Unprecedented Pill Refiner: Entitled Ninth Young Lady

Chapter 306

As for the monsoon smoke, Liuhuo naturally has not a word. He nodded his head honestly and was taken to the room by Linghe to have a rest.

Monsoon smoke today upset mood because of the return of Liuhuo, and become flying up, walking with the wind.

On the other side, I sat at the table quietly and watched the flickering fire in the room. It was very peaceful.

He put the little bat on the table and put his fingertips on his forehead!

The little bat suddenly woke up, red eyes just opened, on the flow of fire deep eyes, scared it immediately stumbled back to move the little butt, a face of tears.

Liuhuo looked at the little bat's frightful response and said lightly: "from now on, I am your same family, do you understand?"

The little bat stared at the fire.

Without saying a word, the flowing fire ignites a black flame at the fingertips. The pure black flame is surrounded by a black mist, which corresponds to the flickering fire light and shows the mysterious danger.

When the little bat saw the black flame, his blood was almost frozen. He dared not move and picked it on the table. He nodded cautiously, but the panic in his eyes was so obvious.

The streamer removed the black flame and said nothing more.

The little bat stared at the side face of the fire with lingering fear, and his heart was still beating wildly.

It vaguely felt that there was a familiar smell on Liuhuo. It seemed to feel it tonight But where is it, it can't remember

The monsoon smoke is in a good mood because of the coming of Liuhuo.

But Ji's family is gloomy.

It's late at night, but Ji chieftain and Ji Brown haven't fallen asleep yet. Their faces are very ugly. Because of the "blackmail" of Lei family and monsoon smoke, Ji family's warehouse has been emptied and the stock of each young master and young lady has been pulled a lot.

Since Ji Fengyan left, Ji's family has been full of complaints.

What's more, Ji chieftain gets the news that his father, the real head of Ji's family, Ji Ru, will be back soon. If Ji Ru is to know that there are so many things happening during the period when Ji chieftain is in charge of his family, I'm afraid that his ability will be greatly questioned!

At this moment, Ji chieftain and Ji Brown are sitting in the hall, watching the door of Ji's house slowly open, and Ji Linglong and snow leopard slowly walk into their sight.

Ji chieftain's eyes became more gloomy.

"You're looking for monsoon smoke?" Ji chieftain said in a deep voice.

Ji Linglong stops slightly, looks at the familiar but strange father in front of her eyes, and lightly says, "that's right."

"Are you crazy? What did monsoon smoke do to Jijia? You even went to her? Don't you think she didn't do enough harm to Ji's family! " Ji chieftain smashed the mahogany table beside him in a rage and stared at his daughter with bloodshot eyes.

In the face of Ji chieftain's anger, Ji Linglong's response is very calm.

"Father, it's not monsoon smoke, it's you."

"Unbridled!" Ji chieftain stares at Ji Linglong.

Ji Linglong said: "my father is determined to let mubai inherit the world destroying armor, but there is one thing that you must know. The exterminator of Ji's generation is only monsoon smoke, and it can only be her. No matter what kind of means my father uses, Ji mubai can't be the exterminator."