Unprecedented Pill Refiner: Entitled Ninth Young Lady

Chapter 137

The soft palm swept through the tip of the gun, leaving a sharp bloodstain on the white and clean skin.

Tick by tick of blood, along the palm of the monsoon smoke, drop on the ground, a little bit of bloom, like a bunch of blood colored flowers.

Zhan Fei narrowed his eyes, but he couldn't see through the seasonal wind and smoke.

However, Su Lingpeng sneers, thinking that the monsoon smoke is frightening and stupid, and seeking death.

"For the sake of you and my colleague's destroyer, if you honestly hand over the long love flower now, and then hand over this person named Yang Jian to me, I can spare you from dying." Zhan Fei's cold words.

But the monsoon smoke said, "what if I don't?"

"Those who disobey the order of the eldest princess..."


Zhan Fei's deep voice was full of murderous spirit.

Ling He and others on one side have already been sweating all over, but they are all ready to rush up and save the monsoon smoke before Zhan Fei.

Gong Zhengyu's eyebrows are light and wrinkled, and his eyes are complex looking at the scene in front of him.

"Oh? Then you should kill and see. " The monsoon smoke is not scared, the smile is still there.

No one noticed that the clusters of bloody flowers dripping at her feet had slipped into the hard marble ground and disappeared without trace.

"Then don't blame me for being rude!" Zhan Fei gave a snort, and the hand holding the gun suddenly pulled back. He was ready to give the girl a fatal blow!

Almost at the same time, the fingers hanging on the side of the body draw the next circle


At this instant, a dark shadow suddenly ran between them!

"Don't be rude!" A cold drink echoed in the hall with the appearance of the shadow.

A little familiar voice made Zhan Fei's shot suddenly freeze in the air.

Monsoon smoke surprised at the sudden appearance of the man in black.

It was a cold-blooded young man who looked about twenty-eight years old, wearing a light black armor and a long black bow on his back.

"Xuanwei?" Zhan Fei was shocked to see the man in black suddenly appeared. An ominous premonition suddenly spread in his heart.

The young man in black, known as Xuanwei, glanced at Zhan Fei indifferently. "How dare you be so rude in front of the national division?"

Zhan Fei's hand was shaking suddenly.

Su Lingmin and Lei Min's heart mentioned the voice and eyes in a moment.

Almost in the moment when the voice of the youth in black fell to the ground, the three turned their heads together, and suddenly saw a pure white figure standing at the entrance of the hall!

Without any hesitation, the three men knelt down on one knee, sweating all over their backs, and the sound of kneeling was clear.

"See the national teacher!"

With a trill of voice, echoed in the hall.

The monsoon smoke slightly raised the eyes, looked to that pure white figure doubtfully, the Mou son slightly shivered in the instant.

It was a beautiful and suffocating man, dressed in a white robe, with gold thread rolling edge, outlining the grand but not luxurious clothes. His hair was more striking under the plain color clothes. He just stood quietly in front of the gate, but imitated the Buddha to suppress everything in the world, just like the bright moon in the night, sending out the cold and elegant Brilliance makes people There's no way to look away.

Guoshi, Star Tower.

In the Empire, the real spiritual leader is the emperor, who is allowed to give him three points.