Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 1: lost love

Chapter 1 Broken Love

   In the summer of 2012, the temperature seemed to be maddeningly hot. Under the scorching sun, everyone seemed to be on fire, sweating profusely and feeling extremely uncomfortable.

  The talent recruitment market in Beishan City, Jiangnan Province, is maddeningly hot at the moment. The vast recruitment venue is full of job seekers, and the tide is surging. Not only is the venue overcrowded, but there are even long queues at the entrance and outside the gate of the venue.

   It can be seen that there are indeed many people who come here to find work.

   "Hey, I didn\'t find it again."

In the crowd, a young man in his twenties with a single shoulder bag on his shoulder, washed jeans, a cheap T-shirt and short-sleeved top of more than 20 yuan, and a job application profile in his hand, glanced at the heat wave in front of him, as if The crowd was crowded with people, shook his head, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, turned around and left helplessly.

   His name is Chen Fei, and he graduated from a third-rate undergraduate college in Beishan City, majoring in traditional Chinese medicine.

It is not the first time for him to come here. He came from a poor family. As soon as he graduated, he fell into the ranks of the social job-seeking army. He worked hard every day to deliver cover letters, hoping to find a job, no matter what. Is it suitable or not, how much is the salary?

   After all, considering the current embarrassment of his major in China, and because he came from a third-rate university, if he could have a job, he was already burning a high incense, blessed by the Bodhisattva, and he had no right to be picky.

   But unfortunately, no matter how ambitious Chen Fei is, he comes here every morning and night to deliver his cover letter, but the result is nothing. No one looks down on him, a top student who graduated from a third-rate university majoring in traditional Chinese medicine.

  The profession of traditional Chinese medicine has gradually declined in China. If those famous Chinese medicine universities or nationally famous provincial key graduates are fine, at least they will not have trouble finding a way out. Based on the college brand on their heads, many city-level and county-level hospitals are still happy to recruit them. After all, many people still have preconceived notions of famous universities.

   As long as they graduate from famous universities and nationally famous provincial key Chinese medicine universities, they will definitely be very powerful, and they will not live up to their name.

   However, Fade Chen is only a graduate of an ordinary third-rate university, so his employment situation is quite serious.


   He sighed again and walked out of the job fair venue that looked like a steamer. Although the air became a lot fresher all of a sudden, he was still a little dejected. After all, this job hunting trip could almost be said to have failed again, which made him really feel a little powerless.

   "Can\'t I really find a job here? Does Chen Fei really have to go to the construction site to move bricks?" Chen Fei pulled his hair helplessly and muttered to himself.

   He had a talent that others envied since he was a child, that is, great strength. Ordinary tens of kilograms of things are like ordinary toys in his hands, and they are like playing with them, so he is really suitable for going to work on the construction site.

   However, although he didn\'t mind that kind of work, his girlfriend Xiaodie was very disgusted by Chen Fei doing that kind of low-level work.

   Even in the past, in order to buy a birthday present for Xiaodie, he went to the construction site to do a part-time job in private. After being seen by his classmates, it spread to Xiaodie\'s ears, and the two had a fierce fight because of it.

   If it wasn\'t for Chen Fei\'s begging later, I\'m afraid the two of them would have broken up long ago, and they can\'t wait for today.

   Thinking of his girlfriend Xiaodie, Chen Fei suddenly had a smile on his helpless and depressed face. Although his family background is not good and he has not been able to find a good job, he has a very good girlfriend.

   Xiaodie, whose full name is Zhu Die, is a top student in the business department of his college. Although she has not yet reached the level of a department flower or a school flower, she is also a beauty that many people pursue. It took him a lot of effort at the beginning, and it took at least a few months to catch Zhu Die. For this reason, he was blackmailed by the animals in the dormitory for an unknown number of meals, which was envied by others.

   "Ding Ding Ding!"

  Suddenly, the outdated Nokia mobile phone that he had been using for several years in his bag buzzed, and when he saw the caller ID, it was actually his girlfriend Zhu Die\'s phone number.

"It\'s really saying that Cao Cao and Cao Cao are here. You have to hide the things that you can\'t find from her. Otherwise, you will be scolded again!" Although Chen Fei complained like this, his face was still filled with a happy smile. Pick up the phone and press the connect button: "Xiaodie..."

   But before he finished speaking, a disgusting voice came from the old Nokia mobile phone: "Chen Fei, let\'s break up!"

   "What? Break up!?" Fade Chen almost felt like a thunderclap.

   "Why, Xiaodie, why did you break up?" Fade Chen yelled regardless of the surprised eyes of the people around him.

"Why, Chen Fei, you are embarrassed to ask me why, now we have all graduated from senior year, and you haven\'t found a job yet, I ask you, what do you want me to do with you in the future? It doesn\'t matter if you don\'t have money, even a hospital You can\'t even get a job, it\'s a waste, and I don\'t know what I liked about you in the first place." The voice became even more disgusting.

   "But, but, I will work hard, and I will definitely let you live a good life in the future" Chen Fei said anxiously, and wanted to keep it.

"Okay, Fade Chen, work hard, what\'s the use of talking? Do you know how much Wang Shao gave me a necklace? That\'s more than 100,000, enough for you to work on that filthy construction site for a few years. Do you really think that the old lady wants to live with you for the rest of your life as a scumbag who works on the construction site? Stop dreaming, I, Zhu Die, are so beautiful and young, so I should enjoy those good lives."

Hearing this, his girlfriend\'s undisguised disgust and mockery made Chen Fei a little silent, but he still gritted his teeth and whispered: "Xiaodie, you should know who Wang Jie is? It\'s his fault. Are there still few women? Do you really think he likes you and can live with you for the rest of his life?"

Wang Jie, a well-known dude in his university, usually changes girlfriends as often as changing clothes. It is purely for fun, but because he is rich and has a deep background, it is said that he has a relationship with Tianxiang Group, a well-known leading enterprise in Beishan City. If there is a relationship, there are naturally a lot of money-worshiping women flying into the flames, rushing to think of something to do with him, hoping to rise to the top, such as the upper class, and live a good life.

"so what?"

However, his girlfriend didn\'t care and said lightly, "Young Master Wang has already promised me that as long as I promise to date him, he will give me a house in Beishan City and a car, even if I break up with him, I have been able to establish a foothold in Beishan City and live a comfortable life."

   Chen Fei was even more silent after hearing this. After a long time, he said, "Xiaodie, you have changed."

   "This society is like this, okay, that\'s it!"

   "beep, beep"

   Hearing the hang up sound from the other side of the microphone, Fade Chen couldn\'t tell what he was feeling at the moment.

   It’s okay to fail to find a job. Who knows that even the perfect girlfriend in his heart has become so money-loving and so realistic that his mind is blank and he doesn’t know what to say.

   "Be careful, that car is out of control!"

   Just as he was confused and aimless because of the breakup, and walked forward blankly, on the side of the street not far in front of him, a car suddenly lost control and rushed towards the pedestrians beside him. The first one was a tall and slender woman in a white shirt.

   She has a tall, hot body like a model. The formal white shirt and the black hip-packed skirt are completely matched. The two slender jade tui exude a white luster against the high heels, like white jade.

But now, because she was on the phone, she didn\'t seem to notice the danger coming. Seeing this scene, Fade Chen was stunned for a moment, and then rushed out with gritted teeth. The whole figure rushed to the tall and slender beauty like a gust of wind, holding her in his arms. out, the whole process happens in an instant.


   The tall and slender beauty reacted at this time, and the mobile phone she was calling slipped from her white fingers. She seemed to be stupid, and let Fade Chen throw her into the grass on the other side of the sidewalk,

   At the same time, he screamed with a pale face.

   The next moment, the out-of-control car whizzed past her. This made her even paler and petrified.

   "Stop screaming, I didn\'t hit you again."

   However, at the next moment, a helpless voice came from below her, and Murong Shan reacted in shock.

It turned out that just when the out-of-control car was about to hit her, someone rushed over and rescued her at the critical moment. Moreover, just when the other party fell down on her, in order to keep her from being hurt, she actually shot her in mid-air. Their positions were forcibly turned over, and they fell onto the grass as a meat pad.

   So at this moment, apart from being a little frightened, she actually did nothing,

   Something happened, of course, Fade Chen who was lying in the garden at the moment.

   "You, are you okay? Thank you, thank you for saving me!"

   Seeing this scene, Murong Shan wanted to stand up immediately, but she felt that her beautiful legs were suddenly weak, and she screamed, the whole person fell down again, and fell heavily into Fade Chen\'s arms.

   "No, I\'m sorry, my leg seems to be twisted, you, are you alright?"

   Being embraced so intimately by a strange man, Murong Shan\'s heart thumped.

   flushed and shy,

   but also a little embarrassed, asked in a low voice.

   As for Chen Fei, at this time, it is both painful and happy. Heart beats a hundred times faster.

   Because the woman in his arms at this time is definitely a beauty with a perfect score of 100 points, at least 95 points or more. The so-called school beauties, models, and big stars in people\'s eyes will be overshadowed by her beautiful figure and face. Much inferior.

   Chen Fei has hardly seen such a level of super beauty in real life in his life, let alone bumped into each other.

   This is simply too exciting!

   So cool that he has no regrets at all about taking great risks to save people.

   Speaking of which, his former girlfriend is also a famous class girl in the school. But compared to this mature, intellectual, elegant, pale, timid, and lovable beauty in his arms at the moment, she is still completely like an ugly duckling and a white swan... If this beauty could be his girlfriend that would be nice?

   In a trance, Fade Chen even began to think wildly.

   At the same time, a shy, very nice royal sister\'s voice came from his arms.

   "You, can you let me go?"

   At this time, Murong Shan\'s face was also flushed, and her heart was pounding. Such a close contact with a strange man, and there is such a strong masculinity blowing towards him. It\'s the first time she\'s grown so big...

   (end of this chapter)