Unlimited Anime Works!

Chapter 65

his neck was pinched in an instant. In an instant, he was alert and threw away the Anti Gravity Gun of chenghuyan No.2. With his hands leaning against the feeling, he immediately grasped the air in front of his neck and pulled it heavily



All of a sudden, there was a scream. When it was raining and raining, he leaned back and felt the range of the invisible man. He held the invisible man's body behind him like lightning with his hands and hit the ground heavily

"Bang Poof... "

In an instant, a stream of blood spilled out from the ground, and then a teenage boy appeared in front of the wind and rain. His head overflowed with a lot of blood, mixed with the brain, and his eyes were wide open. It seemed that he could not close his eyes.

What about invisible people? His fighting skills are not fake, and his strength is very strong. The moment the shadow man pinches his neck, the wind and rain break the invisible man's wrist, and then he falls backward, which makes him die instantly.

Jokes, close combat with him, and close combat with koizo are not his opponents. Let alone ordinary people, Sanda champion is a casual name.

The person who attacked fengfengchen was a neutral player, and he didn't join GHQ and the funeral club. It's said that he had finished the task and killed a player of GHQ or the funeral club, but this guy wanted to snatch the king's ability of yingmanji here.

Invisible people think a little wrong. Now Sakura man Ji is not a real Sakura man Ji. Otherwise, he may really succeed. After all, the ability of invisibility is also one of the top abilities. It's not difficult to kill Sakura man Ji and then those who are ill at God's end. There should be no problem in the world of manipulating the crown of evil.

But the problem is that fengfengchen replaces Sakura Manji. The negligence of glasses man makes him die, and his ability of time imprisonment is also very powerful. It's not his strategy that glasses man loses. His strategy is completely correct. He thinks very clearly and guesses fengfengfengchen's identity, but underestimates fengfengfengchen's strength

The invisible man made a mistake in strategy. He didn't think that Sakura man was someone else, so he made a mistake in calculation, leading to his death.

Both men with glasses and invisible people are one step away from success, but this step is like a natural moat. If you succeed, you will lose!

At this time, like the original anime, dalir broke the core of white blood cells, causing the satellite out of control and began to fall down to Tokyo.

Wind and rain suddenly turned his lips, really, or to use the empty sword long-range shooting, destroy the falling satellite ah.

"How are you, Ji? Are you ok? I didn't expect that someone came in wearing an invisibility suit! " Tsutsugamushi God Ya immediately looked over and said.

Fengfengchen shook his head and said, "it's nothing. It's all up to Argo to teach me how to fight. Otherwise, I really have to play Cough Cough However, the core of the white blood cell has been destroyed. It's a big trouble! "

The wind and rain coughed a few times to express his discomfort. Tsutsugamushi Shenya took the invisibility of the invisible man as the invisibility cloak. Now there is a invisibility cloak in this era. In the first battle plan of liubenmu, the funeral party used this kind of invisibility cloak. However, although the invisibility cloak can be invisible and can't be seen carefully, it still has something to do with the air Different, can distinguish, but the invisible person's invisibility is not the same, there is no sense of camouflage.

"Ah, no, the state of leukocyte 1 (the first experimental product produced by leukocyte experiment, which is also a successful product) is a little strange. Because the core is damaged, the posture adjustment program has been mistakenly started, and the orbit is descending. In this way, leukocyte 1 will maintain its full mass..." The thrush suddenly radioed an instant message.


Suddenly tsutsugamushiya surprised, if the fall is successful, no doubt the whole of Tokyo will be destroyed!

"Well, we're going out to fight..." Tsutsugamushiya said, and went out.

The rain and the prayer followed one after another.

"Ji, give me the pen GHQ gave you..." Tsutsugamushiya said.

Rain Chen suddenly showed a little surprised, took out the pen on the body and handed it to tsutsugamushi Shenya.

"Did you notice It seems that you haven't used it Sakura Manjun It's a pity, but now I want to thank you... " At this time, a man with short purple hair in GHQ white high-grade combat suit came out with a tear mark in his left eye.

"You are Shuo Jie..." Tsutsugamushiya looked at the visitor and said.

"Preliminary meeting, tsutsugamushi Yajun..." Shuo Jie said with a smile.

Tsutsugamushiya raised his pen and said, "make a deal. I will use this result satellite as an exchange. You will erase all the information related to Sakura Manji obtained in this series of events..."

Shhh, the world was stunned for a moment, and then hummed: "well, I look forward to your destruction with the satellite..."

With that, Shuo Jie left here.

GHQ to the wind and rain of the pen, can transmit the signal to white blood cell 1, to destroy the falling satellite, white blood cell 1 must be in the launch satellite and pen in a straight line, white blood cell 1 received the pen's launch command, the falling white blood cell 1 will send the command to the air launch satellite (launch satellite is to receive the command to attack the satellite), so launch satellite The star will attack and destroy white blood cell 1, but the pen holder will also be on the straight line of attack. Therefore, someone must go up with the idea of death.To tell you the truth, Fengshui Chen really wants tsutsugamushiya to die here. He doesn't want to take out the big sword in the original book to attack from a long distance and destroy it together with leukocyte 1 and launch satellite. But Fengshui Chen knows that it's not the time to let him die yet. Tsugamushiya, an experimental mouse, has some effect.

Then it's the same as the story

Fengfengchen hears the call of Yingman's real name in Huiqi's body, and takes out the big sword of void. At the same time, it activates the second ability of the big sword of void, long-range ray attack. Before, the big sword of void had only one ability, that is physical chop. However, through the power call of the real name, the big sword of void has the second ability, long-range ray attack.

The void of Yingman's real name is the same as that of Huiqi. After all, Huiqi is cloned from the DNA and void of Yingman's real name. The consciousness of Yingman's real name is hidden in the body, but it is very weak. Generally, it is difficult to induce it. Only at the critical moment will Yingman's real name be revealed, or when Huiqi turns black, the character of Yingman's real name will also be revealed Cloned.

"Ding, join the battle, promote the successful implementation of the white blood cell battle plan of tsutsugamushiya. According to the development of the original animation plot, complete the branch mission, and strengthen the void ability: the hand of swallowing (the ability to steal others' void is realized and used). At the present stage of evolution, the number limit of swallowing void: 4, the use limit of a single void is 3030 times, and the void limit is permanently solidified (you can have one void forever): 2. The limit of void enhancement synthesis: 2 (you can synthesize two voids, and you can choose one void for enhancement)

"I didn't expect that you would help me in the end Thank you... " Tsutsugamushiya stretched out his hand to the wind and rain.


Fengfengchen and tsutsugamushiya clapped their hands and said: "ha ha, no, you said you would take part in the battle. How can you only show off by yourself? And if you don't care, I hope you will blame me, ha ha..."

"You've really grown up, but it's not enough. You need to work hard, Ji..." Tsutsugamushiya sighed and said, why, he didn't remember what happened at that time, why did he forget the past and seal up his past? Really

Fengfengchen waved his hand and said: "ha ha, I'll try my best. Although I don't know the meaning of fighting, I'm probably used to this feeling, so I'll try my best next time..."

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