Unprecedented Pill Refiner: Entitled Ninth Young Lady

Chapter 115

The picture of the two kneeling together is in sharp contrast to Su Lingpeng's aggressive arrival.

Suddenly there was a murmur all around. No one thought that the girl who was not good-looking at that day could pull off several influential figures in Jicheng.

People's voices came into Su Lingpeng's ears, and every sentence seemed to be a sharp edge, cutting through Su Lingpeng's pride inch by inch.

She clenched her fists in secret, and her red lips were white from the bite of Bei's teeth.

"You must hate me, don't you?" The sound of monsoon smoke suddenly sounded from the top of their heads.

Lei Min shakes slightly and doesn't open his mouth.

Su Lingpeng raised his eyes and stared at the monsoon smoke. The hatred in his eyes had explained everything.

"Unfortunately Hate me again, don't you have to kneel now? " Monsoon smoke blinked innocently, almost didn't let Su Lingpeng spit blood on the spot.

"Please City Lord Ji, give us the long feeling of Bingdi." Thunder murmured.

The monsoon smoke smiled and slowly opened the brocade box. The slender fingers gently pinched one of the flowers in Biandi's long love. It was like the aura of golden flame, curling around her palm. The monsoon smoke came out of the palm without trace and mixed into the aura of the long love flower.

"This long love flower is my gift to the eldest princess." Monsoon smoke says, put that long love flower in front of Su Lingpeng.

Su Lingpeng stared at a long love flower that had been pinched. She raised her head and looked at the monsoon smoke, saying, "OK, how are you?"

The white and tender fingertips of monsoon smoke stick to their lips and make a silent gesture.

"To give is love, not to give is duty, life can not be too greedy."

Su Lingpeng almost bit the root of his teeth and almost rushed to tear up the seemingly simple face of the monsoon smoke.

Lei Min frowns tightly, but at last he says nothing. He picks up the long love flower and helps Su Lingmin to stand up. He looks at the monsoon smoke, his eyes are complex and sinister. Then he doesn't say a word, and with Su Lingmin, he strides away with those light brocade guards behind him.

It's a shame for him to leave here.

"Miss, what do you do for them? Even if it is given, they will not say that you are good. They are afraid that they will say that you are not good at the big princess only after they go back. " Linghe looks at the back of Leimin's departure, some speechless.

The monsoon smoke does not think so but waved.

"It's up to them, too, to pay what they can."

"What do you mean?" Ling crane is a little confused.

Monsoon smoke didn't explain any more, but casually threw the brocade box with long love flowers to Ling He. He was ready to go back first, and then took a basket of stones to test the water. It was just to disgust Su Lingmin and Lei min. for her, it was useless.

Just when the monsoon smoke wanted to leave, the black clothes merchant who had just carried away the baskets of rare ores suddenly turned back.

"This guest, please stay!"

"What?" A little smoke of monsoon.

"Listen to those people just now. Is the guest the new city Lord of Jicheng?" Asked the merchant in black.

"Well." The monsoon smoke nodded.

The two men in black were slightly shocked, then said: "I have seen the Lord of the city. My little Lord wants to talk with the Lord of the city about something. Can you move into the car? “


Running around these two days, so the update time is sometimes in the early morning, sometimes in the evening, the update on the 30th is in the early morning, so don't mistake it for no change, MoMA.

[irresponsible little theater]

little Madman: the title of this chapter makes me feel the approaching of beauty.

Some North: can you astringe your that pair of flowery fool's appearance?

Little Madman: Huachi? No, it's not. People love beauty.

Some North: I want to tell little Liuhuo, you want to empathize!


Little Madman: eh? Little Liuhuo, listen to my explanation, I didn't

Liuhuo: what does it have to do with me. [indifferent face]

a North: roar!! This is really angry!

Madman: take my knife.

A North: what do you want to do?!

(thank you for your hard work and pinching your shoulders.)