Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 16: This shopping guide looks down on people

Chapter 16 This shopping guide looks down on people

   "You know, do you know what the Canghai Group is? It\'s the leading company in Beishan City, with a market value of more than one billion."

The shopping guide didn\'t hear the playfulness in Chen Fei\'s words, but thought that the two guys in front of her were frightened by the \'backer\' behind her - the Canghai Group, with a proud face, and said proudly: "Okay, I\'m in a good mood today, I\'m too lazy to bother with the two of you, go out quickly, don\'t delay those distinguished guests to buy clothes."

It turned out that while she was speaking in a low-pitched manner, other guests had already appeared on the third floor of Splendid Sky City, and at first glance, they were the kind of local tyrants who could spend a lot of money, which immediately made the shopping guide look bright, ready to flatter and lean over to see if she could. Can\'t do this business.

   "Is there a manager here? Is there someone who can speak a word?" But at this moment, Chen Fei\'s faint voice suddenly sounded in the air, causing the shopping guide\'s face to change suddenly.

"What are you doing? You still want to make trouble. Come on, let me shoot them out! What do you think you are, and you don\'t even look at where this place is. Do you really think that the manager of our Splendid Sky City is the one you want to see?" That shopping guide His attitude suddenly became disgusting, and he wanted to have Fade Chen and the others kicked out.

   "What did you say! What do you mean!"

   Slick looked at the waiter angrily, but he was still a little guilty in his heart. You must know that this is Splendid Sky City, the trump card mall under the Canghai Group, how could someone be allowed to make trouble here! ?

   "Da Fei, or... let\'s forget it, we can\'t afford Canghai Group." Although Slicker was angry and excited, he finally chose to bow his head and whispered to Fade Chen.

Although his family background is good, it is only an ordinary businessman family, and even in the officialdom, he has no decent backing, and his foundation is very thin. Family and business depend on Canghai Group.

"Slippery, it\'s ok, trust me once, and leave this matter to me today." However, Chen Fei spoke to his brother like this, his eyes were very sharp, which made the latter immediately stunned, and swallowed the words on his lips. down.

  Isn\'t it? Could it be that this kid really has some thighs in his arms? Even the Canghai Group dares to conflict and offend him like this.

"Boy, I heard from Sister Lan that you are making trouble here. If you are interested, leave me right away. Otherwise, don\'t blame the brothers and we are welcome." She flattered the shopping guide \'Sister Lan\' for a while, and then immediately turned towards Chen Fei and the two of them with wickedness, with an unspeakable attitude.

However, Fade Chen just glanced at them indifferently, with a hint of disdain on the corner of his mouth, and said softly: "If I were you, I wouldn\'t be so stupid, and I said such words with no room for reconciliation as soon as I came up, it seems that you two I’m used to being a security guard in this Splendid Heavenly City, I really think anyone can be offended!?”

   "What do you mean, we are just doing business."

Hearing Chen Fei\'s arrogant remarks, the foreman among the bodyguards with full faces immediately shuddered, looked at Chen Fei more, and said, "It seems that this guest really wants to Let the manager come, that\'s fine, since the guest needs it, I\'ll invite it now."

   "Brother Wang, what are you doing, just because the two of them are qualified to see the manager, don\'t go."

The shopping guide was also a little flustered, looking at Fade Chen\'s sneering look for no reason, but she still held on, and coldly shouted at Chen Fei: "Hmph, wait for the manager to come, look at you two. How to end it. What is our manager\'s identity, how can people like you see it if you want to see it?"

   "What happened then?"

   Not far away, a man in his twenties wearing Givenchy and gold glasses noticed what happened to Chen Fei and his side, and said to his companions with interest.

"It must have been a quarrel, hey, isn\'t that Hua Zhinan from Jinnan Jewelry? Could it be that the kid is underestimated by this shopping guide? Interesting, who is the guy next to him who is wearing a street stall, what do you think? It looks like he is in charge." Another person looked over with interest, he actually knew Hua Zhinan, and said with a funny face.

   "What happened? What happened?"

   At this moment, a handsome man in his thirties who was 1.8 meters tall came over, and the shopping guide immediately became charming and greeted him.

   "You\'re here, manager. These two are making trouble here..." The shopping guide immediately put his arms around each other, his plump roundness squeezed the other\'s arms, his voice immediately became crisp and his wrists turned, and the wicked complained first.

   "Missing trouble?"

The manager frowned slightly without leaving a trace, and said to Chen Fei, "I\'m sorry, both of you. He\'s new here and doesn\'t understand anything." Although his attitude was not bad, these were just two fluffy words, no one sentence. Sensible, apologise, is it over? Chen Fei couldn\'t help but his eyes were slightly cold.

   "No wonder a mere shopping guide dares to be so arrogant to our guests. It turns out that there is a backer."

As soon as Chen Fei said this, the manager\'s face changed slightly, his words became a little less polite, and he said coldly to Chen Fei: "This guest, please speak carefully. We This is a shopping mall, there is nothing to rely on, only customers are God."

   "Oh, only the guest is God?"

   Chen Fei repeated this sentence in his mouth, and a sneer appeared on his face.

   "Da Fei." The slippery head standing beside Fade Chen pulled him, afraid that he would act on his temper.

   "Since only the guests are the gods, that\'s fine. How many clothes are there on the third floor? Pack them all for me. I want them all."

But at the next moment, Chen Fei actually said such words, not only the manager and the shopping guide\'s faces changed on the spot, but also the golden glasses and Givenchy youth who were being picked by other shopping guides not far away. People were stunned when they heard this, and involuntarily looked towards Fade Chen again.

  I want to pack all the clothes on the third floor of Splendid Sky City, what is the origin of that kid, how big of a tone?

   "Guest, please don\'t joke around." The manager\'s face became a little strange at this moment, because Chen Fei\'s tone was so loud that he was even a little scared.

   After all, anyone who can get a manager in this Splendid Heavenly City is not a fool. If it was an ordinary person, who would dare to say such a thing in this Splendid Heavenly City? impossible!

   "Brother Wang, what are you still doing? Hurry up and blast these two troublemakers out. You dare to say that you will pack all the clothes on the third floor of our Splendid Heavenly City. He thinks..."

  The shopping guide just thought he had seized the opportunity, and with a proud face, he encouraged the bodyguards standing by to let them blast Chen Fei out.

   But at the next moment, she was severely interrupted by the person who was hugging her.

"shut up!"

I saw that the manager was sweating coldly on his forehead at the moment, looking at the golden card that Chen Fei took out with a look of shock, licking the corner of his mouth dryly, throwing away his shopping guide suddenly, bending his waist, facing Chen Fei. Fei said with an apologetic smile: "Here, distinguished guest, please wait a moment, I will immediately prepare all the clothes on the third floor for you."

   "Jing, what are you doing, manager?"

   The shopping guide who was thrown away by the manager just fell to the ground, and wanted to get angry by conditioned reflex, but when she heard the manager\'s words next, she was stunned and said with a trembling voice.

   Could it be that the guy who is wearing the goods on the ground is really a big man, he can really pack all the clothes on the third floor, this, this, this...Impossible.

   "Da Fei, you..." Even Slippery was shocked at this moment, he didn\'t expect such a thing to happen.

This is too incredible. You must know that this is one of the largest commercial cities in Beishan City. It is all luxury and top-level in the eyes of ordinary people. If you want to pack all the clothes on the third floor, it is estimated that there are not millions. Not really impossible.

   But now, the manager, who had a cold face before, changed his attitude 180 degrees after seeing the pale gold card in Chen Fei\'s hand, and immediately went to prepare all the clothes on the third floor for him.

  This, this, this... what\'s the situation? really?

   "This thing was given to me by Gao Zhinan, and I don\'t know what it is for. However, it seems to be useful now!" Chen Fei whispered with a sigh.

   When he was in the hospital before, he thought that the other party gave it to him casually, but he did not expect that the energy would be so great at this moment.

   "Gao, Gao Zhinan gave it to you!?" Slicker felt that his head was not enough, Cang, Gao Zhinan, the boss of Canghai Group? That kind of legendary character actually has contact with his brother, which is amazing.

   "Manager, I, I..."

   And the shopping guide was obviously stunned by this scene at the moment, trembling all over, and his delicate body trembled.

   "Shut up! From now on, you\'ve been fired, get the **** out of here!"

   However, the manager\'s reaction was far more violent than everyone imagined. Seeing that he actually fired the shopping guide directly, the latter was startled and dumbfounded.

"I\'m sorry, I\'m sorry, I\'m blind, I\'m really sorry. The manager, please, don\'t fire me, don\'t fire me." The shopping guide almost burst into tears, while apologizing to Chen Fei, lying on the ground to protect the manager\'s thigh Begging for mercy, secretly scolding yourself for being cheap, and judging people by their appearance.

   Being able to be a shopping guide in a luxury store like Splendid Sky City is the dream of many young and beautiful women, not only with high salaries, but also with access to the real upper class and the real rich.

   But now, such a wonderful job has been ruined by her own hands. She really wants to give herself a slap in the face.

   (end of this chapter)