Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 13: Show off your prowess

Chapter 13 Demonstration

Because there is never a 100% certainty in treating a disease and saving a person, there are often unavoidable accidents that lead to the death of the patient, or leave serious sequelae, such as paralysis, vegetative state, etc. When the situation arises, many doctors are reluctant to take it for fear of being responsible.

  Especially now that this patient is really not small, he is the son of Gao Zhinan of the Canghai Group, which made many doctors present feel scruples in their hearts, fearing that something might go wrong.

After all, this operation has made it clear that there is only 20-30% hope, and the more possibility is that it will fail, and people will die, not to mention that even if they are lucky and rescue them, they will definitely not be able to escape the fate of being paralyzed with one foot. Knowing that it is a comminuted fracture, in general, there is no hope of saving it.

   Therefore, no one is willing to take this responsibility, and there are so many people present that almost no one can take it, except Liu Changshan. Only he has this qualification.

   "Dr. Liu, I need someone to help me and follow me into the operating room." At this moment, Fade Chen had already asked the nurse to push the person into the operating room and said to Liu Changshan on the side.

Although he can save people by himself, this is the operating room of the central hospital after all. Whether it is the influence or the people outside who don\'t trust him at all, he has to pull Liu Changshan into the thief boat. \' so that no one disturbs them.

   This kind of serious injury can\'t be a little accident.

   "Xiao Fei, what do you want me to do? He\'s in a serious condition with hemorrhage in his cavity." Entering the operating room, Liu Changshan said with a serious expression.

   Based on the data features fed back by various advanced instruments in the operating room, he could already be sure that the boy lying on the operating table had extremely serious bleeding from the cavity, and the comminuted fracture of his foot.

   If it is not dealt with as soon as possible, there will definitely be problems.

   "Are there any silver needles? I need silver needles." Fade Chen asked for silver needles while tearing apart the clothes of Gao Shao.

   His previous silver needle, because it was left on the foreigner Tucci, had not had time to buy it, so he was actually empty-handed and had nothing.

   "Silver needles?" Liu Changshan was stunned when he heard the words, and then immediately took out the spare TCM silver needles from the operating room. It has to be said that the preparation for being the largest comprehensive tertiary-grade hospital in Beishan City is still very sufficient. Whether it is for Western medicine or traditional Chinese medicine, there is no deviation, and everything is covered.

   "Xiao Fei, what do you want the silver needle for?" Liu Changshan handed the silver needle to Chen Fei and said.

   Although he does not understand Chinese medicine, he also knows that acupuncture should be aimed at Chinese medicine internal medicine? Now take it out, what\'s the use?

"To stop the bleeding, he must stop the massive hemorrhage." Fade Chen took the silver needle from Liu Changshan\'s hand and shook his right hand. The needle bag was unfolded, revealing dozens of silver needles, large and small. .

   As soon as his thumb was drawn, several silver needles of different lengths as thin as cow hair were taken out of the needle bag by him for disinfection.

   "To stop bleeding? Use acupuncture to stop bleeding?"

   And after hearing Fade Chen\'s words, Liu Changshan immediately felt his jaw dropped.

   If it’s normal, it’s okay, but this is a big bleeding in the cavity! There may be life-threatening danger at any time. He actually said that he would stop it with a few silver needles. This, this, isn\'t this a joke?

  咻! call out! call out!

But just when he was shocked, Fade Chen had already shot, and saw that his fingers were as flexible as a snake, the silver needle seemed to have spirituality in his hand, and when the cold light flickered, more than ten silver needles pierced like clouds and flowing water. Patients xiong mouth, and heart.

   And that Gao Shao\'s serious bleeding from the cavity suddenly seemed to be enjoying a panacea. According to the data fed back by the instrument, it gradually improved and even stopped.

   "This, this is simply a miracle!" Liu Changshan was the one who witnessed this scene with his own eyes. It was so shocking that it was difficult to describe in words. It was incredible.

   You must know that he is also one of the top authoritative experts in the cardiovascular department of the Central Hospital, and his clinical surgical ability is even more outstanding!

   Looking at the entire hospital, perhaps only Dr. Xu from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine can compare with him, so of course he knows how difficult it is to complete this incredible operation in front of him.

  But, but, he was actually done by a young man in his twenties, which is simply a miracle!

"Okay, the hemorrhage in his cavity has been brought under control. As for the broken bone on the lung lobe, come on at last, Dr. Liu, fix his leg first, and I\'ll find a way to treat it." Chen Fei wiped it. Wiping the sweat on his forehead, he said.

   "Uh, okay, I\'ll do it right away!" Liu Changshan was stunned when he heard the words, and then acted immediately, like a very obedient and hard-working intern.

   But speaking of it, the last time he was so willing and convincing to fight someone, it seems to have been five or six years ago! ?


   While Chen Fei and Liu Changshan were working hard in the operating room, the director of the Central Hospital and Dr. Xu Zhenxing from the Chinese Medicine Department rushed over with a group of people.

   "How is the situation, how is my son\'s situation!" Similarly, another group of people rushed over. They are none other than Gao Zhinan, the boss of Canghai Group! He looks about forty years old, with a handsome face, sharp eyes, and extraordinary momentum!

   "Mr. Gao, we are doing all we can to rescue Mr. Gao. You can let it go... don\'t worry, it should be fine..." The dean looked at the person who came, and said nervously, sweating profusely.

   "Should? Humph!"

The Yingwei man couldn\'t help but snorted coldly, and said sharply: "President Zhou, you should know very well that I am coming to the hospital in person at this moment, not just to listen to your word \'should\'! What happened to my son? Like? Say it!"

   "In, inside... Dr. Liu is operating inside!" Hearing that, the doctor couldn\'t help but whispered.

   "Dr. Liu is there in person?" Wen Yan Gao Zhinan\'s face became slightly better. He has a relationship with Dr. Liu, and he knows how powerful the other party\'s medical skills are, so if the other party does it himself at this moment, it can barely make him less worried.

   "Mr. Gao! I have something to say. Although Dr. Liu is in the operating room now, he is not the one in charge of the surgery." Zheng Yi suddenly said loudly.


   As soon as these words came out, not only did the dean and others suddenly change color, especially the look on Gao Zhinan\'s face was extremely difficult to see, I didn\'t expect it to be like this? Dr. Liu is in the operating room, but the person in charge of the operation is not him?

   "Then who is operating on my son now? Who is it?" He couldn\'t help but hoarse.

Hearing this tone, the sneer at the corner of Zheng Yi\'s mouth became stronger and stronger, and then he saw him and said again: "The person in charge of the operation is just a graduate of a third-rate university. Let the graduate who has a relationship with him do it."

   "What!? A graduate of a third-rate university." The dean\'s face changed when he heard that, but he didn\'t expect such a thing to happen.

   You must know that the doctors who are qualified to operate in their central hospital are at least at the deputy director level. To become a doctor at the deputy director level of their hospital, one must be a renowned expert both inside and outside the province, or a medical master with impressive academic or clinical achievements.

   But now, Zheng Yi told him that the chief surgeon in the operating room was a graduate of a third-rate university. Isn\'t this slapping their central hospital in the face?

"President, I think Dr. Liu\'s behavior is extremely irresponsible! Especially that kid is clearly not qualified to go to the operating table, he is a graduate of a third-rate university..." Zheng Yi continued to speak with a gloomy expression, but was suddenly beaten break.

"shut up!"

I saw Gao Zhinan staring at him coldly, gritted his teeth and said: "Listen to me now, if my son really has three long and two shortcomings, I promise you will let you bury me! Don\'t think I don\'t know what you\'re thinking, bah, waste. !" With his identity and experience, he could see at a glance what kind of thoughts the other party had, and he said such words to sow discord!

   You must know that he and Dr. Liu Changsheng have a good relationship, and understand who the other party is!


   With the medical ethics of the other party, it is absolutely impossible to do something that is sorry for your conscience! In other words, it\'s this **** **** who is sowing discord...Bah! What a waste!

   "Mr. Gao, you, I..." Then Zheng Yi\'s face changed suddenly, I didn\'t expect Gao Zhinan to have such an attitude! pale.

   "Throw him out to me, an eyesore." Seeing this, Gao Zhinan waved his hand coldly as if disgusted with flies. The bodyguard behind him immediately responded when he heard the words, walked towards Zheng Yi who was in a panic, raised him up, and threw him outside.

   "No, Mr. Gao, you can\'t treat me like this! I\'m a regular employee of the hospital, and I\'m the deputy chief doctor!" Zheng Yi yelled, but no one paid him any attention.


   "Okay, the danger is almost lifted." After about an hour or two like this, Chen Fei was sweating profusely and completed the last step, pulling the patient back from the brink of death.

   "Miracle, it\'s a miracle."

Looking at the patient on the operating table whose condition was stabilizing, Dr. Liu Changshan couldn\'t help showing a hint of horror in his eyes, and then sighed with sincerity: "Xiao Fei, oh, no, I should call you Dr. Chen now. I have to. I can\'t believe your medical skills, it\'s amazing. It\'s amazing!"

   You must know that this is a completely hopeless situation in his eyes. If he is asked to perform this operation, the patient will most likely stay on the operating table and will never wake up after that. But now, Chen Fei performed a miracle in front of him. I have to say that this is really amazing, and it made him feel convincing from the bottom of his heart!

   At this moment, of course he knew that Fade Chen\'s medical skills far surpassed him!

   That\'s right! is far beyond him!

   "Dr. Liu, it\'s me, Gao Zhinan... my son, how is the situation?" Perhaps he noticed the movement in the operating room, and a middle-aged man\'s voice sounded from outside.

   "Gao Zhinan?"

   Liu Changshan Dr. Liu was startled when he heard the words, and then opened the door of the operating room with Chen Fei\'s consent.

Then I saw Dean Zhou approaching nervously, first glanced at the pale Fade Chen, and then whispered: "Dr. Liu, you scared me to death today. How is the situation of Mr. Gao? It should be fine. Right?" Everyone was nervous when they heard the words.

   "Mr. Gao, Mr. Chen is your son\'s savior. Why don\'t you come to thank him?" Dr. Liu Changshan nodded slightly when he heard the words, and suddenly said solemnly.

   "My son\'s savior, isn\'t it!?" Gao Zhinan was stunned when he heard the words, and then an uncontrollable excitement appeared on his face.

   He couldn\'t help trembling and said, "I, me, is my son all right?"

   "If there is no accident, it should be fine." Fade Chen took the conversation with a smile. You must know that he did his best just now, using the method taught to him by the expert in the cultivation world, to cure the dangerous condition in the patient\'s body!

   That\'s why he\'s so tired now because he\'s exhausted.


   "Ho, it\'s really okay! The patient\'s condition has stabilized. This is incredible."

  Some of the previous doctors were unbelievable, and then quickly ran to the various instruments in the operating room to observe, and after a while, there were bursts of exclamations! It\'s really okay, this, this, how is this possible? It\'s just unbelievable.

"This little brother... Oh, no, Dr. Chen, right? Thank you so much. If it weren\'t for you, Gao Zhinan would have no future." Mr. Gao of Tangtang Canghai Group couldn\'t help being excited at this moment. Extremely, holding Chen Fei\'s hand, I don\'t know how to thank him. Emotions are hard to contain.

   You must know that he Gao Zhinan is only such a son, and he is so old. If he dies, wouldn\'t it be \'the white-haired man sends the black-haired man\'? He didn\'t want to be so old and have no children!

   "Mr. Gao is very polite. It\'s just the right time. If you can help, it\'s just a little help. It\'s not worth mentioning." Fade Chen said weakly after hearing this, looking very modest.

"Mr. Gao, there is one more thing I have to tell you. Although your life is now saved, this leg, because it is a comminuted fracture, may not be saved. You have to be mentally prepared." At that time, Liu Changshan suddenly said.

   "Can\'t keep this leg?"

Gao Zhinan was stunned when he heard the words, and there was an uncomfortable and complicated look in his eyes, but then he still smiled reluctantly and said, "It is a great blessing for this stinky boy to save his life. Dr. Liu , don\'t worry, I can understand and hold on..."

   "It\'s not that exaggerated, this leg can be kept." But at this moment, Fade Chen suddenly said.

   "Can you keep it?" Liu Changshan was shocked when he heard the words, and immediately looked at Fade Chen in disbelief. You know, this is a comminuted fracture, and in his opinion, it must be amputated! But now Chen Fei actually said that he could keep it... Could it be that he could really keep it?

   It wasn\'t just him, the other doctors present looked at each other in disbelief, completely unbelieving, hell. In this case, how could that leg be saved? Impossible!

   "Mr. Chen, are you really sure?" Gao Zhinan couldn\'t help breathing very quickly, and he was extremely nervous, and said slowly. In his opinion, it would be best if he could keep his son\'s leg again, but, is this really possible? If it could, it would be incredible.

   Thinking of this, he actually bowed deeply towards Chen Fei, and said solemnly: "Doctor Chen, if you can save the dog\'s legs. I, Gao Zhinan, owe you a life!"

   As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn\'t help being surprised. You know, that is the general manager of the Canghai Group, Gao Zhinan! How many people dream of a high branch that they can cling to, but now they actually use such a humble attitude to say that they owe their lives, it is hard to imagine that this scene is true.

   "General Manager..."

Chen Fei was also a little startled when he heard the words, his heart rumbled and his breathing was short, but he shook his head with a pale smile and said: "Go, Mr. Gao, I understand that your beloved son is eager, but you don\'t have to. I have It\'s not a big problem to be sure that you can keep your son\'s path."

   "Thank you, Dr. Chen." Gao Zhinan took a deep breath when he heard the words, and a look of relief appeared on Yingwei\'s face.

   (end of this chapter)