Unprecedented Pill Refiner: Entitled Ninth Young Lady

Chapter 117

The man chuckled and shook his head. "The things in the gold coil are part of it. If the rare ore in the adult's hand is enough, there will be more precious things sent to your hand."

Monsoon smoke thoughtfully looked at the calm and self-contained man in front of him. His tone was warm and friendly, but his grace was not negligible. This temperament was not raised by ordinary businessmen.


"I have a lot of ore in my house. As long as I have enough, I can bring them here at any time." The monsoon smoke opened slowly. Although the long love before was rare, it was nothing strange to her.

If you want to repair your inner alchemy as soon as possible, you can only make various attempts.

"Please don't worry about that." The man smiled, but his eyes seemed to fall on the small face of the monsoon smoke.

Monsoon smoke looked at his eyes, can't help but raise his hand and touch his cheek, "what's the matter?"

The man smiled softly and said: "nothing, but I didn't expect that the new city Lord of Jicheng would be so......"

"Young, isn't it?" The opening of monsoon smoke.

Man a tiny a Leng, really by monsoon smoke self ridicule tone to make some funny.

"Yes, beyond my expectation."

"I don't think my age will affect our cooperation." Monsoon flue.

"It's natural." The man answered softly, and then said, "I'm going down to the palace to show my feathers. I haven't asked you..."

"Monsoon smoke."

Ling He and Zuo Nuo waited outside the carriage for a long time. Their eyes glanced at the carriage that the monsoon smoke entered for a while. Only Yang Jian stood motionless.

The people in line around also cast curious eyes.

After a while, the door of the carriage was finally opened. Ling He and Zuo Nuo trembled and went up.

However, it was not the monsoon smoke that came out of the carriage, but the handsome man in a big suit. The mouth they just wanted to open was immediately taken back when they saw the man.

"Little Lord." The two businessmen in black who were outside showed a little surprise in their eyes when they saw the youth coming out of the carriage. They immediately came forward and said that Gong Zhengyu had helped him down from the carriage.

When Gong Zhengyu landed, the monsoon smoke slowly emerged from the carriage.

"Little Lord, how do you..." The two men in black looked at Gong Xuyu with some worry.

Gong Zhengyu raised his hand slightly and stopped what they had not said. He turned around and looked at the monsoon flue which had already come down from the carriage. "So, thank you for your help today."

The monsoon smoke answered. Ling He and Zuo Nuo were confused. I don't know what they said.


In the mansion of the city, Liuhuo sits in the courtyard and looks down at Xiaobai Ze lying at his feet.

Suddenly, there was a noise of disordered footsteps in the front yard. He raised his head subconsciously and saw a bodyguard running in front of him.

"What's the matter?" Said the fire.

The bodyguard's footsteps gave a slight pause. "Master Liuhuo, it's the young lady and they are back." Then he ran to the front yard.

Liu Huo did not know what he was thinking. He patted Bai Ze's small head, stood up from the stone bench and walked towards the front yard.

Just arrived in the front yard, Liuhuo saw the familiar figure and walked into his own eyes.