Unprecedented Pill Refiner: Entitled Ninth Young Lady

Chapter 256

The auctioneer looked at the back of Lei Qin's departure, and his expression was embarrassed. He turned to monsoon smoke, and his expression had changed from perfunctory to subtle passion.

"What's the name of this artifact, Miss Ji?" The auctioneer knows a lot, and naturally knows that the value of runes in the hand of monsoon smoke is far higher than that of Shenglong dun.

Monsoon smoke took the rune paper off his shoulder, put it together with the stack in his hand, and said with a smile: "it? You can call it a defensive charm. "

Defensive Rune

The auctioneer's mouth slightly twitched, always feeling that the name of the artifact wanted to be "casual".

In fact, there is no name for this Rune paper, but it's just one of the many runes for learning monsoon smoke.

After monsoon smoke showed the ability of the defensive talisman in person, everyone at the auction house knew that they couldn't get a more valuable artifact. After all No matter the aristocratic family or the dignitaries, they will keep a magic weapon of the town. Even though the green blood and exquisite trees are rare, they have no courage to empty their house.

Three hammers set the tone, and the green blood exquisite tree was thus brought into the bag by the monsoon smoke.

When the auctioneer took the defensive talismans from monsoon smoke, his expression was cautious.


The auctioneer looked at the light waving Rune paper in his hand, and smelt a faint smell of blood. Then he looked at the red pictures on the rune paper

Isn't it written in blood?


How can the blood look so fresh?

After the monsoon smoke got the green blood exquisite tree, she had no idea to talk with Zhou Xuan, who was in the auction house. She gave Ling he a look and then walked out of the auction house holding the green blood exquisite tree.

Linghe sat back and said, "let's go."

“??” Yi Chen's face was blank, but he still stood up honestly.

Yi Chen was curious about where the beautiful "master" went, but when he left the auction house and returned to the carriage, he saw

The "master" who left midfield didn't know when, but he was a little pale.

He naturally understood it as an uncomfortable response to "not photographing the green blood exquisite tree".

Linghe got on the carriage and saw the monsoon smoke. His expression was a little tangled, but he didn't say anything.

Yang Jian drove ahead, and the carriage moved slowly. The originally crowded carriage was even narrower after another sweep.

Linghe sweeps around the car, but he doesn't see the shadow of the green and blood exquisite tree. He is just about to ask a few obscure questions.

Who knows

"Poof!" Originally good end of the monsoon smoke, but suddenly out of a mouth of blood.

The bright red blood splashed Yi Chen's face.

Yi Chen was dumbfounded in an instant.

Ling crane's eyes suddenly again and again, suddenly help the body shape some unstable monsoon smoke.

"Miss! What's the matter with you? "

The face of monsoon smoke is a little abnormal pale at the moment. There is a trace of red blood on the corner of her mouth. She frowns slightly, shakes her head slightly towards Ling He, and lifts her hand to erase the blood on her lips.

"This time, I really have a blood bank." The monsoon smoke narrowed its eyes and filled its mouth with a thick sweet smell.

The defensive charm is very defensive. Under this powerful effect, the consumption of aura is also very huge. The internal elixir of monsoon smoke has not yet recovered. To forge ten defensive Charms by force, its self consumption is also very serious