Universe's Ultimate BOSS

Chapter 371

"In the early stage, we have to make a sound to let the world remember our products, so that the later stage can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people," Wang Hao said softly

Three people nodded in succession. No matter what business is the most difficult in the early stage, as long as they are on the right track, it means that money will flow into their pockets.

Wang Hao scratched his chin. "First of all, the name of the product should be good. It's called brain gold."

"Brain gold!?" The three were stunned, and soon accepted the name of this wonderful flower.

Wang Hao continued: "next, we need to do publicity. Let pan Jiayi give us advertisements. We need to bombard them 24 hours a day to brainwash everyone. At the same time, the advertising words should be easy to remember. It's called that we don't accept gifts this year. We only accept gold. We are looking for two old people to dance, saying that we are very energetic. There is only one purpose, Tell the world that our company is rich and has a lot of money. "

All the people nodded their heads. Now the society judges whether a company's products are good or not. First of all, we need to see whether its advertisements are loud enough.

If you can't even fight the advertisement, it must be a lack of funds and a liar.

Wang Hao said with a serious face: "we must do the following: our products can not make people live longer, but we must also ensure that we can not eat dead people and make money. My conscience is still there."

The voice just fell, the whole scene was silent, they just heard right! How can the goods say that he has conscience!?

Wang Hao continued: "next, when opening a store to find sales, remember to look for thick skinned ones. When you see the elderly coming, you must keep them. Don't call them aunts or uncles. You can not only warm the empty and lonely hearts of the elderly, but also offer a piece of love for the society. Let the world know that we really care for the elderly."

The three were stunned. Is this love? It's just a matter of exercise, isn't it!?

"Next, we must make sure that every bottle is filled with small life potions. Even if we put a gram, we must also put it, so that we can clearly tell the relevant departments that I am not cheating." Wang Hao picks his eyebrows.

The three were stunned. It seems that they didn't cheat and were very legal. They really let it go. It's just a matter of how much.

"Now, we are going to start our tourism business, take the elderly to Shaoshuai star for free, stay in hotels and visit the barracks." Wang Hao said with a smile.

Qian wanyang is puzzled and asks, "what does it mean to bring the elderly to Shaoshuai star for tourism?"!? Isn't that a big expense? "

Wang Hao shook his head and said with a smile: "we want them to see that our factory needs to be protected by the army. It can be seen that it's a powerful regular company. At the same time, we need to take the old man away from home and gather together to hold a longevity meeting. Only in this way can we wash the brain and make them pay for medicine. This single can ensure that you can earn hundreds of times more. By the way, we can also help publicize For a moment, such travel expenses are too small. Remember, when you leave, you must send some eggs and bananas to let the elderly know who is best for them. "

The three of them stared at Wang Hao, and couldn't help but clapping their hands. This routine is so deep!

Wang Hao continued: "at the longevity conference, we can also ask the pharmacists of the Pharmacy Association to give a speech. Remember to tell the truth and tell them how powerful the small life potion is. Then we are arranging several old people to be trustees and tell other old people that I have drunk this brain gold. I'm really fine. I'm young. I'll eat, drink and have fun. If the old people still If I don't buy it, I think I'm in luck. "

Voice just fell, three people have a kind of worship impulse, so true and false, false and real, there is that old people will not believe, do not pay money?

"Boss, are we really a regular business like this?" Qian wanyang couldn't help asking.

"Why not!?" Wang Hao left his mouth and said, "we don't steal or rob. We operate in accordance with the law. We register for Industry and commerce. It's completely legal. You tell me, it's not formal!"

After thinking about it, the three people found that they couldn't find any illegal places.

Chen Yao asked, "boss, the official should not ask for trouble, but what if these old people come for trouble?"

"What are we selling!? Little life potion! " Wang Hao gives Chen Yao a disdainful look. "Even if the content is small, there are some. As long as you drink it for a long time, the effect will surely appear. These old people thank us for not having enough time. How can they get into trouble?"!? Remember, we are serious business people, do not engage in crooked ways. "

The three people were stunned and were educated by Wang Hao. They suddenly found that they were not cheating at all, but doing something meaningful to the society.

Qian wanyang looked at Wang Hao with admiration. "Elder brother, you not only care for the empty nest elderly, but also help the elderly to prolong their life. You take the elderly to travel to prevent them from getting Alzheimer's at home. It's just an angel coming down to earth, touching the top ten young people of the year!"

Wang Hao raised his head and said modestly, "these are nothing. We are just making our own contribution to this society."

Qian wanyang and other people took off the corners of their mouths. Can you point your face, young commander!?

Wang Hao explained: "remember that this brain gold is the lifeblood of our regiment. We must recruit more agents in the whole interstellar Federation. No, now the two federations cooperate and we can expand our business."

"Don't worry, young commander. I promise to finish the task." Zhong Li saluted the headmaster, and then asked curiously, "how many bottles of brain gold should we price?"

Wang Hao thought, "as the saying goes, everything in the world has a price, only life is priceless, I think it's a bottle of 1000 star coins!"

Just after the voice fell, the three people were shocked at the same place, as expected It's dark enough. How many bottles does this ton of water need to match!?

At the same time, they can also think that even if one hundred million old people buy, they can support the cost of an army.

After all, they already have such big things as the courage warship and equipment. Now they only need to pay for maintenance at ordinary times. Although they add up to a lot of things, they don't really need to cut the flesh a little bit.

At this time, Gu Yang came in, "report to young commander, Miss Xia Weiwei is waiting for you outside."

"Xavier!?" Wang Hao is stunned. What does this violent little Laurie come to him for!?

When Wang Hao and his party came to the reception hall, Xia Weiwei was sitting there with her cheeks bulging.

And there is a very charming beauty beside xiaweiwei. The mature charm is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary women.

And xiaweiwei in front of this woman, that's totally a baby.

However, according to the face shape, the two people have six points of similarity. I think most of them are Xia Weiwei's mother.

Wang Hao is stunned. What is Xia Xiaoniu doing with her mother?!

"Whatever she does!" Wang Hao curled his lips. "I've never been afraid of women."

Gu Yang worships him on the face. Although he has slept with countless little stars and thinks that he is good at Taoism, he has only found that the quantity can't be compared with the quality since he met Wang Hao