Unlimited Adventures

Chapter 294

After talking, Qi Guang waited for the other party\'s reply and offered such conditions. He really didn\'t believe that the other party could refuse.

After a while, Zeng Qiu replied with a strange look: "I\'m afraid... I\'m afraid it\'s not necessary for the time being. Our leader Xiang is just friar jiedan."

"Well, no need. Do you know how valuable the guidance of real person\'s great power is... For a nine turn friar, this... Well, what do you say? He\'s just in the period of Dan knot?" Qi Guang answered smoothly, and suddenly his eyes stared.

Just the end of the pill period? Then why is the whole Fuyu sect dominated by him? Although the door is rubbish, at least there are several yuan babies who rotate nine times. Can\'t this guy really have any backstage?

But on second thought, what about a jiedan friar, even with the background of Jing Mo? He was born in wanjian Pavilion, the real first door in northern China, and Jing Mo may not dare to offend himself!

Over there, Zeng Qiu said impressively, "yes, leader Xiang is only at the end of the Dan period. The real person\'s guidance is really useless..."

He was sneering in his heart. If boss Xiang was there, he would have slapped him. Your master is just a real person. Do you want to point him out? The boss\'s background is a supreme disciple!

Among all the people, he and Chu Xuan who know Xiang Yang\'s background the best also have the most confidence in him. How can the supreme disciple have few means to protect his life? If Xiang Yang really had an accident, it has been a year now. His master is afraid to kill him long ago...

Qi Guang\'s eyes turned cold: "then what do you mean, the floating jade sect doesn\'t want to?"

Zeng Qiu said with a wry smile, "this elder, how can we make decisions for him if the envoy is not here?"

Qi Guang stopped paying attention to him and looked at Hu Shan, who had been standing in front of the little girl: "younger martial brother Hu, what do you mean?"

"Hu Baobao, he\'s bad silver. I\'m not going with him..."

The little girl was very clever. She had already heard that the guy in front of her was going to take him away. She held Hu Shan tightly with her little hand and said wrongly.

The little guy\'s voice was very delicate. Hu Shan sighed, gently shook her little hand and signaled her to rest assured. Then Han Sheng said, "elder martial brother Qi, Wan Jian Pavilion is the first sect in northern China. You can\'t forcibly seize people\'s disciples, can you?"

Qi Guang took a deep look at him and suddenly smiled: "OK, OK! Everything is good! In that case, there\'s nothing to say! As a disciple of wanjian Pavilion, I naturally won\'t take people. But today, I\'m seeking justice for the empty mulberry gate. Um... Let\'s start the competition mentioned earlier! If the Fuyu sect loses, move out of here for me!"

The friars of the empty sangmen nearby were relieved. When Qi Guang wanted to accept disciples on behalf of the teacher, they were still a little nervous. They were afraid that the commander would leave them alone for the sake of the little girl. However, they didn\'t expect that the Fuyu sect was so ignorant, but it was also guilty and could not live.

First, the jiedan friar stood up and threw his fist at the polite people around him. Then he waved his hand and summoned a mallet like magic weapon: "in the underground light of xiakong sangmen, I don\'t know who came out to give advice?"

All friars of Fuyu sect were silent. Zeng Qiu and Dan Ding looked at each other and sighed. I\'m afraid we can\'t do well today. Even if the disciples of jiedan period win, what can we do? The last two games were a steady loss...

Do you just watch zongmen humiliated? Driven down the mountain?

Brother Jing was not afraid at all. He stared at the nine turn monk of the empty mulberry door with narrow eyes and muttered: "the old man\'s cultivation is too high. I guess I can\'t beat him, but if I can hit him a few times, I can earn some original... Alas, if I let the old man practice for hundreds of years, I can beat out his green shit... What a pity..."

He murmured there in a very low voice, but how sensitive was the monk at the end of the ninth turn? It wasn\'t far away. The old man\'s angry face turned white at the end of the ninth turn of the empty mulberry door. He almost didn\'t hold it. He rushed directly to beat him first.

"Why? Can\'t a disciple of jiedan period pick it out? Still dare not? Just like this, still want to participate in the war of chaos? It\'s a disgrace to our northern China!"

Qi Guang sneered and spoke more and more impolitely. By the way, he also wanted to let the little girl see her prestige and her family\'s weakness.

But as soon as his voice fell, a sneer came from the air: "is it the end of the Dan period? Why don\'t I come?"

"This voice..." almost all the friars of the Fuyu sect looked up at the same time, and then looked at the sudden figure in the air. First, they were silent for a while, and then erupted into cheers like mountains and tsunamis.

"Chief Xiang (boss). You\'re back at last!"

Somehow, as soon as he appeared, all friars of the Fuyu sect immediately felt that their waist was much straighter. Even if Xiang Yang had only the realm of Dan knot, he had already become the backbone of these people after many miracles. It seemed that as long as he was there, everything would be carefree.

This trust has long been deeply rooted.

"Let you worry..." Xiang Yang strolled down from the air and looked around with a smile.

His eyes seemed to flash, and he was wearing a simple black Taoist robe. Compared with when he left a year ago, he just looked more mature, and the original round lines on his face are much clearer now.

But everyone thinks that he has changed a lot. That change is very strange, which has nothing to do with cultivation and strength. But now, standing in the crowd, even if there are several nine turn monks around, he still gives people a feeling of being superior.

Just like a suckling tiger in a flock of sheep, how can the size hide the difference of blood?

Qi Guang looked at him in surprise. As soon as he appeared, he brought himself a feeling of danger.

But after a careful look, he couldn\'t help feeling a little ridiculous for his suspicions. It was just a monk at the peak of jiedan. He was in the middle of nine turns. What qualifications does a monk in jiedan have to threaten himself?

In this world, there are indeed talents who can challenge beyond their level, but no one can challenge the middle of the ninth turn at the end of the pill period. Even if there is, it is by no means a broken sect that can be trained.

"What kind of envoy are you? Just in time. Is this girl your disciple? I\'m a disciple of the magic skill immortal of wanjian Pavilion. I want to take him as a disciple on behalf of the master. It\'s also for her good. I want to be a disciple..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiang Yang went over and squatted down. The little girl cheered, "Xifu!" threw herself into his arms, rubbed his jaw with her little head like a little cat, and giggled.

"Someone wanted to take her as an apprentice twice in a row. Does this little guy have the physique of \'the best apprentice in the mountain and sea\'? But he really got Tianyan because of her. It\'s her blessing to escape from death this time!"

Xiang Yang hugged the little guy\'s soft body and looked up with a sneer: "my disciple, just a real person also wants to take it away? What qualifications does she have?"

A monk in jiedan period asked immortal Jiujie what qualifications he had...

Such absurd words were spoken in Xiang Yang\'s mouth, but they were taken for granted. For a time, even Qi Guang was stunned...