Universe's Ultimate BOSS

Chapter 309

Tianma star.

A beautiful seaside, docked with a luxury cruise ship.

On the cruise, there are a group of sexy and hot bikini beauties, who are surrounded by a young boy.

Not far away from the shore, Wang haozheng looked at the scene from afar.

The fragrance on the edge is the bitterness on one's face. Obviously, you can go to the overlord's meal, but at last, you follow the gold digger to the seaside.

And the most painful thing is that she wants to stand on the beach and drink the north and west wind while others sit on the luxury cruise ship and eat delicious food and drink red wine.

"Wang Hao, let's not watch it. Let's eat first!" Xiangxiang looked at Wang Hao pitifully and said that he was really hungry.

Wang Hao turned his eyes, took out a basket of carrots and handed them to Xiangxiang. He hoped that the food would shut up.

Seeing carrots, Xiaobai quickly jumped into the basket, picked up a carrot and ate it like an African refugee who had been hungry for three days.

You are welcome to Xiangxiang. One hand, one mouth, and then you don't know if you want to chew it. Anyway, you can kill one carrot in one second.

When Xiaobai picked up the third carrot to open his mouth, he suddenly felt a look of resentment.

Looking up, Xiangxiang bit her finger, stared at the carrot in her hand, and swallowed her saliva.

Seeing this scene, Xiaobai's heart is broken. Who can imagine that he was the landlord rabbit sitting on a big carrot mountain two days ago.

But now it's a loser rabbit who can't even eat a full meal. Is it cruel for a rabbit only two and a half years old to bear this gap!?

But there is no way, who calls it afraid of fragrance!

"Here you are!" Xiaobai closes her eyes painfully and hands the carrot to Xiangxiang.

"Xiaobai, you are so lovely. My sister likes you best." Xiangxiang pleasantly touches the rabbit's head, and then takes the last carrot.

It's just that this time the fragrance was not devoured, but tasted with intoxication.

Wang Hao's pupil suddenly shrinks. When Xiangxiang touches the rabbit's head, there is an inexplicable energy that spreads to Xiaobai's body, which makes Xiaobai break through in an instant.

"What is the origin of this fragrance?" Wang Hao is very surprised. He has a very strong premonition. The origin of the fragrance is very terrible.

At the same time, Wang Hao's brain is also thinking, how can this fragrance like eating carrot as pet feed!?

Is she a monster!? Is there such a human monster!?

You should know that in the interstellar Federation, the highest level of monsters is the so-called divine beast.

But the beast can only speak human language, and it can't change into human form at all.

But if it's not a beast, what kind of fragrance is it!?

"Forget it. Don't think about these things." Wang Hao shook his head.

Because no matter what the origin and variety of Xiangxiang are, as long as he knows that there are dumb and cute snacks around him, he not only has the security guarantee, but also can be more lawless and get more guilt points.


At this time, an old man suddenly fell in front of Wang Hao and made a miserable cry.

Touch porcelain!?

These two words came to Wang Hao's mind in a flash.

"How are you, old man?" Xiangxiang wants to help the old man.

"Wait!" Wang Hao grabbed Xiangxiang and said, "old man, you don't know how to touch porcelain. There are cameras all over the place. You can't mistake me at all."

The old man picked out from the corner of his mouth, "young man, the cameras along the way have been damaged by the old man. You'd better pay for it! Otherwise, when the police come, you will give them if you don't give them. "

"Broken!?" Wang Hao is stunned.

The old man nodded proudly, "young man, you are the 100th person I met here, so I'll give you half price..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Hao rolled up his sleeves and punched the old man in the face.

"Whoops, how do you beat people?" The old man lost his mind in a moment. The plot is wrong!

"Hum, I ran into the porcelain on my head. You don't want to ask about it. I'm in there..." Wang Hao is not polite either. He uses both fists and feet to fight the old man.

And also very impolite to the old man's cash, smart bracelets and other valuable things away.

When Wang Hao left, the old man suddenly sat up, scratched his chin, and murmured, "if there was no wrong reaction just now, this boy seems to have understood the unity of heaven and man, but this boy is only 17 or 18 years old. Is he the Wang Hao in the news recently?"

"Haha, who is this boy?" The old man laughed, "I've been playing in the world for so long, blackmailing and hitting porcelain to seduce my younger sister. I've never met an opponent before. Today, I meet such an interesting little guy, so I must have a good fight to see who is the cheapest..."

The next second, the laughter was still there, but the old man had disappeared in place.

At this time, Wang Hao used the smart Bracelet he got from the old man to send a message to Qian wanyang, asking him to come and pick up himself.

At the same time, Wang Hao also learned from Qian wanyang that the major forces let the younger generation continue to fight for the inheritance of the crystal.

Wang Hao turned his mouth and said, "no one can do anything without King Wu..."

However, when Wang Hao turned his head, he saw that this delicious food actually ran to the seaside barbecue stall, and was rolling on.

Just to make Wang Hao dumbfounded, he also sent a few messages. As a result, Xiangxiang had eaten more than 50 strings and urged the boss to bake them quickly.

At the same time, that greedy look, let Wang Hao finally understand what is the top wanted food.

"Wang Hao, come here and eat together soon..." Xiangxiang happily beckons to Wang Hao. The smell of youth instantly attracts the attention of male creatures on the beach.

When Wang Hao came to the barbecue stand, Xiangxiang hurriedly handed him a newly roasted prawn, and then he took a giant roasted squid and ate it.

"I don't understand the world of food." Wang Hao shook his head, and then asked the barbecue boss, "boss, do you know who is the boy on that cruise?"

The boss laughed and said, "this young man is not a Tianma star."

"How can I see it?" Wang Hao asked.

The boss said with a smile: "you are talking about the famous Playboy on Tianma star, the young master of Tianjian mountain villa, Gu Yang. He basically gets on gossip weekly every issue. This girlfriend is more diligent than changing clothes. It is said that as long as a female star gets on the cover of Tianma star's fashion weekly, he must have slept... "

"So awesome!?" Wang Hao admits that he is a little jealous at this moment. Although those female stars are not serious people and are not as beautiful as the women around him, he is jealous