Unlimited Anime Works!

Chapter 73

[thanks to Yaowang, maoyouzhitong and children's shoes falling from the sky, for collection and recommendation, and for the second one]

there are two people left on the beach, the school strip Festival and the rainy day. Looking at the fair and soft skin of the school strip festival in the rainy day, they suddenly blush, especially the swimsuit full of wild tiger pattern Surging, not bandage, not * *, not stripe, not lace, not transparent, but wild.

Wild clothes can make men more excited.

In the view of wind and rain, stripe dress is the beauty of softness, bandage dress is the beauty of freshness, * * dress is the beauty of modesty, lace dress is the beauty of loveliness, transparent dress is the beauty of enchanting, tiger dress is the beauty of wildness.

All kinds of costumes have their own artistic conception of beauty, giving people a refreshing feeling. The strong impact is tiger pattern, transparency and bandage, while the subtle fragrance is stripe, * *, tie.

"Set Can help Can you help me with sunscreen? " The school sacrifice said timidly.

"Ah Good... "

The wind and rain Chen pays attention to the clothes on the school bar sacrifice body, hears her words, subconsciously nods, but after a while, only then the heartbeat speeds up, rubs the sunscreen? Well, Ji, are you killing me?

Listen to Sakura full set (rain) agreed to come down the voice, school sacrifice suddenly heart trembled, really, Huayin let her do so, but this is OK? Won't Sakura Manji think that he is the kind of frivolous woman?

But then he said something and couldn't take it back. He bit his lip and walked under the umbrella.

The wind and rain Chen helpless, can only follow up, have already agreed, again refuse words, will certainly let others sad, and others girls are not afraid, what is he afraid of?

Xiaotiaoji, lying on the cloth on the beach, handed a bottle of sunscreen to fengfengchen and said, "Ji, please..."

Rain hour nodded, took sunscreen.

Behind her hands, she untied the tie on the back of her tiger bra and showed her white and delicate back in front of the storm, but her face was full of blush. It's true that Hua Yin gave her such an idea. Is it too fast to do this now? And will the meeting feel that she is a bad girl and ask the boys to do it, What a shame.

He poured some sunscreen oil on the back of Xiaotiao sacrifice in the rain, and then reached out to wipe it gently

"Oh "Please..."

Suddenly, like an electric shock, the school bar festival gives out a slight murmur. It's the first time that the girl's pure body is touched by a boy like this, or the first time. It's a little startled. It's like a deer's disorderly heart. At the same time, with a touch of emotion, the school bar Festival feels like a heart beating. It doesn't hate Sakura Manji's comfort to her body.

"Too hard? Then I'll be a little lighter... " The wind and rain suddenly hands dare not move, others girls but such * * voice, in case how, he really can't help ah.

"No It's ok... " Suddenly, she sat up and said, but she forgot that the tie on the back of her bra had been untied. All of a sudden, her body was completely exposed, and it was in front of Sakura Manji. This kind of thing

"Ah I didn't see anything... " The wind and rain suddenly covered his eyes, did not see is false, just a moment, the school sacrifice beautiful body but completely showed in front of him, and the instant reaction how can be so fast, so the line of sight is naturally the school sacrifice body stayed for a long time, and then contact with the school sacrifice line of sight, he just covered his eyes.

In a moment, her heart beat even more. She just looked into Sakura Manji's eyes, but she didn't feel uneasy. Normally, if a girl's body was seen by a boy, she would feel uneasy. But she didn't feel this kind of feeling. The only explanation is that she has been deeply affected by the boy around her. Even to this extent, she won't feel uneasy Producing disgust or disgust.

Once again lying on the cloth, the school of mosquito sacrifice sound said: "ah, set, how do you think of me?"

The wind and rain Chen loosens the hands that cover half eyes, say: "how to treat? Well, in my eyes, Ji is a gentle and considerate girl. She is like a cure. With you around, she always feels like she has someone to talk to. She can discuss with you even if she meets something. Besides, Ji knows the uneasiness and hesitation of others best and always appears when she needs it. Besides, the Bento made by Ji is delicious. If it's Ji, I think it will be a good one in the future A good wife. "

Listening to yingmanji's words, xiaotiaoji suddenly feels that her heart is full of sweetness. What yingmanji says is praise to her hand. When the girl is praised by the boy she likes, she is very happy and joyful, so xiaotiaoji feels very happy at this time.

Can't help but school article sacrifice hand and cherry full set (rain) fingers together, said: "set, see right? But It's OK. I don't care. Because it's a collection, it doesn't matter. OK, continue to wipe it for me... "The wind and rain felt the emotion revealed in the voice of the school bar sacrifice. Suddenly, she was moved. She released the little hand of the school bar sacrifice and wiped it on her back.

This time, there was no sound, but his face was like a red apple. He felt his body was gently comforted by the wind and rain, and suddenly felt his heart beating constantly. His whole body was soft and unable to move.

"Nah, Ji, let me ask you something, OK?" The school bar sacrifice suddenly summoned up the courage to say.

Fengfengchen nodded and said, "what's the matter? As long as I know, I will answer in the affirmative... "

He closed his eyes and whispered, "if, I mean if, if the prayer doesn't appear, the assembly won't choose me?"

"Ah?" The wind and rain sent out their doubts.

"I Set I like you, Ji! I've wanted to say it for a long time. I like it from the beginning. Ji is a very gentle person in my opinion Always It has always been very gentle. Although you and Qi have that kind of relationship, I still want to say it, because if I don't say it, I'm afraid I will never have the courage to say it again. Ji, I like you! " Branch sacrifice immediately summoned up the courage to say, eyes dare not look to cherry full set (rain) eyes, for fear of being rejected.

For a moment, he didn't know how to answer the memorial ceremony. For a moment, he was stunned in the same place. How could he say that he could not hurt her? Maybe it has been hurt. In the hall of the villa, fengfengchen admitted his feelings with Huiqi, just to let the soul hall SA Tai dispel her delusion of Huiqi, but did not expect that a girl around him who was deeply hurt by him was hurt

She put her hands behind her back and tied a tie. Then she walked to the beach with her back to the wind and rain. She was afraid of the wind and rain's reply

Looking at the lonely appearance of the school article Festival, suddenly the wind and rain can no longer make the girl sad, and immediately said: "sacrifice, if, if Without prayer, I will choose to hold your hand

For a moment, the body of the school article Festival trembled, and a light named hope suddenly appeared in her eyes. She was not defeated yet. The answer of Sakura Manji (fengfengfengchen) made her all unwilling to lose. He said such words, he must have feelings for himself in his heart, but he prayed that she was too beautiful and excellent. What she lost was not feeling Love, but excellent, so this is also relieved

"No matter what, I will always like you..."

School festival, a pair of small hands on the back together, and then the beautiful turn, a brilliant smile to cherry man set (rain) blinked under the beautiful eyes.

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