought one. Uncle Yaoyang Please help me arrange it, tell them my wishes, it is best to arrange a meeting between us to show sincerity." Fade Chen took out the jade finger and continued.

   "Jade? I understand, I will immediately notify the other party to arrange it." Chen Yaoyang said in a low voice without asking more.

Following Chen Fei alone, he returned to the private room that Chen Yaoyang had arranged for him in the villa, and took out the jade wrench again. Facing the moonlight, his eyes flashed slightly, and wisps of spiritual energy gradually poured into it, and he began to look carefully. Study it in detail.

   "The magic weapon, and it seems to be the hair tool left by the strong foundation building. I really didn\'t expect that there is such a thing on this earth..." Chen Fei sighed slightly while researching.

   You have to know that since the first emperor who was unparalleled in ancient times cut off the world and cut off the dragon veins, all the energy on the earth has become extremely barren, far less brilliant than the ancient times. It is also on this basis that the cultivation world has long since disappeared in this Dharma-ending period, and only the ancient warriors are kings!

   But even the ancient warriors, relying on their own strength to tap their potential, the human body cave dragon, still cannot be affected by external conditions, and it has become much more decayed than the glory days of the ancient times!

   You must know that in the glorious and peak era, the ancient martial arts was not the most powerful level. On it, there were also great masters of the innate, martial arts myths…

"Hey, what is this thing, damaged!?" After studying for a long time, Fade Chen couldn\'t help frowning suddenly, because he found that the jade wrench **** tool in his hand was damaged, and he did not imagine it. He did not expect the corresponding magical ability in .

   "Wait, what is this? A map?" But at the next moment, his eyes trembled slightly, and a milky white aura appeared on the tip of his finger, and he swiped along the edge of the jade finger.

   Immediately afterward, light clouds and mists gradually appeared in front of people, and there was a vague map that appeared in mid-air following the trajectory of the moonlight, disappearing and appearing from time to time.

   "Looks like I\'ve discovered something amazing. What does the majestic peak in this incomplete map refer to? Could it be left by the strong foundation-building man..."

   Like this, I was speechless all night.


   In the early morning of the second day, facing the warm and warm sunshine, in a top-level private villa in Hong Kong, there was an inconspicuous courtyard with gray walls and gray tiles.

   A wooden table with half a corner missing, a cup of tea on the table, and an old man in a gray robe with silver threads on his head drinking tea quietly. Sitting opposite him, there is an old man who looks to be in his sixties. His eyes are bright and his appearance is majestic.

  If there are people from Hong Kong and Macau who are from the upper class here at this moment, and seeing the face of this majestic old man in his sixties, he will definitely be awe-inspiring and his expression will be shocked.

   Because this old man is one of the five giants in Hong Kong today, the current patriarch of the Yue family who ranks first, and Yue Kunlun, one of the legendary figures in Hong Kong and Macau!

   You must know that although this old man is only in his 60s now, he has already been half-hidden behind the scenes. It is said that there is something wrong with his body. If he didn\'t \'see it with his own eyes\' today, it is estimated that no one would believe it.

  It turned out that the Yue Kunlun Yue Patriarch had a very good body, bright eyes, and spirited spirit. He didn\'t have any physical problems like the rumors said.

   And this is not the most terrifying, the most terrifying is that the Yue Kunlun Patriarch, the undisputed legendary figure of the Yue family in Hong Kong, has such respect for another old man at this moment. There was even only one cup of tea at the moment, he watched, and the other party drank quietly.

   Although the old man is now wrinkled and old-fashioned, even a pair of eyes are cloudy, but the inadvertently revealed momentum makes people feel extremely frightened, and the scalp is numb. This is enough to prove that the other party is extraordinary, and he is definitely an old man with quite terrifying strength.

"Kunlun, do you think someone wants to buy this jade pendant? Who is it, it\'s worth you to tell me in person?" The wrinkled old man took a sip of tea and took out one from his gray robe. The humble jade pendant said lightly.

He bought this thing at a black market auction not long ago. Although it is not expensive and looks very ordinary, he is inexplicable because he likes it very much. Otherwise, because of his identity, he will not personally buy a mere one. Such a jade pendant.

   But now, Yue Kunlun suddenly came to the door in person, saying that someone wanted to buy this \'ordinary\' jade pendant in his hand.

   No matter what the other party\'s reason is.

   As far as Yue Kunlun\'s actions came in person, he felt extremely surprised.

You must know that their Yue family is not short of money, and in this Hong Kong one-third of an acre, apart from the black market, there is no need to please anyone or any force, especially in his capacity, it is even more impossible, and there is no need to do so, but Now…

   "Yes, Second Ancestor, it\'s like this, there is a young man surnamed Chen who, through the Chen family, wants to buy your jade pendant from us." Yue Kunlun was silent for a while, then said slowly.

   Second ancestor? If there are five elders of the rich and powerful here at this moment, it must be extremely shocked to hear that Yue Kunlun actually calls each other the second ancestor, and then he will be in awe.

   You must know that this \'second ancestor\' was a figure from the same era as Yue Kui, the ancestor of the Yue family, but today, except for a very few people, no one knows whether the old man is alive or dead. But I didn\'t expect that today, the other party would appear in this ordinary courtyard with such high spirits.

   After all, this old man is still alive, he should be at least ninety years old now, right?

   And, right now, he should be at least a half-step S-rank superpower, right?

   You must know that in those days, he and the ancestor Yue Kuiyue were also known as the dazzling twin stars of the Yue family in that era, shining for an era.

   "The young man surnamed Chen, does he have a big background?" The wrinkled old man said indifferently, expressionless.

"I don\'t know his background, but the young man surnamed Chen seems to be in his twenties, but he severely injured Ma Shihao in the previous two moves. Not only that, it is said that the black market guy that night Lord Yama has appeared, but the other party, that young man, was able to slip away from under the other party\'s eyelids..." Yue Kunlun\'s face trembled slightly, and then he said in a low voice.

   He was interrupted by the wrinkled old man before he could finish his words: "You mean, the young man who made a big fuss outside the black market castle before the black market auction started some time ago?"

   "Yes, that\'s him. Do you know the second ancestor?" Yue Kunlun was slightly puzzled. Second ancestor, how could he know that young man?

   "I don\'t know him, but I know him..." The wrinkled old man said with a sigh at the corner of his mouth.

   In fact, although he went late that night, he missed the previous incident, but he still learned a little about the ins and outs of this incident from the black market. A young man in his twenties who is at least a first-class ancient martial artist, even his strength is likely to be more than that, and it will be higher.

   This was what he heard from his cousin Yue Kui, how could he not be impressed?

And this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that according to his cousin, Yue Kuiyue, one of the three vice presidents of the Hong Kong black market, the young man surnamed Chen seems to be different from the Hong Kong black market. A vice president - Lord Yama has a lot of origins!

  Otherwise, what kind of place is the black market castle? Representing the face of the black market in Hong Kong, daring to make trouble in that kind of place. In the past, the end was very tragic and tragic.

   "Second Ancestor, what are we now?" After seeing Tangtang and their Yue Family Second Ancestor and hearing the identity of the other party, they were all so shocked, Yue Kui couldn\'t help asking in a low voice. At the same time, he also sighed in his heart, it seems that his cautiousness today is not wrong.

  Otherwise, when Chen Yaoyang, the junior of the Chen family, called him just now, if he was dismissed casually, what would happen now.

   After all, there is the example of Ma Jia and Ma Kun before, he doesn\'t want to be the same unlucky person as the other party. So wrong!

   (end of this chapter)