Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 158: play poker

Chapter 158 Playing Poker

   "Jack\'s side seems to have a bad stomach and is not feeling well. Guest, why don\'t you watch us play other things? How about poker?"

During the conversation, a bald man walked in. He looked very strong and had a large scar on his forehead. Coupled with those long and narrow eyes that made people think that most of him had a very sinister personality, The corners of the mouth have always maintained a sneer and a sneer! Very present, very eye-catching!

   "Mr. Ke, did you call me?" The bald man greeted Ke Xiangdong respectfully as soon as he entered. It\'s just that when he was greeting, out of the corner of his eyes, he was secretly looking at Fade Chen and the stack of chips in front of Fade Chen. He couldn\'t help licking his lips, followed by a look of solemnity and excitement in his eyes.

   Obviously, at this moment, he is the same as when the magician Jack first came, and he understands that there are big businessmen coming to their Galaxy Nine Heavens to spend a lot of money!

  I just don’t know, is it a big **** or a big fat sheep? Ha ha! The bald man\'s mouth showed a playful smile.

   "Change to another game? Why, didn\'t I have a good time?" However, Fade Chen suddenly said with a smile, staring at Ke Xiangdong\'s eyes like a smile but not a smile.

Ke Xiangdong was stunned when he heard the words, and said a little embarrassedly: "It\'s not that Jack seems to have a bad stomach and is a little uncomfortable. And this poker should be more fun and entertaining than playing dice and betting big and small..." He Of course, it is impossible to say that they are really afraid and dare not play any dice with Chen Fei, so they propose to change poker. Randomly explained.

When the bald man saw this scene, he immediately drew a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, pretending to be casual and mocking: "Sir, seeing that you have won so much money on our side today, you should give some face. Just spit out some? Or are you afraid to play poker with me?"

"Face?" Fade Chen smiled lightly and turned towards the bald man, his mouth slightly hooked, and suddenly said: "Face? Why do I think it sounds so strange, what are you? Why do you want me to give you face? ?"


   The bald-headed man Scarboy\'s cruel smile suddenly froze, and his handsome and tough face suddenly showed a touch of anger.

   He didn\'t expect that Chen Fei would dare to give him face in such a way, mocking him so much in front of everyone\'s eyes, with such a disdainful tone, which made him feel insulted from the depths of his soul! However, he said, "You, you..." For a long time, he didn\'t dare to refute, and Zhan looked at Fade Chen with a trace of fear in his eyes.

   Obviously, he is not an idiot either, he understands that his identity is just a gambler cultivated by Galaxy Nine Heavens, and the other party is likely to be some amazing big man! Otherwise, how dare you come to their Galaxy Nine Heavens to make trouble, and how dare you come to their Galaxy Nine Heavens to gamble?

   Thinking of this, he couldn\'t help but feel awe in his heart, and he was silent for a while.

"Sir, I admit that you are really good at playing dice. Even Jack in our casino can\'t beat you. However, you have already won over US$300 million in our Galaxy Nine Heavens. Look..." Na Ke said with a puzzled expression. .

But following him, he was interrupted impatiently by Fade Chen: "$300 million, can you take out the money first and talk about this? There are not even hundreds of millions of dollars in such a big casino?" No chips or money were brought to him.

   "...Sorry, guest, we made a mistake, I will send the chips immediately." Na Ke said with an ugly face.

Seeing this scene, Fade Chen nodded impatiently and said, "You can play poker with you, but can you just run away after two or three games? I\'m not here to waste time with you. For play!"

You have already won 300 million **** dollars, but Nima wasted time, what the fuck... Ke Xiangdong couldn\'t help but scolded furiously in his heart, but on the surface he still looked apologetic: "Guests, please rest assured, Not this time. It was because Jack ate bad..."

Ke Xiangdong wanted to repeat his nonsense that he didn\'t believe, but Fade Chen\'s mocking eyes suddenly swept away, stopped instantly, smiled embarrassingly, and said: "If the guests play poker, what do you want to play? Second Eleven o\'clock, ********?"

   Chen Fei glanced at him, and suddenly said solemnly: "I want to play, fried golden flowers! Gold! Flowers!"

fry! gold! flower!


  Sprinkle stuff?

   Deep fried golden flower! ?

   Not only Ke Xiangdong and the bald man Scarboy were stupid, but even Chen Yaoyang and the one-eyed old man who were standing on Chen Fei at the moment were stunned, with a strange look in their eyes.

   fried golden flower? Go to the top VIP room of Galaxy Jiutian, one of the six top casinos in Macau, to play with the world-class gambling king gambler?

   This wave is so good, it surprised everyone present. So unexpected.

   "Uh, that guest, I\'m afraid the two of you won\'t be able to play with Fried Golden Flower?" Ke Xiangdong wiped the black line on his forehead and cold sweat, and couldn\'t help but stand up and say.

But when Chen Fei heard the words, he instantly put on a look of **** looking at the other party, and said \'hate iron is not steel\': "Since two people can\'t play, don\'t you know how many more people you can call up to play? Breaking the casino, is he the only one playing cards?"

   Chen Fei\'s words directly blocked Ke Xiangdong speechless, yes, as one of the top six casinos in Macau, how could there be only one of them playing cards? To exaggerate to say, there are absolutely countless!

   Of course, when he heard Chen Fei\'s words, when he actually said that their Galaxy Jiutian was a broken casino, there was still a hint of anger in his eyes! Damn, if our Galaxy is considered a broken casino for nine days, then it is estimated that there are not many truly professional casinos in the whole world!

  Fuck! This kid is so arrogant, he doesn\'t take them Galaxy Jiutian in his eyes at all! It just so happens that you want to play Fried Golden Flower, right? You want me to help you find someone to play with, right?

   Well, I see how many you can play alone! The labor and management will see how you will lose!

   "Guest, can you see that five people can play?" After a while, Ke Xiangdong personally led the three people back, all with oriental faces and yellow skin, and they looked like Filipinos and Chinese! After they came in, they sat directly at the gaming table, each with a mocking and sneering look on their faces, as if they were very confident.

   After all, there is no way! With their world-class poker skills! If they can\'t win one of the four "fights", then they just go home and raise pigs, don\'t be ashamed.

   So obviously, the three of them, plus the bald man Scarboy, who is the most powerful player at cards, all think that their side has already won, and there can be no accident! One by one they winked at each other secretly, and the corners of their mouths sneered unbridly.

   Waiting for everyone to take their seats, Ke Xiangdong suddenly stepped onto the dealer\'s seat and said with a smile, "Guest, I\'ll shuffle the cards in person, shouldn\'t you mind?"

   "Random." Fade Chen didn\'t care when he heard the words.

Seeing this scene, Ke Xiangdong\'s original smug face quickly disappeared, and after putting on an expressionless face, he said, "How big are the guests playing this time? One to two, dark two to five, dark three to seven, dark four to ten, what do you think?"

   "Okay." Fade Chen heard that he still had a calm look, which made his teeth itch.

   "Since that\'s the case, then I\'ll start dealing cards for the guests." Ke Xiangdong took a deep breath and began to shuffle the cards like a butterfly with his hands. At the same time, there was a faint sneer on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes flashed coldly.

   Obviously, Ke Xiangdong can get into the position of general manager of Galaxy Jiutian, one of the six top casinos in Macau. Naturally, he can\'t be a scumbag, but he really has some "technique" in his hands! This is also the reason why he took the initiative to ask Ying to be the dealer to shuffle the cards.

   After a while, five sets of three cards were distributed in front of three people including Chen Fei and Scarboy. They each put down a million chips, and then it was the Filipino\'s turn to speak first.

   "The first card, I\'ll take a look first." The Filipino had a big mouth, and when he laughed, he turned into a monkey. He was the first to pick up the card and take a look. Because he had been observing Ke Xiangdong\'s movements just now, and found that the first shuffle of the opponent\'s cards did not do anything, but a normal random shuffle.

   So he didn\'t expect himself to be able to do anything in the first hand, he simply took the cards and looked at it to see how lucky he was today.

"Looks like I\'m lucky." It was just that the Filipino just glanced at the corners of the three cards at random, his eyes suddenly brightened, and then he opened his mouth seemingly casually, and threw a hundred The 10,000-dollar chips were thrown on the gambling table, and they glanced at the remaining four and smiled: "I\'ll give one million."

"I do not want."

  Scarboy, a bald man, started right at him. After seeing the card, he quickly discarded it. Don\'t.

   "Neither do I." Another said no.

When he arrived at the third player in the Philippines, the man was a dark-skinned oriental man with a cold temperament and a calm and calm expression. Then he saw that he picked up three cards and looked at it, and then he threw two cards. One million chips said: "I will increase the price, two million."

   "Interesting, it looks like you all have cards."

Finally it was Chen Fei\'s turn, I saw him rubbing his hands and smiling, and then he picked up two two million AUD chips and threw them into the gaming table, and said with a smile: "In that case, I will increase the price for you, How\'s it going?" Seeing this scene, the expressions of the other four people at the gaming table changed, some were sarcastic unscrupulously, and some just felt a sudden throbbing in their hearts...

"Mainland boy, do you want to scare me? Sorry, you can\'t scare me with this card. I\'ll follow, 10 million!" The Filipino grinned when he saw this, and threw 10 million into the gambling table with a lot of money. Australian dollar chips. Obviously, he is very confident at the moment, it is absolutely impossible for him to lose this hand!

   Because he is a flush! Spades QKA! Second only to the biggest flush of the bomb!

   (end of this chapter)